
macdaddy Game profile


Jan 4th 2019, 14:54:44

Originally posted by mrford:
karnage and syko are the same person no? changes nicks like all the other scrubs.

and country build has little to do with speed kills. if you were netting you are even in a better position to speed kill because of stock.

speed has everything to do with planning and tab setup. I could do sub 20 second kills with my netters right now.

Sure.. But you cant deny that a First strike catches the opponent off-guard with an easy defense to penetrate.. They were expecting a retaliation and they were built to defend that. Lets take troop defense for example. When they attacked mine I had about 800k.. When we returned fire we had 4.5 million to penetrate. And by that time im sure they close to their computer or cell phone, getting ready to wall with billions on hand. We didn't have that headsup as our resources and appropriate funds weren't directed to meet those defensive requirements.

They also had full turns and we had spent all our turns and there is 6-7 players against 2. He also chem killed several targets but failed to disclose his kill types. Plus he had the advantage of hitting us after we had already retaliated against imp with what little turns the two of us had on hand. They had every advantage and there is no point in them talking badly about winning against two players when they also had saved and stored turns and the attack advantage. They look very weak given all of those facts and yet they talk about how strong they are. If they had wanted a real challenge they should have chosen to take on a tag of equal or greater value.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 4th 2019, 15:14:13

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 4th 2019, 14:03:32

Originally posted by whooze:
Let's just see how incredible awesome these guys are

xGHx first kills
1221 - 25 seconds (All CMs)
1220 - 27 seconds (All CMs)
1222 - 5 min 25 seconds (All but 3 are CMs)
1049 - 4 min 37 seconds
1218 - 12 min 23 seconds
1224 - 1 h 3 min 29 seconds
1223 - 43 min 49 seconds
680 - 53 seconds
2476 - 11 minutes 43 seconds

My first kills (all solo):
1185 - 51 seconds
2457 - 24 seconds
2451 - 36 second
2454 - 40 seconds
2452 - 48 seconds
1188 - 26 seconds
1182 - 14 seconds
1190 - 12 seconds
1184 - 15 seconds

And this is with the knowledge that I kill clowns (Well, Karnage knows his way around this game compared to the jerk he teams up with)

Lol! Are you really comparing FS kills to defensive kills? Come on man. I know you are smarter than that. My countries were designed more on the netting side than on the killing side.. My primary objective for this set was to net.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 4th 2019, 14:07:40

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 3rd 2019, 23:32:07

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Id put money on whooze 1v2 against macdaddy and syko

I think with the turn advantage whooze would get edged out. No offense whooze. Syko knows how to war.

which is more than we can say for you Hawk.. Where were you this set fluffhead?

I don't think you wanted me to come into this war. But if you want I can set up for some sub 20 second kill runs.

All you 3 idiots know how to do is stab people in the back! That's what IMP does.. Everytime I offer you idiots to come fight me 1 and 1 there is always an excuse. Admit it! You just cant fight a fair fight because you suck!

Anyways, this is the last time I will be responding this set or even looking at this thread, Im out..

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 3rd 2019, 23:35:01

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 3rd 2019, 23:22:58

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Id put money on whooze 1v2 against macdaddy and syko

I think with the turn advantage whooze would get edged out. No offense whooze. Syko knows how to war.

which is more than we can say for you Hawk.. Where were you this set fluffhead? Me and syko could take all 3 of you on in a fair fight. All you guys do is fight unfair fights,, none of you can fight.. Anyone can FS a netter unexpectedly and look good. That's all you idiots know how to do. I am better than Hawk, Sinistril and whooze.. period.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 3rd 2019, 23:25:32

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 3rd 2019, 23:00:42

Well me and Karnage killed six today.. You aren't counting all the ones we have done with untags. Anyways,, ill be in express if u ever get the balls to fight me there.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 3rd 2019, 21:49:14

Originally posted by whooze:
Originally posted by smegma:
The war scales tipped today. Before today it looked like it could go either way.

But GH wasted too many turns on ineffective ABs and failed GS runs. Solid warchats by Imp sealed the forthcoming result.

If IMP would have cared about this "war" it would have been over after the FS. Heck, the FS wouldn't just be one guy in the first place.

For the first 2-3 days I outhit "all of IMP". Ofcourse because most of IMP knows that Macdaddy really is a threat to no one...

Check out the speed of kills and compare me and you two GH-clowns and you may notice something...

youre e a joke.. you fought horribly and if smegma wasn't leading the fight you would have all 3rd generation countries.

Furthermore, you constructed War countries right off the hop. You had IMP behind you and all you did was FS and side swiped a netting clan with a lot more members than they had.. Congrats.. You're a hero.

ps.. I know you are IMP and you don't know how to fight a fair war but ill be in express if you ever want to man up 1 to 1.. puss

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 3rd 2019, 22:16:46

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 2nd 2019, 19:54:20

Originally posted by sinistril:
What smegma did that set had nothing to do with me, so how would I forget about him if I never knew about him?

You told me at the time that Primeval asked you to go solo and suicide into us.. And as far as I know it was the same for smegma. we were definitely outnumbered when you took into account all the IMP-affiliated solo clans and suiciders that were involved. Its the same BS every set,.. I don't plan to war, but IMP always does a surprise FS for no reason when im netting.. Then they criticize me that I "supposedly" did not fight well when im outnumbered 5 to 1 and have netting countries to fight with.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 2nd 2019, 19:43:59

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by sinistril:
I've never had imp backing when I've run as a solo clan. Not even sure what you're talking about. Do you mean a couple sets ago when I attacked loc? Thats the last set I've done anything in a solo tag aside from netting and it had nothing to do with you.

But really, you should STFU about how you'd destroy them if you had numbers unless you prove that you can at least be average.

Oh, and you don't remember blindsighting us when I was in Makinso's tag? Your memory is as poor as your insight on what happened this set.. I think everyone involved in the war can vouch I warred average. Especially when you take into account I WAS PLANNING ON fluffING NETTING YOU DUMB fluff WHILE I WAS BLINDSIGHTED WITH A FS. Dumb fluff.

That was like... Over a year ago. But you outnumbered us by more than imp outnumbers you this set, and that was unapproved by imp. They sure as hell were not gonna bail us out if we got in trouble. Even with more members, you still put up a limpwristed response. I think you got 1 kill on bomber maybe?

I got like 12 kills on smegma because he was suiciding us right from the start. Forgot about him, didn't you? Poor smegma. But I give credit when its deserved., He actually played and walled quite well this set. I would say he was IMPs best string who fought,..

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 2nd 2019, 19:48:04

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 2nd 2019, 19:30:03

Originally posted by sinistril:
I've never had imp backing when I've run as a solo clan. Not even sure what you're talking about. Do you mean a couple sets ago when I attacked loc? Thats the last set I've done anything in a solo tag aside from netting and it had nothing to do with you.

But really, you should STFU about how you'd destroy them if you had numbers unless you prove that you can at least be average.

Oh, and you don't remember blindsighting us when I was in Makinso's tag? Your memory is as poor as your insight on what happened this set.. I think everyone involved in th war can vouch I warred average. Especially when you take into account I WAS PLANNING ON fluffING NETTING WHILE I WAS BLINDSIGHTED WITH A FS FROM 2 DIFFERENT CLANS YOU DUMB fluff.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 2nd 2019, 19:40:10

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 2nd 2019, 19:21:12

[quote poster=sinistril; 46289; 880383]
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by smegma:
Sitting there right now as a matter of fact. But think I'll wait. Odd how i can easily walk over to the computer but would rather do it from here. Maybe I'll just farm him a little to get the bowels moving.

Im sure me and Karnage could had relaxed on the toilet and killed IMP on our cellphone if we had the FS & we grossly outnumbered you too.

PS.. We still have original countries left.. Is it the cell phone that is slowing you guys down? Better old school it if you don't want to look any worse.

If you aren't even getting 2 kills / day on your own countries you should really STFU. That's gotta be the minimum threshold for talking fluff because it's such an easy target to get.

Spoken like a true IMP fluff. I was getting 2 kills a day but we started to AB... If you don't know what the fluff you are talking about then maybe you should shut the fluff up.. Not that I would suspect anything else from the same piece of fluff who hides out, pretends to be solo clan then FS.. with another 150 imp countries behind him.. Try being an underdog for once and don't hide behind big clans. If your not willing to walk in my shoes there is another reason to shut your ignorant mouth. You are just IMPs little fluff

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 2nd 2019, 19:27:31

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 2nd 2019, 12:44:41

Originally posted by smegma:
Sitting there right now as a matter of fact. But think I'll wait. Odd how i can easily walk over to the computer but would rather do it from here. Maybe I'll just farm him a little to get the bowels moving.

Im sure me and Karnage could had relaxed on the toilet and killed IMP on our cellphone if we had the FS & we grossly outnumbered you too.

PS.. We still have original countries left.. Is it the cell phone that is slowing you guys down? Better old school it if you don't want to look any worse.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 2nd 2019, 12:47:21

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 1st 2019, 20:31:26

just like to add that its just me and Karnage fighting.. Zach couldn't find the time to fight.. Definitely outnumbered but we put up a decent fight.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 1st 2019, 18:27:54

Someone surprised FS'd us days ago with more members than we do... and we still have original countries left... Just saying.

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 31st 2018, 14:45:23

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Yeah and there's ultimately a point to be made about no matter if you decide to wear sheepskin or a wolf pelt, you don't have to announce it to the world. If I thought, hell knew, a tag of up to 100+ hated me, I certainly wouldn't announce on the forums what i was doing and where. Nor would i name my countries HEY THIS IS DERRICK AHM RIGHT HERE!

If you guys played next set with a discreet tag name and country names, and stayed out of the newsfeeds of the top clans, there's a chance imp and prime never even know you're there. When you announced you were playing, you had to know they'd be looking for you. It's what killers do.

Ive tried playing it low key before and they take that as a threat... 2 sets I have tried that and they hunted me down even when I stayed off the forums, refrained from contact and staying out of their newsfeed. So i thought coming out here and being transparent as possible, showing them my intentions and telling primeval i was open to peace negotiations was the best strategy.. He does not want peace.. No strategy works for IIMP.. They only understand one thing.. and that is war.

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 31st 2018, 0:57:48

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Live and let live. Mac... less talking on ffat and more stonewalling. Don't swap words with silver-tongued serpents. This is the part of the game they enjoy the most.

Yup.. You couldn't be more right Karnage.

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 22:40:47

Originally posted by the real bomber:



Dec 30th 2018, 22:15:48
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

what history? the only history I have with IMP is them pulling the same BS they do every set.. I had one or two bad sets when i first started to play here.. I was a noob and I played this like a war game.. Since then my game has evolved and I tried to many times to get ahold of you to bury the hatchet.. But you never gave me a second chance.. Its IMP.. Not me. Its IMPs history that is shady and trashy.. Look what they just did! Its the same crap every set but somehow they try to make me look like im in the wrong every single time .

seems to me u have a short memory-- hows bout the 3 sets in a row u killed my netter and my sons netter?

they dont count i guess huh, macdummy

your a fluffing moron. I responded after they FSd me.. Like they do every set you dumb fluff

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 22:15:48

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'm aware of macs history for sure and maybe even a bit of syko. Again, it wouldn't be a motivating factor for me because I dont war for those reasons. I look for the fun factor and not much else. And I'll continue to look for a pact from imp unless I'm planning to not net in which case I'd probably let you know just to make the war decent even if it was grudge reasons. Loc has no desire to war and is intelligent in seeking out pacts from every solo in the game. It's netting we want to do and we aren't shy about that.

However, asking me to quit running my mouth is like asking a peanut butter sandwich to grow legs. The truth don't belong to nobody and if you see it you speak it. If you were going to kill someone for saying dumb fluff you'd have killed icd a hundred times by now for having Marshal. Actions speak. I'm just verbally stirring a pot.

what history? the only history I have with IMP is them pulling the same BS they do every set.. I had one or two bad sets when i first started to play here.. I was a noob and I played this like a war game.. Since then my game has evolved and I tried to many times to get ahold of you to bury the hatchet.. But you never gave me a second chance.. Its IMP.. Not me. Its IMPs history that is shady and trashy.. Look what they just did! Its the same crap every set but somehow they try to make me look like im in the wrong every single time .

Edited By: macdaddy on Dec 30th 2018, 22:33:15

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 21:37:08

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Ahh hell I'll advocate. Why not...

I like for players to give me a reason to kill them and having a war build isn't enough imo. The past is not enough either, especially if I think I'm superior in my ability and strengths. Waiting for an actual challange to present itself is a wiser decision. What I see here is an unnecessary blindside. Maybe people havent warled over a hundred wars like me and still get to whack off and get adrenaline juicing during a warchat. Killing someone who isn't even going to give me a decent shot to wall is just going thru the motions of a deep seeded personal vendetta. IMP is certainly not looking for a challenge, a decent war or a good finish. If it's a war you desire and you want to have it be somewhat decent there is no reason not to contact a person like me to gather a crew for a wholesome exchange and a winter set worth playing.

Also trash FS by imp. Think it was 12-5 when I went to sleep and whooze had half the kills. 2 out of 10 stars. Better luck to both sides next set.

Well, of course you think that because you are a good leader.. Primeval isn't. Its as simple as that.

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 18:00:32

Originally posted by smegma:
I told you. more than once. you chose not to listen. even now you choose not to listen.

*shakes my head sadly*

are you the leader of IMP..? Maybe you should be because Primeval does fluff all.. I was waiting for a confirmation from Primeval.. I did not receive anything.. for sets and sets.. UJ told me a few days ago I was doing a good job and I was.. there was no reason for what you did to us.

Edited By: macdaddy on Dec 30th 2018, 18:04:18

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 17:52:49

Originally posted by smegma:
it is rather quite simple. you were told that if you want to net in peace, then run a netting build. but if you run a war build, you will be perceived as wanting war. you made your choice.

BTW, I am sorry that you got fired from that vape shop.

actually if you paid attention you would know that Primeval told me nothing...

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 17:19:47

are you going to sit here and deny the fact that I have sent you like 100 messages seeking peace and asking to bury the hatchet? can you deny the fact that the last 8 sets I have done nothing but net and you have repeatedly attacked me? correct me if im wrong.. I have said nothing but the truth.. Im sorry if the truth sounds bad for you but maybe you should reconsider your actions in the future if you don't want to look like a dik.

Edited By: macdaddy on Dec 30th 2018, 17:21:47

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 16:53:46

Originally posted by mrford:
You still continue to do stupid fluff like impersonate other people. No one here believes your victim mentality.

You are simply not capable of being diplomatic.

Impersonating others was me just having a bit of fun. Hardly a reason to launch a preemptive strike against a netting clan that is minding their own business.. It had nothing to do with IMP.. IMP are nothing but a bunch of war mongers looking for innocent victims..

Bottom line.. I had not launched any pre-emptive attacks in years.. I have kept to myself and netted for sets and sets.. They have attacked me set after set even though I have reached out to IMP and Primeval. I have tried countless times to ensure them that I just want to net.. I never have given them any reason to think otherwise other than me keeping a defense to protect myself. I have reached out to them with open arms for the purpose of peace and stability for the server.. They have reached out to me for the purpose of war and destruction..

Edited By: macdaddy on Dec 30th 2018, 16:57:06

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 16:05:40

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by smegma:
nah, Imp is not the victim. you are the fool. never claim to come in peace with a knife in your hand. people have a tendency not to believe you. imagine that...

fluff cheese has a point...

lol.. If someone was to break into my house every year for no reason, eventually I would start to store a weapon in my house.. I don't come to your house, you come to mine.. I refuse to believe you two are that stupid to believe your own bullfluff

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 15:40:43

Originally posted by smegma:
run max war techs and people think you are not netting. imagine that...

Net peacefully for the last few years and get attacked every set for no reason.. But yeah, im going to run peaceful netters with no defense when pieces of fluff like you are going to attack me anyways for no reason,.. ima gine that... you force me to run what I do.. I sent primeval like 1000 messages saying that I wanted to net this set but he never replied.. Your nothing but a war clan. don't make yourself out to be the victim..

Edited By: macdaddy on Dec 30th 2018, 16:02:09

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 15:19:35

Originally posted by Scott:
I think they declared war because you tried to impersonate me...

Good job fluff stick

Declared war??? That's what honourable clans do.. Not IMP.. They are nothing but snakes and weasels.

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 15:02:46

IMP has once again shown its true colours.. Attacked a clan that was peacefully netting and stayed out of its newsfeed.. I tried countless times to reach out to IMP to tell them my intentions but not once did i get a reply from Primeval.. Did you notice its been years since I attacked you first in a set???? You are nothing but a bully and the scum of Earth Empires.. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 23rd 2018, 22:51:19

Originally posted by Uncle James:
That is not the correct wording. (Nobody is tying to take on IMP) It should have read (Know one is trying to get killed by IMP again)

And just keep netting you are doing good so far.


Thanks UN, I’ll try my best !! Hope you’re having a good start to Christmas !

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 22nd 2018, 14:12:04

Nobody is trying to take on IMP.. We are all netting this round. I have already made this abundantly clear several times...

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 21st 2018, 20:04:43

Everyone is a comedian nowadays..

macdaddy Game profile


Dec 21st 2018, 19:33:33

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
*smokes a bowl and passes it around so everyone can chill out*

Man was I just saying something? I forget...

" Takes a big toke"..... Ahhhh, that's better.. And umm. my apologies about earlier. All good.