
paygan Game profile


Feb 19th 2013, 21:13:36

You are right Warster that USS wasn't a newb. He replied saying he'd tried to join MD before. Perhaps he'll have more success next time.

Regarding your threat to delete me and the friends that I have not made yet in the coming express server - what for? I haven't broken any rules. Would you kindly explain the reason for deleting my country and future allies? You still have yet to do so especially if your chicken-licken pal isn't playing next server as your decision in the previous one seems entirely motivated to help his country out.

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 22:37:13

Poor old USS Enterprise E, was a newbie however, and his country got blown up. I messaged him the following nevertheless:

AW, not really. According to the rules, we're not really allowed to continue our co-operation after the server resets. Technically, that WOULD be forming an alliance and cheating.

If you like, you're welcome to join my clan in the alliance game. It's called MD (or Moral Decay). I'm in Ruth's division over there and I'm sure we'd be happy to have you. Tell them paygan recommended you at the following link -

Nice playing with you. Hope to bump into you again!



paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 22:14:37

Why aren't you allowed to find friends team up and kill someone? That's how to recruit new blood into the game. smlandau84 is merely making up rules to cover up his lies. The rules say "No alliances" that's fairly clear. There's no "grounds for deletion" if I'm not playing in an alliance. Cut and dry. BILL DANGER's hypothetical is exactly what's happened to me. Fortunately, I'm not a newbie and I'm not leaving. I'm going to find fresh new allies in the next server, identify smlandau84's country and we're going to hunt him down and kill him.

If he's too fraidy-cat to face me in this server, i'll take him in the next.

Not my fault if he's no good at diplomacy and social skills...

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 14:17:41

I know those guys are allied. I made a joke with E that we should attack NX01 for a laugh. He replied and said they were allied.

They are working together though, as defensive allies should. I know full well this isn't the nineties and you can't run multis like we did back then.

I have played all through the naughties abiding by such laws. Deleting countries for diplomacy and allowing chicken crybabies to come on these boards instead to defend themselves by crying to moderators is what should be banned.

Now please can I have my illegally deleted country back to destroy that wuss, cry-to-mommy, wimpy, cowardly, chicken called smlandau84?

Edited By: paygan on Feb 17th 2013, 14:20:39
See Original Post

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 9:20:55

Yes, but competing against OTHER INDIVIDUALS involves using social skills within the server surely?

Perhaps this is why the number of players and new players coming on board has so drastically declined since Earth 2025 days...

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 9:18:11

What message? I sent no message saying that I was in a permanent team extending beyond the server.

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 9:07:52

#102 Fascist Missler - landfat and probably He smells like bacon too...

Edited By: Warster on Feb 17th 2013, 9:16:55. Reason: posting breaks
See Original Post

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 9:06:12

You're the only stupid cheater around here.

You just made up lies and run off crying to the moderators instead of fighting fair.

Asking for help in my fight in here is not breaking server rules incidentally as I have no country. My country is a ghost as smlandau84 has had it deleted unfairly instead of manning up and fighting like a warrior. My behavior here can at best be described as "haunting".

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 8:48:40

BORG hasn't been an alliance server tag since the CoR wars that no-one here will remember.

My alliance tag is MD, which has over 100+ countries who could have a word with your 40+.

USS Enterprise E isn't in MD, we didn't trade names. To be honest, he did write and suggest we team up in the next round, but I did not reply to that nor would I have done. There was no attempt by me to retain a relationship or team up again in future games after the server ended. We didn't exchange names or get personal. I just sent him an ally request at the start of the game as we were closely ranked and had both Star Trek themed countries. We got chatting and sent a few spy ops to each other to help landgrab.

I'm being honest here because I think this is how the game should be played. Socializing and diplomacy within a "Solo" game should not be banned like this.

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 8:40:23

It appears that asking for help in fights on here is the way that wars are waged around here nowadays...

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 8:35:10

My own capabilities include a high capacity for making friends and working with others. This should not be discouraged.

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 8:32:53

Coventry City has been playing the game this way for over 16 years (check country ranked number 6 in report below)

I've never had a problem like this before or been deleted for working with other countries. That's the fun of the game!

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 8:26:33

Well put that in the rules then. Don't make up rules on here that aren't in the game. There's nothing I read there that two players can't make friends and co-operate, we weren't an alliance or a team.

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 8:17:47

admitted what?


Working with allies?

I am still unsure what the reason for deletion is here?

Shouting SOLO SERVER doesn't mean anything. Is it for Han Solo or something?

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 8:13:57

Why is sharing spy ops a reason for deletion?

Are wars banned on the Express Server?

Is socializing not allowed anymore in game?

There is nothing in the server details rules about sharing spy ops being a cause of cheating?

USS Enterprise E (don't remember his number) started sharing spy ops with me early in the game. I have to admit, so I didn't think there was anything wrong with that. I did send him a spy report to him on you and we were planning a big guerilla strike takedown of Fascist Missler (#102) today.

This seems a lot fairer way to fight than deleting countries cos you're buddies with the moderator...

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 7:56:10

What is all this assumption?

I ran Coventry City BORG and have not cheated. I made an ally and co-operated socially with him. Nothing more

That is what the game is all about.

You deleted my country because you couldn't take the retals - you wimp!

paygan Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 7:51:24

Hi - #102 Fascist Missler country started a war against me (Coventry City BORG) last night, dumping all his missiles on me when I had no turns. Today I log in to retal and he has reported me for cheating instead of fighting fair!

I haven't cheated, I only run one country. I have appealed the deletion, bit please can someone wipe this wimp out for lying to the authorities about me? This sort of behavior is disgraceful.

If that is how wars are fought here nowadays - fire your missiles then make up lies to get a country deleted, then this game has taken an unfortunate turn for the disgusting.

paygan Game profile


Feb 15th 2013, 1:17:57

Hmm, who's this BAZ? Sounds pretty random to me... ;-)

I've started the tag in the Free-for-All game, where it probably belongs, playing loads of multis and causing chaos. Would also be interested in a team game so I started it there too!

Password is just "ragnarok" if anyone sees the clan about on a server and wants to join... for the glory of smelly dead carp! :)

If any of the above mentioned former-leaders wants the admin password, just pm me.

Edited By: paygan on Feb 15th 2013, 1:30:13
See Original Post

paygan Game profile


Feb 14th 2013, 17:52:52

Well, I've joined MD for this reset, but I have the logo back now and I think Ragnarok should still reform next server instead of giving in to all this Moral Decay...MD is too big anyhoo! ;-)

So watch out, if it gets too boring by March 13th, 75 Reasons to have a Ruth Theme (#294) may have 1 Reason not to have a Ruth Theme and the Ragnarok alliance may re-emerge the victor...or at least go down fighting as usual!

*Goes off to scheme and plot Rag's return, play with logos and web-boards etc.* muahahahaa...

Edited By: paygan on Feb 14th 2013, 17:58:15
See Original Post

paygan Game profile


Feb 14th 2013, 14:18:37

LoL! Hello Dissy. Where are you playing now? I'm trying to put the gang back together.

We should go attack a few countries with our walking sticks for old times sake.

paygan Game profile


Feb 14th 2013, 13:38:34

Some current players might not have even been born when I started playing! :)

paygan Game profile


Feb 14th 2013, 13:31:31

This has all got me wondering if I'm the oldest surviving player in the game.

I was checking the Wiki, and to my amusement found my country Coventry City ranking 6th with a $75m country in the first recorded game -

I am sure I was playing and Ragnarok was going for years before that too and think they must have lost the records. I joined during the RoCK wars of 1997, which methinks makes me a 16 year vet (with about 10 years offto discover the Garden of Eden in the real Earth Empire and write a shedload of Near Eastern Archaeology on Wikipedia).

Edited By: paygan on Feb 14th 2013, 13:40:11
See Original Post

paygan Game profile


Feb 14th 2013, 3:37:48

Aw, well thanks for that image! I remember making that! That came off the old, old Ragnarok web-board from years ago. How funny you kept it!

Indeed, I might need to make another board and do some more plotting for next server.

Wanna join MD's Ragnarok division anyone? ;-)

paygan Game profile


Feb 13th 2013, 20:52:26

Hmm.... I am tempted to join Moral Decay too...

Unfortunately, the spirit of Ragnarok controls me now and instead of this option, I offer Ruth1e a due1 to the death for the honor and glory of 1eading a reformed Ragnarok alliance into battle in the April 5th server reset (perhaps with Peregrine back as you say).

As proposed, this reformed Ragnarok alliance will adopt the policy of netgaining 75% of the game then attacking an alliance picked at random in a ceremonial "Ragna-Random-Rock" se1ection process. We might have to attack our friends, or your friends or your mom, who knows...we're crazy vikings!

To commemorate this momentous occasion and imp1ementation of the Ragna-Random policy, on March 13th, one month from today and approximately 75% of the server, I propose a one-on-one "Clash of the Titans" to be held in the Alliance game between my country "Ragnarok 1eader" (#772) and Ruth1e's (You'll have to tell me your country Ruth1e because I'm probably not smart enough to figure that out). The winner can decide the fate of Ragnarok.

After that Ragnarok can ally up with MD, or forget about the whole silly plan and I'll just join you guys. ;-)

Edited By: paygan on Feb 13th 2013, 20:57:32. Reason: 1e
See Original Post

paygan Game profile


Feb 13th 2013, 16:57:32

LoL, the only person here I remember is Ruth1e! *waves*

You're most welcome to return to the post of co-1eader. I don't know what to do with all this responsibility now. I have this crazy idea that the new Ragnarok should netgain until 75% of the server, then spin the bottle and attack any alliance completely at random. Sound like a Ragnarok-ish kinda rule to have and should 1ead to some fun and crazy situations. :)

I have to admit my glory days were back when Mike Prevai1er was running the shop and a glitch on the server 1et me create millions of credits for free to help me win a game with Coventry City BORG, probably when Earth 2025 was just starting up....

Where's Peregrine gone? ...and Distopia, Slug, Beldin, Gator, etc. I miss those guys. :*(

paygan Game profile


Feb 13th 2013, 11:03:24

Ragnarok has reformed.

MD are welcome to merge with us because we have the cooler name.

Here to destroy the HAN alliance like old times...

...or anyone pretending to be the HAN alliance!

Message "Ragnarok 1eader" in the alliance game for password.

paygan Game profile


Feb 13th 2013, 9:49:55


From the dawn of time, we game.

Ragnarok is back and recruiting now in the alliance game.

Old and new members welcome to join the alliance at the end of the world. Message Ragnarok 1eader for password.

Onwards to the bifrost!