

New Member

Oct 2nd 2012, 10:49:55

i'm sending well over the 10% in the attack and considering the ally defensive bonus in that calculation too. i've done planned strikes too where i'll send the same amount or more as you would send in a standard strike and it still don't break. I just don't get it!

they tell me its the mehul/pang factor. But craps man mehul/pang is happening too many times

Need some help with figuring out attacks


New Member

Sep 22nd 2012, 16:17:46

need help understanding planned strike and ally defense bonus

lets assume target has 100 turrets for defense. my jets have 3 in the attack. Does this mean i only need to send around 70 jets to break in a planned strike?

if someone has an ally what % does this add to defense?


New Member

Sep 19th 2012, 23:16:44

that would be on all the servers. i want to try playing all servers and because a simple double tap could turn an already nutty player into a homicidal maniac (i'm already dealing with one in game). just how does gdi work


New Member

Sep 19th 2012, 21:50:32

i might be beating a dead horse here BUT the case went to court because the federal government found some level of negligence and an attempt to conceal evidence by the police precinct. Firstly,

1. The kid was reported missing by his parents the very same night of the murder. The parents told the police that their son was wearing an identifiable high school ring which the cops removed (HID in fact - a criminal offense) from his personal effects. The parents also said that he had his ID on him. The cops then went further as to tag the murdered kid as a JOHN DOE when in fact they knew the identity of the dead kid.

For goodness sake, this precinct is not like a high profile metropolitan Chicago precinct where you could easily lose a body or mistake someone's identity. fluffte man, the police knew who the kid was (he was popular) and the precinct officers tried to lie to the parents and to the federal government.

2. Rather than investigate the shooting through the right channels, the cops basically sent the killer home.

Imagine your kid getting murdered by some dumb f*** who can't even pass a police exam. some dumb f*** who could barely read and write and carrying around a gun.


New Member

Sep 19th 2012, 21:14:35

i might be beating a dead horse here BUT the case went to court because the federal government found some level of negligence and an attempt to conceal evidence by the police precinct. Firstly,

1. The kid was reported missing by his parents the very same night of the murder. The parents told the police that their son was wearing an identifiable high school ring which the cops removed (HID in fact - a criminal offense) from his personal effects. The cops then went further as to tag the murdered kid as a JOHN DOE when in fact they knew the identity of the dead kid.

For goodness sake, this precinct is no high profile metropolitan Chicago precinct where you could easily lose a body or mistake someone's identity. fluffe man, the police knew who the kid was (he was polular) and the precinct officers tried to lie to the parents and to the federal government.

2. Rather than investigate the shooting through the right channels, the cops basically sent the killer home.

Imagine your kid getting murdered by some dumb f*** who can't even pass a police exam. some dumb f*** who could barely read and write and carrying around a gun.


New Member

Sep 19th 2012, 20:33:13

I thought GDI blocks players more than twice your size from attacking you! Someone explain to me the purpose and benefits of GDI so i co7uld get this right