


Aug 15th 2015, 2:53:33

Bout freaking time.



Aug 14th 2015, 16:57:20

Originally posted by mrford:
you dumbasses really talking about how to poision people on a board no doubt monitored by the feds after the last batfluff crazy player?

You think he will be taking a trip to Arizona?



Aug 14th 2015, 16:48:30

Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Jayr:
Look up the definition of a troll. He's not trolling, hes harrassing me and the fluffs getting old.

You are like a little girl. Quit feeding the trolls tard.
Eat my balls you nutless jew.

I have large testes. You have a large vagina.

Jayr at least you didn't kill anyone during your DUI.



Aug 14th 2015, 16:42:49

Originally posted by Jayr:
Look up the definition of a troll. He's not trolling, hes harrassing me and the fluffs getting old.

You are like a little girl. Quit feeding the trolls tard.



Aug 14th 2015, 14:36:44

Originally posted by Collzaboration:
Goofs with no intelligence

Says the guy who is crazy as fluff. Get back to "floating above" people.



Aug 14th 2015, 12:51:39

If you have state secrets on your personal computer or server.. you go to jail. It is simple and that dumb beaver needs to be locked up.



Aug 12th 2015, 1:02:42

Originally posted by Cerberus:
This is absurd now. :(

How could anyone have a rational conversation about any divisive subject here?

Blacks thisl... Whites that... Come on, if that is so freaking important to you, you aren't getting the spirit of being an American.

You do know braden is a canuck... right?



Aug 12th 2015, 0:02:58

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Atryn:

I get your point, but all stolen guns were legal guns once.

You are a piece of fluff.

fluff Mike Brown and the horse he rode in on...



Aug 11th 2015, 1:04:43

Originally posted by mrford:
for all the butthurt




Aug 10th 2015, 16:50:16

Originally posted by Marines Suck:
I am sure the name will be changed soon, I reported the country cause well, marines suck...

Originally posted by mrford:
im confused.

dont you call him shewell?

so when he does the same in return it aint kosher?

bear in mind i havnt been following the most recent events in the tard battle.

Suck it Caitlin.



Aug 10th 2015, 2:58:17

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Celphi:
Dissident, come on man-- are you really referencing to the spirit of the game? Where was that spirit 2 sets back? I get it-- it's only in effect when it's convenient for you.

Ford-- is giving advice on how to play with others-- hahahahahahhahhahahahahhahaahahaahaha--
Which tag are you begging to net with next set online tough guy?

I was running 100 member alliances when you were still getting beat up in school for wearing suspenders. I could have a spam tag in less than a day on any server better than anyhing you could put together. You struggle in any server that isn't solo because you are selfish and stubborn as fluff.

I'll take being an asshole to idiots over your brand of retardation any day.

Where is Gary Thorne when you need to call out a retard?



Aug 10th 2015, 2:54:50

Originally posted by RumorGuy:
Mob stole a kids candy one time, and by candy i mean anal virginity.

That is why it is a rumor. It wasn't a kids candy, it was Caitlin Jenner's anal candy.



Aug 10th 2015, 2:53:40

Originally posted by DruncK:
Shovinistic as in at least my phone makes me feel smart lol

Because you have previously butchered the spelling of chauvenistic.

You are welcome.



Aug 9th 2015, 15:03:05

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Apparently you have problems distinguishing real from fiction.
But then again, what's the use of psychoanalysis on a PIG?

Your butthurt is showing.



Aug 9th 2015, 14:14:24

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Well if you say it, it must be true right?
Wasn't it you crying about baseless accusations? That's fine tho, nice of you to put on a target for me.


Not baseless...

“Tyga ain’t from Compton, he’s from out here in the Valley. Jacky, Tyga saw my transgender girlfriend this past weekend. Her name is ‘Blade’ she’s been seeing Tyga for two-years now. She said he’s a versatile bottom. He likes to give oral and receive penetration.”



Aug 9th 2015, 14:12:14

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Yeah it's a shame too because I actually like Aponic. Shame he has to be with a Pig like Shewell.
S'ok tho every tag needs another tag to really dislike in this game. Nice of SOF to make our choice so easy 😏

Ohhh noooooooos....



Aug 9th 2015, 13:23:27

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Well if you say it, it must be true right?
Wasn't it you crying about baseless accusations? That's fine tho, nice of you to put on a target for me.


Who says it is me? I am just the one who noticed your crying. You are trying to get positive PR because you can't get your merry band of tards to win a war.



Aug 9th 2015, 13:23:03

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Well if you say it, it must be true right?
Wasn't it you crying about baseless accusations? That's fine tho, nice of you to put on a target for me.


Who says it is me? I am just the one who noticed your crying. Trying to get positive PR because you can't get your merry band of tards to win a war.



Aug 9th 2015, 13:12:57

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
You wish...
Be proud to have such a member SOF!

Didn't you admit to being a tranny? What's the problem here? Are you gonna cry about everything?



Aug 9th 2015, 13:06:29

We will still war...



Aug 9th 2015, 2:56:21

Originally posted by Kat:
I feel bad for the player that got killed pretty much oop 9 times.
He deserves a restart medal of some kind. :x

He got a purple heart.



Aug 9th 2015, 0:51:29

Originally posted by GeneralofRome:
Tip your on my hit pompous douchebag

Based on this:

He has nthing to worry about.



Aug 8th 2015, 4:36:28



Aug 7th 2015, 17:43:48

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
You are such a fool I don't have to put words in your mouth, you are perfectly capable I'd spewing crap out of your mouth at a moments notice.

"So you are going to throw a term out there and not support it... yes or no? If you are trying to save face by spinning this on me you are wrong and an idiot.

My team performed well both times we slaughtered stones. Stones has yet to even come close to killing me in a war.

Stop putting words in my mouth like how your other transexual friends put their mangina in your mouth..."

I can throw whatever the f I feel like throwing out there, especially to a PIG such as yourself. I care little what you think, and for the moment you amuse me. Very similar to a puppet on a string that you resemble in your replies.
And why didn't we hit you? DUNNO, maybe we don't like hitting the scum of a tag

You ok, you need a tissue? You are a complete flufftard and a prisoner of your own pea sized brain.



Aug 7th 2015, 16:41:02

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Shewell I don't give a crap what you think.
Maybe your dog, your wife, your kid need to heed your warnings when you play the big bad x marine at home but I sure don't need to listen to a bigoted, homophobic, racist PIG such as yourself.
Your words are idiotic and prove nothing but to confirm how much of an ass you are.
Your continuation of the "tard" insult ,which most gave up when they left grammar school just reinforces your inability to be able to deal with anyone that does not fit into your little utopian ideals. Open your eyes and look around you , people are different than you.
That does not make you superior.
All it does it make me feel pity that people like you actually survive in this world.

What part of this didn't you understand Shewell?
If you don't want to be a racist, that's fine we can stick with bigot. Your choice bunky

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Again... show me an example of a racist comment. Or do you just sling mud in attempt to win a PR battle because you can't seem to beat me in a war?

Really? This is up there with the best in your arrogance. You not only call your own tag mates " tards" now you claim to single handedly win this war? And you have the gall to call me a mud slinger? You are just an incredible idiot. How did you survive so long with a 3 year olds brain after all?

So you are going to throw a term out there and not support it... yes or no? If you are trying to save face by spinning this on me you are wrong and an idiot.

My team performed well both times we slaughtered stones. Stones has yet to even come close to killing me in a war.

Stop putting words in my mouth like how your other transexual friends put their mangina in your mouth...



Aug 7th 2015, 11:26:31

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Ok so you're a bigot right? You're having troubles with me calling you a racist ?
Just trying to keep this all straight is all...

No, your trying to avoid answering this

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Again... show me an example of a racist comment. Or do you just sling mud in attempt to win a PR battle because you can't seem to beat me in a war?

Answer it or move along little boy.



Aug 7th 2015, 4:34:44

Again... show me an example of a racist comment. Or do you just sling mud in attempt to win a PR battle because you can't seem to beat me in a war?



Aug 7th 2015, 4:33:07

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Yes! We are ALL Russians and ALL run multis!
Try another tactic PIG now you just sound paranoid.

You are going to need to if stones ever plans to win a war with your retarded ass as leader.



Aug 7th 2015, 2:47:44

Originally posted by markalt:
Originally posted by TipDaVampire:
Markalt -- Sorry, I'm not "Scott". And as for winning, when most of our clan is so big the game won't let you touch us, and you have to lemming to try to break our smallest members, it's clear you've lost. Just admit it. That's the smartest course of action.
really Scott? smartest way on out on war game is giving up? I'm not sure if you're being sincere cus the last time I checked you haven't wiped out stones. oh and lemming may not do much but your total NW as a clan drops. please keep your epeening out this game. kthanksbye.

By any chance do you speak russian and try to run 29 countries a set?



Aug 7th 2015, 2:46:17

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
And what's wrong with baseless accusations? I thought that was right in your wheel house

Nothing that emminates from your tiny brain is based on fact...



Aug 7th 2015, 0:44:19

Nuturing? Is that the word you were looking for tard?

So I guess you claiming me to be racist is another baseless accusation?



Aug 7th 2015, 0:25:46

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Shewell I don't give a crap what you think.
Maybe your dog, your wife, your kid need to heed your warnings when you play the big bad x marine at home but I sure don't need to listen to a bigoted, homophobic, racist PIG such as yourself.
Your words are idiotic and prove nothing but to confirm how much of an ass you are.
Your continuation of the "tard" insult ,which most gave up when they left grammar school just reinforces your inability to be able to deal with anyone that does not fit into your little utopian ideals. Open your eyes and look around you , people are different than you.
That does not make you superior.
All it does it make me feel pity that people like you actually survive in this world.

Eugenics would have solved the problem of people like you. Please go find or show me where I made a racist comment.

People can be different, but sadly I would have a hard time deciding who was smarter... my pet rock or blade. I feel the pet rock is edging you out.

Your pitty party is happening right now? Need some tissues?



Aug 7th 2015, 0:00:34

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
You make such a nice lap dog Shewell

You make such a good land farm.



Aug 6th 2015, 23:59:34

Originally posted by markalt:
Originally posted by TipDaVampire:
^ True, ssewellusmc. These guys would look much smarter if they would just admitted they got a serious fluff-whooping. As I said in my last book: "When a person admits a mistake, it shows they have the ability to learn. When a person denies an obvious mistake, it shows they never learn."
okay Scott, admit what? if we really did got our ass handed to us, why are we still up hitting anyone and anything we can kill in your clan? do you know how to war? I didn't know having the biggest penis I mean nw is the key to winning a war. admitting defeat is not restarting and wave the white flag.. see you guys next set.

You should try actually quoting the person your talking to... tard.



Aug 6th 2015, 11:04:20

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by WArriOR:
Again blade trying to play fair fight card.

When you were flat out told 2 days before you FSed SoF. IF YOU HIT SOF SOME ONE ELSE IS GOING TO KILL YOU and you still hit us and what happened someone else killed you!!

Stop crying fair fight, this reset you top fed my country.. Sof Started to hit Stones after this and then you called SoF out on AT asking us when we were going to attack over and over.. Still you did not prep your alliance when you were calling us out and then we hit you and you don't even fight back..

Of course if you say it's true , it must be !

Put your helmet back on before you hurt yourself. Everyone knows it to be true... except for you and your merry band of tards.



Aug 6th 2015, 11:02:48

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
S'ok General of Rome
It's Shewell showing how much of an ass he really can be
His Mommy remarks refer to my Mother who passed away .
He thinks he's a clever boy mocking me with that.

You warned me? Who the f do you think you are asshat?
Go crawl under the rock you came out from under or return to play in the mud with the rest of your pig friends.

You were clearly warned. You must have wanted that response because you knew it would come if you talked about my family.

You tards are gonna tard I suppose.



Aug 6th 2015, 10:49:28

Originally posted by GeneralofRome:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by BladeEWG:
sorry? real man?
is your significant other nearby?


If that's your significant have problems

No blade knows what I'm talking about. I warned him to never speak of my family.




Aug 6th 2015, 2:16:54

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
cool , and we'll see if you can fight a fair fight .
or you already making plans to have another tag come in and save you again?

We FS's you with the same number (I think you guys had 1 more country) and same nw...

You are officially retarded.



Aug 6th 2015, 2:02:38

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
sorry? real man?
is your significant other nearby?




Aug 6th 2015, 1:04:28

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
not to worry we will win a war....

and Tip, you need that ego boost do you?
You won this war...feel better now? all proud and puffy?
as for learning, nope nothing here to be learned by any of you, that's for sure.

cya on the reset ;)

Lol... will be a pleasure to kill you over and over and over again.



Aug 6th 2015, 1:01:07

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
ohhhhhh the big bad Shewell has once again chimed in.
not just once..twice!!!!

find another thread to troll PIG, this one is for the grown ups.

Before I showed up, it was full of pencil fluffed homos. Now a real man shows up and you try to pull the 'adult' bullfluff.

Y u no troll good?



Aug 5th 2015, 23:33:04

Originally posted by Jayr:
Ssewell wont do it...blade wld smash that wannabe

Just like he smashed me this set... ample opportunity, but nothing. I did help kill blade though. It was easy.

Get back to Facebook stalking fat chicks.



Aug 5th 2015, 23:31:34

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Love to but would never happen
I'd have to waste too many turns in telling to see where his FA was coming from.
Besides we all know how much Shewell wants me I'd have to get iron plated skivvies to protect myself from his anal urges.

Aren't you the tools who were getting FA and getting your ass kicked?

Also...what's with you always wanting me to fluff you? FAGGGGGG



Aug 5th 2015, 17:26:56

Originally posted by GeneralofRome:
Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Yeah pig I know math. And I know if he wanted to its easy to dump nw .
Figured he could start by dumping some net to another softy

No he'd rather come here and talk shut then dump his NW because he's a net gaining fluff

That's what happens when you win a war. You guys should try it. It's fun.



Aug 5th 2015, 1:39:36

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
FA one of your m8s and come down and play with us

Math? Do you know how math works?



Aug 4th 2015, 4:41:20

Only took a month for you guys to get a decent kill. Congrats.



Aug 3rd 2015, 2:36:40

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by GeneralofRome:
Originally posted by BladeEWG:
General Gnome? Ohhhh little Scotty, we are so proud of you making up another name.
And all by yourself too!!

Quite impressive actually...I didn't know this tart had that type of iq to spin the name like that.

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by BladeEWG:
And which of you are that 12 year old boy Shewell?
Yourself ? Tip? Or Warrior?

Pick any random 12 year old boy.... more manly than all 3 of you transexual tards combined.

Someone who makes a lot of sexual references must be really insecure about ones self. It's ok shedog we live in a new America now where one can come out clean about their sexuality and not get persecuted. If you think your ever going to offend me on these forums than rethink your thought process...someone like you doesn't phase me one bit since I guarantee if you were confronted in RL you'd run away like the fluff you really are with your tail between your legs. Go take your insecurities out on some tranny/gay porno since I for one am tired of your fluffing

Kick his ass or show him a pic of how intimidating you are.

Kick his ass Seabass... would also be an acceptable troll.



Aug 3rd 2015, 2:35:42

Originally posted by GeneralofRome:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Shewell. you use the term "circle jerk" as though you have a lot of experience..... talk about your stolen are a total disgrace.

By the sounds of it he has a lot of valor...just other men's leftover in his hands

Sounds more like your wet dream than reality.



Aug 3rd 2015, 2:34:33

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Shewell. you use the term "circle jerk" as though you have a lot of experience..... talk about your stolen are a total disgrace.

I know you guys are so retarded I had to tell you that the holding hands that blade had you guys do was really a circle jerk. You are pathetic.



Aug 3rd 2015, 1:34:45

Originally posted by mrford:
bring back eugenics

It was still alive and well here in PA until the late 80s.