


Sep 20th 2015, 12:41:03

Originally posted by Marshal:
or wrap pillow in plastic and punch it.

Or even better... smash pillow onto face of Marshal, wrap it on with plastic, wait 5 minutes for desired results...



Sep 20th 2015, 0:42:58

Originally posted by Celphi:
I'm not sure what the objective here is... I've played 3-4 ALLIANCE sets so there's nothing worth really observing.

I just linked you 1 of 4. There's almost 1300 attacks in that set alone.

Derp.... don't run with scissors celphi. Might end up stain yourself in your over is by accident.



Sep 19th 2015, 3:12:09

Originally posted by Dissident:
when I first saw the name "Celphi" I instantly thought she was a girl... which is actually the real reason why I invited her to play with Elders that one set.

I was disappointed...

That thing is a girl....



Sep 17th 2015, 1:22:04

We should kill off every untag



Sep 16th 2015, 3:24:57

Originally posted by braden:
trife doesnt like me any more becsuse he votes for women and i dont believe women should be allowed to hold public office.

fluff woman's suffrage and the horse it road in on!

How are they supposed to vote outside the kitchen?



Sep 15th 2015, 23:04:47

The donkey show was cacelled?



Sep 15th 2015, 2:58:30

Originally posted by Celphi:
You're assuming everyone's connection is that like of the USA's. It's not.

I too can hit very fast on an ipod/iphone/ect., but you're comparing 1 person having full control vs 1 person coaching 2 players on how to attack fast. I can't click the button for them.

You're also comparing someone who has played the game many years vs players who were warring for the first time.

I wish you would so you can be purpled again...



Sep 15th 2015, 1:50:10

Originally posted by TAN:
^case in point.

Why not just post some more antisemitic articles in hopes everyone will join your anti-jew circle jerk.



Sep 15th 2015, 1:48:55

Originally posted by mrford:
Once again you are over thinking.

I wasn't comparing ingame strength. Or referemcing how fast 5 people can kill together. I was saying that I managed to speed hit with multiple countries on a device that didn't allow flash and every time i tabbey from the warch to the country mibbit refreshed.

Using that logic, speed hitting with 1 country is child's play. Being in a phone is not an excuse for hitting slow.

Sometimes I think you purposely misunderstand the simplest fluff.




Sep 15th 2015, 1:47:30

Originally posted by Celphi:

You're comparing an offensive capability of 16 countries vs 5 countries. Of course it's going to be significantly easier.

Also, the players we had:
2 of them has never warred before.
1 of them was anti-war.
3 on cell phones.
5 of us in completely different time zones--
1st time playing as a group

All warring a bunch of people A) out of the country B) appeared to be netting...

Facts never get in the way of your agenda...

Please tell me this is some giant conspiracy by elves to enrich weedy who in return give Mr ford a hand job.



Sep 15th 2015, 1:44:52

Originally posted by TAN:
The problem is no mod is enforcing at least minimum standards of decorum. And when they do, they delete the entire thread rather than the individual offending posts and giving a temp ban to the user.

This forum has become a cesspool for hate and personal insults. That has nothing to do with "drama, intrigue...etc". All that stuff still exists.

Just because everyone thinks you are a giant vagina doesn't mean that minimum standards of decorum aren't being enforced. You asked for this with your constant crying.



Sep 15th 2015, 1:20:57

Originally posted by TAN:
The cat I own is not a dog
Dogs smell funny
Cats don't smell my balls
I don't have to walk a cat, which would be super inconvenient during cold, rainy or snowy days
Dogs eat poop sometimes

Cats can be useful...



Sep 15th 2015, 1:02:43

Originally posted by TAN:
Uh there was only ONE person in that thread bashing other people. Maybe you should try banning that person and deleting their posts rather than deleting the whole thread, which solves NOTHING.

Need a tissue?



Sep 15th 2015, 0:56:07

Originally posted by Getafix:
Sewell, you are right! That was tella there in the middle of the pack, I'm pretty sure. :( Disappointed in tella.

Can you blame him? fluffing whales and dolphins.



Sep 15th 2015, 0:22:51

Originally posted by Celphi:
It prevents you from dumping all your turns into one player. Sure, against a netting clan, you can do 1min KRs. When your opponent clan is built for war (ie has decent SPAL / SDI), has very active players & it's the weekend, you don't just dump all your turns on your enemy hoping they won't sign on.

You start slow & if they respond you stop the attack. You don't do like Elders did on me 3 sets ago, where they dumped all their turns (knowing I was online) & fail.

If you do it right, they are dead in less than 30 seconds and can't sign on. Was your team running their kill from their Obama phones or something?



Sep 15th 2015, 0:03:25

Originally posted by Celphi:
I guess you're missing the strategy behind beginning an attack 'slow'.

Was it getting walled? Because that happened. Was the in your master plan? Did you forget to carry a number in your calculation?



Sep 14th 2015, 23:55:55

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
AIM, miRC, ICQ, skype, Carrier pigeon, morse code.

Smoke signals?



Sep 14th 2015, 23:54:10

Originally posted by Celphi:
If you relook at the FS, the error was on xBaDx's part. They could have ate all our turns on one player since they were online, but instead bought units. The best decision was to stop the attack which we did. And we saved a ton a turns by doing so.

No... the mistake was on you guys for taking so long. Multiple players walled you.



Sep 14th 2015, 23:49:01

Originally posted by Celphi:
You're stengthening my argument. Warring isn't about just attacking. It's about maximizing your production as quickly as possible while at the same time prepared to war at a moment's notice. They failed to grow. Why? Because of poor guidance from their leadership.

Poor leadership would have been that piss poor FS you led. Again, go reread what I and others have imparted on you about that war. You won, but you waited to FS a bunch of netters after they got suicided on and we're practically down a member. And people were overflowing turns. I could go kick a toddler in the face and take their candy. Aure, I would have won, but it isn't something you should be gloating about.

Don't get all mad and turn PURPLE. Just breathe.



Sep 14th 2015, 23:44:03

Originally posted by UncleFiat:
Little Easier to read without the scolling thing

IMP was founded on the basis of honor and the desire to bring order to the FFA server. It was Rico’s creation, it’s up for debate whether he had known what IMP would become, but nonetheless IMP quickly grew to be one of the top clans in FFA. During the first Reset of Earth, IMP member homer s. left IMP, and created Homer. Shortly after creating Homer, homer s. left FFA and Turbo rose to power as leader of Homer.
Both IMP and Homer grew quickly, almost as quickly as the rivalry and hatred between the 2 clans. Homer based its membership upon recruiting every person to join FFA, whereas IMP was more selective in it’s recruiting. It’s unclear how the first IMP/Homer war began, but one thing was made abundantly clear, Homer was no match for IMP. Rico recorded 3 separate occasions when Homer had requested a ceasefire during the war, IMP refused, we were not satisfied that Homer truly understood that trash-talking IMP was a clan’s death wish. During this first war, Rico was president, and there were 2 other head-advisor type members, Fancy ketchup, and Evil.

Xmach joined IMP at about the start of the first war as well. Evil took Xmach under his wing and showed Xmach the art of killing and running multis. Soon after Xmach had learned the ways, Evil lost internet access, and only stopped back at the IMP site occasionally, never to of run countries with IMP or in FFA to this day. At the end of the 1st IMP/homer war, IMP had grown, and Homer’s # of members and avg net worth had plummeted. With the absence of Evil, there was an opening in the leading positions, and Xmach quickly rose to become one of the war leaders.

When the 2nd reset came, Rico and Xmach were the only 2 top leaders still active, for Fancy ketchup also had gone inactive due to ISP problems. With Rico’s permission Xmach began the 2nd IMP/Homer war, out of boredom for the most part. The hatred between IMP and Homer grew more, Homer again grew by recruiting everyone that joined FFA, and Xmach ran about 20-40 multis through the reset, and antagonized and irritated the Homer members, specifically UJ, KO, Svein, Potomac, Yeah Dude, and RoadKill who became the leader of Homer after the first war when Turbo decided to retire.

This 2nd war’s outcome is up for debate, it’s said by both sides that they achieved victory, but it was quite clear that these 2 super-clans would be rivals for resets to come.

The coalition was formed in the 3rd reset, as a result of USIMP, which was formed as a sub-clan of IMP by Stancats, and co-lead by MAMBO. The 3 super clans at the time decided to make TC for mutual protection from the rise in negative feelings toward the 3 clans, this was also the time when Xmach became the co-leader of sorts. Soon after it’s creation other top clans were incorporated into TC, TLV being one of them.

TC quickly became the dominating alliance, proven in the 4th reset when the TC went up against another alliance of clans and quickly showed there was no match for TC. A reset or 2 after Rico decided to retire from FFA, and handed the leadership of IMP over to Xmach.

IMP went through a series of trials after this, the first being the loss of Rico, and then soon to follow other leaders that formed clans like RA and MAD, which later became a large part of the MPE clan now a part of TC. Xmach also had trouble finding time for the internet and especially gaming at this time, Sprad who was the trusted Head advisor also left to help form MAD, leaving very little active leadership at IMP for the following 2 months.

IMP membership declined, and top members deserted the clan left and right, IMP was no longer on any of the top clans list. At this point any other clan and leader would have called it quits, but not Xmach and IMP.

Xmach after finally finding more time for gaming and IMP specifically, decided that in order to save IMP there had to be a way to keep the remaining members together, and provide some attention and advertisement for IMP, so Xmach against his better judgment decided that a merge into MPE was the only move.

Shortly after the merger, Xmach realized the mistake he made, but also was contacted by ex-Homer members UJ and KO, who both had internal dispute with the new leadership at Homer (Fiat and Svein), and wanted to join IMP, IMP being one of the few remaining original super clans that shared the same views as they do. With the addition of these 2 and their countries, and the belief he could reform IMP and make it great again, Xmach split off from MPE within a week, and reformed IMP, reform might not be appropriate since the tag never died really, more like rejuvenated IMP.

With the addition of new leaders, a spark of hope, and the new tag IMP4ever, IMP has begun its long road back to dominating FFA.

Do you have a job?



Sep 14th 2015, 23:41:42

Pretty sure tella is one of the dolphin killers.



Sep 14th 2015, 23:36:42

Originally posted by Celphi:
8/9 DH
11/11 DH

I guess all those defends really set them back huh?

Go fetch me the earth graph on the nw difference when you fsd. I know one of their guys was on their honeymoon and not even playing. If you can't understand why this is not gloatworthy...nevermind, we have established you are retarded.



Sep 14th 2015, 23:27:00

Originally posted by Celphi:
xBaDx didn't get suicided all set. They only had 1 successful suicider. All other attacks were DH. And they didn't even have to spend any turns on them because Villians killed them for them.

Rybka had 2 suiciders., but we killed our own suiciders. Hell, we even killed one of the players who DH'd on xBaDx.

Lol. Ok... apparently your brain is a reservist as well.



Sep 14th 2015, 23:19:44

Originally posted by Celphi:
We both start with same networth it's not my fault they were unable to keep up. Funny, we supposedly 'botched' our FS, yet we still won.

Not your fault.. but nothing to gloat about. Those guys got suicided on all set. You essentially fs'd a bunch of people netting and you fluffed up the fs that bad. Generally you get walled with a 10+min kill run.



Sep 14th 2015, 22:03:09

Originally posted by Celphi:
Originally posted by archaic:
Has anybody seen xBadx lately, lulz.

They'll always be remembered for losing to Rybka. They fell apart after that.

Or the fluffty FS that Rybka had even though they were 3-4x the networth of Xbadx. That was hilarious. I know some of these guys and they are just bored.



Sep 14th 2015, 18:07:45

Originally posted by archaic:
I assume anybody that makes war attacks would get deleted, so if tag B went all in, then they would all be complicit in any sort of 'collaboration'. By the letter of the rules, tag A and C would only have to be one-man tags and it should still work.

Is Celphi your alt?



Sep 14th 2015, 18:06:14

Originally posted by archaic:
actually, though I try to ignore celphi, if what he is saying is true it could make for an interesting troll.

If tag A hates tag B but cannot beat them, wait for tag B to attack tag C, attack tag C and get tag A deleted. For extra flavor, have one guy from A form a one man tag C and suicide tag B.

As I showed 2 sets ago, the 'spirit' rules are retardedly easy to manipulate. Has anybody seen xBadx lately, lulz.

Define latly. They have two people this set and they didn't war last set.



Sep 14th 2015, 2:38:48

Originally posted by Dissident:
elves and celphi are both boys.

i think.

Oh, i see what you did there...

Celphi is a chick. No man holds a petty grudge this long.



Sep 14th 2015, 2:28:29

Originally posted by Dissident:
and now we know that it was NOT Elves who made that deletion.


She wont. She will claim you are wrong and if you don't agree he will post your personal information unless you agree with her.



Sep 14th 2015, 2:26:39

I say if he gets deleted again in this or the next few sets, why not just ban celphi for a few sets because he has said he has no intentions of playing by the server rules.



Sep 13th 2015, 3:34:20

Originally posted by Alin:
Please do. But if i did a mistake is because i am drunk... (j/k).

I go AL qaeda style on you anyway...

Just stay where you are. The black helicopters are on the way to take you on vacation to gitmo (still better than Romania).



Sep 13th 2015, 3:33:14

Originally posted by Alin:
Greatest (sold to China) country in the world you mean...

Well at least from now on i will refer to you as the "stupid jew from Germany who moved to Us because of a gypsy ultranationalist". You know that gypsies had the same fate in those dark ages? I am not of gypsy origin but just for your own culture(which is probable nil)... gypsies were persecuted in the same manner as you...

Anyhow, what could i say... your still a stupid jew...

GDP of Romania 190B... GMP of New York City 1.3T...

Romania sucks and you are an antisemite. You also talk about raping small children.... I may be a jew, but at least I am not a Romanian Pedaphile.



Sep 13th 2015, 3:11:25

Originally posted by farmer:
mine is still a virgin

Unlikely... you hang out with Blade.



Sep 13th 2015, 3:08:30

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by mrford:
You have never made a simple math mistake ever. I forgot.

Go fluff your goat gypsy. No one cares that you are scared of refugees. It is going to happen.

Who the fluff measures liquor in grams?

Oh the anger... com on.
In my fluffy 3rd world country we measure the liquor in grams. When you order yours at a Pub you ask for 100 grams ... or 200 and for more latter if not enough . Thus thats how we measure it in private too...

how do you do in your most brave and awesome (sold to China) country in the world? You ask for bottle and do the MATH at the end?

Anyhow the 1 mil germans you got in the 1850 must have been qzjuls. No way they were fords and swellfluffs...

I am from German decent. Our family immigrated to the US circa 1936 because of ultranationalist like Alin Anus. Does it make you feel like shut that a jew is living in the greatest country in the world, and your gypsy ass is stuck in Romania?



Sep 13th 2015, 2:09:36

The us currently has 41m migrants. Our current population is 315m. Yet ALIN ANUS is throwing a Fite over a 20K immigrants potentially staying in his country?



Sep 13th 2015, 1:33:09

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Alin:
No pal you are not american. You are a dumb as night american. A brave one too, on internet forums.

Civils flee during wars... you would never know. No modern war ever happen in you home land.

Modern war hasn't happened in my homeland because I don't live in a fluffhole.

The end.

You could live in any place in this planet, solar system, galaxy or universe. Your stupidity will still be infinite + 1

Says the gypsy who resides in Romania.



Sep 13th 2015, 1:04:30

Originally posted by Alin:
No pal you are not american. You are a dumb as night american. A brave one too, on internet forums.

Civils flee during wars... you would never know. No modern war ever happen in you home land.

Modern war hasn't happened in my homeland because I don't live in a fluffhole.

The end.



Sep 13th 2015, 0:48:45

Originally posted by Alin:
As a refugee you dumb person. A true refugee dose not care about where he goes, they do not scream "Germany Germany". A refugee that runs for his life is a person that wants just shelter, no matter where.
I was talking hipothetically... you know like when Rusia invades yor country(Ukraine)... or creates Cecenia war zone or shif like that. Or if 1% of China population decides they want to move in your country...

Jelly fish survived 650 million years without a brain... great news for some people around.

1% of China potable has immigrated to the US. Mainly to build the railroads. Perhaps you are scared of immigrants because they might take your fluffty job for less pay?

Also, might sound strange to you, but I amAmerican. I don't flee, I fight.



Sep 13th 2015, 0:34:38

Originally posted by Alin:
Just send mr ford and his arsenal to middle east...

P.S: Not a bad ideea Oceana.

Well i hope Europe will not have its own refugees soon, as a christian i am sure as hell we won t be welcome in Islam countries.

Why would you want to go to their fluffhole countries to begin with?



Sep 13th 2015, 0:12:02

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by archaic:
Coors light is swill, but original coors is fairly decent. Fortunately for me, living in texas I can drink shiner bock at tailgates and not look funny.

Shiner Bock 4.4% ABV, Coors Light 4.2%ABV.. either one should be served with a side of tampons.

People that think alcohol content = beer quality . . .

I have most certainly had it on more than one occasion certainly a better taste than coors light, but hardly a good beer.



Sep 12th 2015, 18:10:29

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by GeneralofRome:
Originally posted by mrford:
The rapture is here

Time to float away.

Can I take my beer with me or does that have to stay here???

Is it lite beer?

If it is... it isn't beer.



Sep 12th 2015, 18:06:00

Originally posted by mrford:
If you piss on my tire I am going to fluff in your front seat.


White trash pisses on their tire....



Sep 12th 2015, 18:04:17

Originally posted by archaic:
Coors light is swill, but original coors is fairly decent. Fortunately for me, living in texas I can drink shiner bock at tailgates and not look funny.

Shiner Bock 4.4% ABV, Coors Light 4.2%ABV.. either one should be served with a side of tampons.



Sep 12th 2015, 18:01:46

Originally posted by drkprinc:
if everyone is busy drinking and being buddy buddy who's gonna notice you pissing on someone else tire ;)

You mean who is going to notice the smell of 100k people pissing on the ground? 100k people



Sep 12th 2015, 15:39:44



Sep 12th 2015, 15:33:00

Originally posted by drkprinc:
didn't your parents teach you as kids to just piss on the tires :P

If 100k people are tailgating do you think pissing anywhere you want is appropriate?



Sep 12th 2015, 14:04:53

You are right. I drink the good stuff for the first 3-4 hours and then switch to water and hard stuff. No hangover the next day! Also, keep gallon jugs of water in the car so when you finish you can piss in them.



Sep 12th 2015, 13:37:31

Originally posted by mrford:
You bring craft beer to a tailgate? You also bring kale smoothies and power bars?

See? I can make fluff up too! But apparently I'm better at typing on my phone than you.

I usually bring whatever flavor of Troeg's I am currently into or I bring some of my buddies home/micro brew. My beer usually is in the 7-9% Alcohol range.... so I have to carry less to PSU and Ravens games.



Sep 12th 2015, 13:24:54

Originally posted by mrford:
I highly doubt that. I'm not talking about drinking a 6 pack here. And I already stated the reason for why I used to drink coors. It had nothing to do with manliness. It had do with not liking the taste of piss warm beer.

So you can be overly concerned with your manliness at a sporting event, I'll drink cold beer.

Hahaha. Do you wear a bikini while consuming the door light? What a pink visor?



Sep 12th 2015, 13:11:46

I Tailgate about 8 games a year. I still drink man beer.