
macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 16:39:47

Originally posted by raz:
mcdiddy cheating? no way?


I know its difficult for you but try to comprehend the thread dumbass. It was ratski cheating.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 11th 2019, 16:42:30

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 16:15:45

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by st0ny:
galleri, question.

is there anyway to compensate the innocent country in cases like these since his country was ruined/damaged by someone else who broke the rules of the game ( "IF" it is found that #23 and #109 really broke the rules)?

if no, why is that? a coding/programming thing?


No there is not. No clue why. But the game devs have said many times before they won't or can't. I guess it is a risk you take. IDK.

Originally posted by macdaddy:
Tsk tsk.. Ratski cheated again. At least I farmed him a bit right before he got deleted. And the funny thing is that he started to landgrab me. I simply got my land back. Is that all it takes to get you to cheat?

Peachy Cabrone (#23)
Rank: 61
Networth: 1,448,854
Land: 6656
Successful Attack Percentage: 90%
Successful Defense Percentage: 12.5%
GDI Member

Don't be bragging. You have cheated a trillion times before. So sit down Karen.

The only time I ever cheated was when I was getting hit by two or more different countries. I was just making it a fair fight.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 15:56:20

Tsk tsk.. Ratski cheated again. At least I farmed him a bit right before he got deleted. And the funny thing is that he started to landgrab me first. I simply got my land back. Is that all it takes to get you to cheat?

Peachy Cabrone (#23)
Rank: 61
Networth: 1,448,854
Land: 6656
Successful Attack Percentage: 90%
Successful Defense Percentage: 12.5%
GDI Member

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 11th 2019, 16:12:52

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 15:46:07

No.. and I didn't think you were the joking type. I was joking around when you snapped and perma banned me on IRC.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 15:36:13

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by galleri:
Do it and find out that my post was a just kidding post.

well that's totally not fair considering a possible offence against the server has already been made. Tell us now please if you are looking into it or not. That's discrimination.

Actually I will be back in an hour. Gonna make you wait for that post. And telling Prime to eff off.

Well, check yourself and see how your acting right now. Take a deep look and then maybe you will see how I act the way I do.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 15:28:03

Originally posted by galleri:
Do it and find out that my post was a just kidding post.

well that's totally not fair considering a possible offence against the server has already been made. Tell us now please if you are looking into it or not. That's discrimination.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 15:26:25

Originally posted by galleri:
Ah see I am in the IDGAF mode for the last sets. I am allowing you all to do whatever you want.

are you giving me permission to create multis?

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 14:55:05

Originally posted by st0ny:
report them macdaddy. i dont know about uncle james but ratski has been deleted before so this is a repeat offence. once reported we can all then see what if THE mod is impartial and fair. :D

The timing did seem to be quite beneficial to Ratski didn't it?? Its either an FFA imp player or ratski creating multis again. Definitely worth looking into.... If it is Ratski creating multis he looks pretty bad. He couldn't even kill me with 2 countries and my economy has already fully recovered and running full steam. Taking that into account I'm sure it was Ratski.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 11th 2019, 15:04:31

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 13:55:50

Yup. it was me.. I love IMP and primeval

Edited By: galleri on Jan 11th 2019, 15:34:03. Reason: Go ahead and complain I changed your post

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 13:17:02

Originally posted by sinistril:
@ Syko

If I was degrading two people there, it was both of macdaddy's personalities. I just had to throw a troll towards you in jest but not out of any intention to degrade you. On the other hand, I see no reason to be decent to macdaddy. He's a compulsive liar, narcissist, and manipulator (although, he is not very good at manipulating anyone). Funny enough, he thinks that Trump supporters are stupid, yet the main charge levied against Trump is that he's a compulsive liar, narcissist, and manipulator... I suppose macdaddy is not smart enough to realize the irony.

Congratulations on starting your bachelors, I suppose I won't be able to use the self-edumacation bit anymore.

I don't hate all of Trumps qualities. I just hate his environmental record.. We cant keep on treating this world as our own personal piggy bank.. There are way too many people in this world and not enough to go around. He needs to get his fluff together regarding climate change and start protecting and investing in this world and not just the people. The world will survive a lot better without us.. Can we say the same?

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 11th 2019, 10:39:02

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by sinistril:
As I said, you're the kid that isn't invited to the party trying to rationalize. The only clan you'll fight for is one that doesn't exist because that way they can't reject you. As Donald Trump would say, SAD.

You're intelligence does strike me as being a Donald trump supporter. Not surprised. At this point, I don't care to be in a clan because none of them size up to my expectations. The only one that ever did was CC. And that's the only one that I would ever choose to be in. period. If I went to a school full of idiots and losers id rather just go solo and not join in.. With the exception of Syko.. The cool kids (CC) left the school so im not downgrading myself and hanging with the other morons.

How many sets did you spend in CC? You really seem interested in linking yourself to them. I'm sure they would be proud that the great macdaddy is carrying on their legacy... or not. Also, it's funny you are trying to insult my intelligence because I quoted a Trump meme. You remind me of the kind of guy that wears a Harvard sweater after failing out of Trump Univesity. I'd say that Syko's self-edumacation has been far more effective than the 4 years you spent huffing lead paint in the alley behind your McDonald's job. Your mother must hate having to share a trailer with you.

Actually my mother is a successful politician and my parents have a networth well into the millions. But thanks for coming out.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 10th 2019, 13:53:00

Originally posted by sinistril:
As I said, you're the kid that isn't invited to the party trying to rationalize. The only clan you'll fight for is one that doesn't exist because that way they can't reject you. As Donald Trump would say, SAD.

You're intelligence does strike me as being a Donald trump supporter. Not surprised. At this point, I don't care to be in a clan because none of them size up to my expectations. The only one that ever did was CC. And that's the only one that I would ever choose to be in. period. If I went to a school full of idiots and losers id rather just go solo and not join in.. With the exception of Syko.. The cool kids (CC) left the school so im not downgrading myself and hanging with the other morons.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 10th 2019, 16:31:07

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 10th 2019, 13:28:03

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by smegma:
didn't you guys try this before (and even brought in CC)? wasn't the result an epic fail?

I will always fight in my interest and never fight for LOC. They have turned into another netting clan like ICD anyway .. Nothing but a herd of fat cows. I really think the only way IMP will be ever overthrown on this server is if CC members returned and formed a new alliance.

Did LoC invite you to fight for them? You sound like a child that wasn't invited to a party and is trying to rationalize it by pretending you don't even like those guys. If Derrick asked you to join LoC, you'd get on your knees and show him your gratitude. But I doubt he would because he knows your the kind of guy that waits around asking for people to fight for him because you do not, and have not ever, fought in your interest. You wait around for other people -- those fat cows -- to do it for you. Even now you're waiting hoping ICD, LoC, CC, anyone will solve your problem despite the fact that half of IMP isn't even playing this set due to the holidays.

People know I'm not the biggest Syko fan, but at least he shows up, you? The reason I've made the point to people in IMP, multiple times now, that you should be left in peace is because I respect you so little that even if you decided to blindside IMP, I think the damage would be so painstakingly minimal that it would be worth it just to laugh at how pathetically you failed. Syko and even Zack at least present a real and persistent threat if left to grow with war builds. Not you. Better to be a herd of fat cows than the equivalent of the grass they eat.

let me get this clear to you right now fluff face. The only clan I will fight for here on out is CC.. Loc can suck it and I would never join them.. period. so

I asked you many times to fight me on express but your too big of a coward to fight honourably.. I would wipe the floor with you because all you know how to do is hide and blindeswipe people... Anyone can hide out, build up and FS someone unexpectedly and from what I can tell that's all you know how to do.. Zach and Syko could both kill you one on one and everyone here knows it. You are nothing. You hide behind big clans and are imps little fluff... And everyone knows youa re bottom of IMP.. Smegma, Hawk, whooze, would all present a bigger threat to me than you. You get down on your knees every set and suck primevals fluff

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 10th 2019, 13:35:16

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 10th 2019, 12:22:28

Originally posted by smegma:
didn't you guys try this before (and even brought in CC)? wasn't the result an epic fail?

I will always fight in my interest and never fight for LOC. They have turned into another netting clan like ICD anyway .. Nothing but a herd of fat cows. I really think the only way IMP will be ever overthrown on this server is if CC members returned and formed a new alliance.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 10th 2019, 12:41:18

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 9th 2019, 17:53:39

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Yes. You were teaching, but see above about war tech.

why does it matter to you on how I net if I never attack you? its you always starting war with me. You always preparing for war and then using it against me.. I haven't attacked IMP in years so why don't you just once give me the benefit of the doubt when im the one that never fs?

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 9th 2019, 17:49:03

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Originally posted by smegma:
you shoulda just netted. AKA not running max war techs.


I was netting.. teching with 15 tyrannies that feed the main country. That's how I net.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 9th 2019, 13:26:43

I know its far fetched but it would be cool to have a map like the game Risk. A map that adjusts in correlation to countries growth, etc..

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 9th 2019, 12:32:18

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Eh I have an LDP with them so technically those untaggeds are on me. I have a uNAP with whooze and imp so I cant hit them.

I'm just not really seeing a point...

It is afterall one string.
Yeah well killing one string is good moral support and it shows you honor your pacts. But what do I care. I'm not even angry, I expected it even though it's not what I wanted. Here I am the last one fighting yet again. Blah, just hurry up and finish the other ones, I don't even care to stonewall anymore.

That's exactly what I said at the start of set. I even told Derrick, whats the point of having pacts if I know you aren't going to honour them anyways.. He replied... How do you know we wont honour it? Well, time has been the judge.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 7th 2019, 12:26:04

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

...also zack is absolutely the mvp.

Meet Zach in this reset.. aka Steward Denethor..

Lol.. on point..

LOC has deserted us... abandone post!! Flee for your lives!!

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 6th 2019, 1:11:22

Had a few drinks... Feeling good so I thought id sneak a minute to come on here and tell Primeval he can suck on these nuts!!

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 6th 2019, 15:59:53

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 5th 2019, 16:37:43

Originally posted by whooze:
A war with me, syko and macdaddys on the same side?

Bragging about a 5 minute killrun... Really?

The only reason you kill a topranker in IMP is because IMP is slacking waaaaay to much...

Im not bragging about it.. All im saying is that its a big difference than all these people saying I do hour kill runs. its bull fluff.. they range more between 5-10 minutes. Im not bragging and I know there is room for improvement.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 5th 2019, 16:14:28

Hawk. I was referring to schweezy Hawk,
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Originally posted by Shweezy:
Syko would wipe the floor with Whooze thats for sure, also feel bad for Syko just a tad bit for teaming with MacTranny who spends most of his time wrotting books on AT, maybe thats why he gets 1hr KRs haha.

Also Zack, you are the true MVP lmao

I don't think so Weezy.

If your going to throw accusations around at least get it right. Just this morning I killed imps top networth guy in 5 minutes with second genaration countries..
one thing that is factual though.. me, syko and whooze would crush you no problem

What are you talking about?

Weezy said Syko could beat whooze.
I said I dont think so.

What does this have to do with you syko and whooze attacking me?

Chill Hawk.. I was referring to Schweezy..

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 5th 2019, 15:19:40

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Originally posted by Shweezy:
Syko would wipe the floor with Whooze thats for sure, also feel bad for Syko just a tad bit for teaming with MacTranny who spends most of his time wrotting books on AT, maybe thats why he gets 1hr KRs haha.

Also Zack, you are the true MVP lmao

I don't think so Weezy.

If your going to throw accusations around at least get it right. Just this morning I killed imps top networth guy in 5 minutes with second genaration countries..
one thing that is factual though.. me, syko and whooze would crush you no problem