
tellarion Game profile


Dec 22nd 2012, 13:12:24

Originally posted by Flamey:
Yes, we destroyed 3/4 of TIE then hit MD, with no CMs. We were then fighting MD + 1/4 of the original TIE and the remianing 3/4 of TIE restarted and joined in the fight. Hence, we beat MD + 2100 (a day) extra finishing turns with ease, but we are somehow being told that SoF beating MD is unconceivable...

Then again the average MD member is so brainwashed by the propoganda fed to them insite, it doesn't really surprise me.

What does this have to do with me? And so what if you didn't have CMs, you had 2 FS advantages...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 22nd 2012, 11:47:46

It would be more fair to say that you defeated Tie. And then, after you stored turns, you defeated MD.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 22nd 2012, 11:45:45

Evo has no bad apples. They are all nice and fresh, as they are in season.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 22nd 2012, 4:38:52

If anyone else wants us to police for them, we will :)

tellarion Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:45:44

Yeah it's silly. Oh well.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:28:10

Make sure you double check before retalling as laf is continuing to grab during their war :)

tellarion Game profile


Dec 19th 2012, 17:19:23

Kal, come back :(

tellarion Game profile


Dec 19th 2012, 14:33:46


tellarion Game profile


Dec 19th 2012, 13:47:19

Nobody stockhunted you. Why are you even bringing this up still?

tellarion Game profile


Dec 18th 2012, 17:29:36

Give it up, dude. You took a risk having 5b cash and several hundred mil bushels on hand, and you paid the price. I'm starting to think that one day you'll get Alzheimer's and not be able to remember your own kids, but you'll still be saying 'Remember that time Evo stockhunted me! GRRRR!!!!'

And before you even think to twist my words, that is NOT an admission of guilt. Just let it go ffs and stop being such a turd.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 18th 2012, 17:12:14

Get grabbed more, noob.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 18th 2012, 14:35:40

Yeah, but then they occasionally get retalled by an untagged while bottomfeeding, so they hit them 10 more times and call it good.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 18th 2012, 14:29:27

It's attitudes like this that lead people to A) Quit the game, or B) Suicide indefinitely.

Speaking on a personal level, and not as an FA, do you guys not wonder why you attract more suiciders than any other alliance?

tellarion Game profile


Dec 17th 2012, 13:38:29

That was not meant to be posted...


tellarion Game profile


Dec 17th 2012, 13:37:50


tellarion Game profile


Dec 17th 2012, 13:17:57

Have a few things I'd like to discuss. I'll be around on irc or icq for a while :)

tellarion Game profile


Dec 16th 2012, 7:30:36

I always call it wrong :(

tellarion Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 16:38:42

Gun control does not always mean banning guns. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of gun control proponents are not suggesting we do away with guns entirely. But as many of you pointed out, it is incredibly easy to obtain a firearm, whether it is a handgun or an assault rifle. THIS is ABSOLUTELY part of the problem. Is it the only issue here? Hell no. As Detmer pointed out, there is a serious mental health issue lurking in the background that is not being addressed properly.

But is ANYONE here seriously saying that there is NO possible benefit from stricter controls on the sale and possession of firearms? Can you not see how putting these tighter controls might just help avoid some of these types of mass shootings? Most gun control opponents remind me of children whose parents have threatened to take away their toy...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 4:53:36

Guns don't kill people, they just make it a whole hell of a lot easier to do so. You notice how in that china knife attack, there were no reported deaths...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 13:32:05

I think he did a wonderful job. Evo is, in fact, full of starving East Africans. I'm pretty sure QZ is Somalia.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 13th 2012, 16:30:03

Originally posted by Hawk:
The only rankings I've ever seen posted here, that were unbiased, were Ben Raines.

He did his using mathematics only, but then, you could always say he was biased in which numbers he chose to use.

Yeah, just look at Vic's rankings from 2 sets ago :P

tellarion Game profile


Dec 13th 2012, 14:57:54

Evo is pretty garbage....

tellarion Game profile


Dec 13th 2012, 13:39:30


tellarion Game profile


Dec 12th 2012, 7:46:38

Holy ballsack! It's skitch!!!!!!

tellarion Game profile


Dec 11th 2012, 16:42:35

He handled my bits...privately...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 11th 2012, 14:48:57

Hit me up please. I'm around irc for a while. Thanks!

tellarion Game profile


Dec 11th 2012, 14:37:10

The pacts that have things like 150+% are designed to limit the overall number of grabs your alliance will be taking. It's a bit too much to have 5-10 alliances pacted in such a way that they can grab the hell out of you. It's much easier to manage 2-4 alliances...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 16:18:32

Ok, I am definitely reversing my stance on this issue. How can you reasonably expect people to have enough tanks on hand to make a difference when there are literally none on the market? There have been a total of 5k or so sold the entire set so far. Unless people are expected to pay exorbitant prices on their private markets, or go Indy, it absolutely is crazy to require tanks this early.

The punishment is FAR too high for so early in the set. After a full week or so, maybe it's reasonable. But it's a terrible idea at this point in the set...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 15:48:16

Sorry Boltar :( She's tiny but ferocious, so I think I'd better keep them off the internet. If we ever meet in person, however, they're all yours!

tellarion Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 15:23:11

I'm on irc or at 108828338.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 14:48:46

I saw the live action kenshin movie. It was pretty good :)

tellarion Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 13:25:40

Originally posted by En4cer85:
Tella Ithe scenario I have in mind the aggressor initiating it is doing so with low defense to allow an easy retal from his target where they will have both come out ahead. The maths would have been done by the aggressor to ensure he was not top feeding (land fat country) and that the retal that would ensue would easily account for the required land.

Well, considering how much easier it is to just pump jets and break someone than completely protect yourself from said grabs, this type of grabbing has become the de facto standard. Because of this and the changes to ghost acres, there's simply no point to having mass defense and 1:1 policies. That's what I think, anyway.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 13:19:47

Send me details on icq :) I can leak those logs too :P

tellarion Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 2:36:03

Evo views 'landtrading' as exchanging hits between countries more than once within a 24 hour period. If not for this agreement between the countries involved, that kind of grabbing would be considered a retal on retal, and would spiral out of control.

I don't consider what you are describing as midfeeding to be landtrading. Sounds to me like you consider grabbing anyone that can and will retal as a land trade. That's fine if you want to call it that, but I definitely don't see that as a negative thing.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 2:29:50

Sent you an icq message. I'll be around later tonight as well, feel free to shoot me a pm.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 9:20:19

That's my personal view as well.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 8:06:17

How the hell do you expect me to continue this conversation if you won't even read anything I post? I have said all along that Tob was the one that told me these things. I mentioned suiciding because YOUR FA told me you had threatened to do it. I am glad to see that you didn't threaten to suicide, you only threatened to intentionally stock hunt. I haven't ever changed my statements, whereas you have multiple times.

And looks like I called it, you can't win this argument so you will instead continue to say that I am a liar and now adding in that I am faking those logs. That's wonderful. Since you can't obtain a victory in this stupid argument that you started, you will instead claim the good old fashioned moral one.

As far as the Sof thing: YES! My member is an even bigger noob for having that much on hand, and he understands it. As I said before, if the Sof country had done 1 grab and left it at that, my guy would be out of luck. Ask ANY ALLIANCE IN THIS GAME what would happen if their member got grabbed by an unpacted alliance with lots of cash on hand. The answer is most likely nothing. Having lots of cash on hand is a calculated risk, AND YOU KNOW IT. You were hoping that nobody would notice, and you got unlucky. I'm willing to be that you understand that, as you know how to net, but you have a giant bug up your ass about Evo and feel that you were wronged.

And finally, as I told Tob, you did indeed have another retal to take, as you got like 78% on the first retal. That is all you were entitled to, and that is what you got. End of story.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 7:30:34

Sounds perfect for Evo :P

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 7:24:17

Oh, there it is:

"I am just reporting what I heard from Tob. He was faced with the unsavory task of trying to work something out on behalf of one of his members who was threatening to suicide the crap out of us and was raging on your boards. His words, reporting what you were saying, not mine.";p=1354712274&page=1

"And stop being a complete MORON. Go read what I wrote(probably for the first time). The person who said you were threatening to suicide was YOUR OWN FA. From what he told me, you were throwing a tantrum on your forums. HE said you were going to suicide, not me. So no, 'stockhunting' is not suiciding. Nobody in my alliance was doing it, so it doesn't matter whether we 'know how to' or not, we don't do fluff like that."

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 7:19:07

I can't even find the freakin thread anymore where we previously argued this. If you find it and ACTUALLY FREAKIN READ IT FOR ONCE, you'd notice that I stated multiple times that Tob told me you were threatening to suicide. That's what I was told repeatedly, and that's what I told YOU on that thread repeatedly.

I produced logs, after you got grabbed with 5b cash on hand like a fkn noob, from your FA saying you were pissed and were going to suicide if you didn't get 1.5b in FA and 2 retals(which is silly considering you lost like 800m and already took a retal). I'm sorry he was incorrect, but thank you for FINALLY clarifying that you fkn tool.

And once again: a techer grabbing another techer from an unpacted alliance when they both have the same networth and land, and the attacker has enough jets on hand to break the defender. Sounds pretty legit to me.

"TOB considered what I was threatening to do to be suiciding, but EVO and Laf have different ideas on what suiciding is. "

GOODNESS! That flies in the face of your statements from the previous bullfluff argument. Earlier you were deliberately ignoring my statements and claiming that 'I' was the one saying this so called 'stock hunting' was suiciding, when, in fact, it was apparently the definition from YOUR alliance all along.

See how much more fun this is when you actually look at facts instead of deliberately acting like an asshole?

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 6:39:55

[00:08] <Don_TOB> rockman will suicide u if he dont get what hes owed
[00:46] <Don_TOB> yeah but it wont be much more fun when he suicides u guys

You calling Tob a liar? Your leaders know I have nothing but respect for you guys, and I have enjoyed dealing with them. But the gloves come off when you come here on your own and start spouting complete and utter bullfluff. Why don't you take a hint and shut your mouth for once in your miserable life.

Slagpit isn't in Evo, and hasn't been for a while. KJ isn't in Evo and hasn't been for a while. Not to mention only one of the game admins is in Evo, and is pretty much hands off on the day to day issues.

Stop making such RIDICULOUS blanket statements that only show how foolish you are.

PS: Incoming claims of 'you're lying and you faked those logs'.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 6:32:24

But you know what? The problem with requiring Tanks oop is that nobody is selling tanks...............

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 6:25:15

Originally posted by Rockman:
I'm not sure why anyone thought it was a good idea to boost suiciders. This strengthens the power of the FS on unprepared countries, which makes early set suicides and FSs especially deadly. I think KJ has a friend among the game admins, one who put this change in there specifically for KJ and is blocking it from being fixed.

Why would you even say something like this? Stop acting like KJ is the only idiot suicider with a grudge out there. I myself got ABed to fluff on day 3 last set, because I didn't have enough protection. Sure as hell wasn't KJ that did it.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 8th 2012, 15:55:58

Too damn many contacts, wtf?

tellarion Game profile


Dec 7th 2012, 13:25:39


tellarion Game profile


Dec 6th 2012, 17:59:29

Or PM!

tellarion Game profile


Dec 6th 2012, 17:59:12

Nuke, irc!

tellarion Game profile


Dec 6th 2012, 17:58:44

Llaar, pm

tellarion Game profile


Dec 6th 2012, 16:22:42

That's what I was wondering :(

tellarion Game profile


Dec 6th 2012, 16:04:30

Yup. But your wartag is at my beck and call, ok?