
tellarion Game profile


Oct 14th 2012, 17:07:08

Originally posted by theannonymousone:
There's a real easy solution for all those complaining.. buy some tanks DUH!

"oh no this will make my netting set worse off than before" Everyone is in the same boat, get over yourself.

"but I'll be ruined if someone AB's me early"
Buy some tanks early then, and don't farm untagged so many times w/o tanks stupids (since those are rly the only ppl who will AB u in alliance server, and if you can't outsmart an untagged maybe you shouldn't be playing this game).

Ppl who net in alliance server have no balls. They hide behind their tag protection their ridiculous retal policies and cry and complain to the admins when something doesn't go their way. I'm sorry the game admins change things once in awhile and force you to have to think and change your ways. I'm sorry a free game doesn't do exactly what you want it to do all the time. That's life, once you move out of your parents basements maybe you'll learn this lesson the hard way.

I was ABed on day 2...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 14th 2012, 17:06:28

Originally posted by Klown:
I knew this was the next step from the Democrats. Sad.

He's only following in the steps of such republican luminaries as the birthers and those that are convinced Obama is a muslim...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 14th 2012, 14:38:27

Would someone from MD mind popping on to irc please? Thanks!!

tellarion Game profile


Oct 14th 2012, 14:06:58

The issue with ABs is that the change sucks for early game. If you're running a strat that is tight on cash at the start(ie any sort of casher), it's hard to get some extra tanks at that point. Then again, 1 tank per acre is a ridiculously low amount to be concerned about...When I got ABed, I had like 1k acres. That's really not a lot of cash to spend on tanks....

tellarion Game profile


Oct 13th 2012, 15:23:43

Good Luck EDge

tellarion Game profile


Oct 13th 2012, 14:23:29

Originally posted by Dissidenticn:
For me... im all about the fact checking websites. After I'm done with this post I'm going to read all of that link.

But for now, I think it's fairly simple to say that the results of this debate will be based on partisanship because both sides did pretty well.

For Rep voters- Ryan remained composed, spoke well, and presented his platform, while Biden interrupted him often, the moderator seemed to side with Biden more than Ryan, and Biden seemed rude.

For Dem voters- Biden was aggressive and quick to point out the lies Ryan told. Ryan presented a platform that seems misinformed to the left. The Reps think Ryan won because Biden was being rude... not because of the merits in what he said. (Honestly, I don't remember what he said because no Reps are talking about it... just how Biden was drunk or something).

Like I said, the results are partisan. Sooooo.... tie.

on a final note, I think Romney was really rude to Obama during their debate... it's funny that nobody on the Rep side noticed that.

You could copy and repaste this entire post here, except switch 'for rep voters' and 'for dem voters', and change ryan to obama, biden to romney. Bam, there's the presidential debate in a freaking nutshell. Hilarious...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 13th 2012, 14:21:44

tellarion Game profile


Oct 12th 2012, 15:19:07

Originally posted by paladin:
But I am neither Democrat nor Republican. I am a gun loving, gay marriage supporting, social liberal, fiscal conservative that believes that lower taxes doesn't always solve everything, and that wants Social Security and medicare to be around for a very long time.

You sound almost like a Democrat, to be honest.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 12th 2012, 15:12:40

Originally posted by [IX]Mobster:
Biden was extremely disrespectful with his smiling, laughing, scoffing, grinning, and interrupting. Very abrasive, and the focus groups on all the news channels are pointing it out. Ryan was far too composed and didn't call Biden out on it when he should have.

Winner, Big Bird.

Wait wait wait wait wait waaaaaaaait! Isn't this the same kind of fluff that Romney did that everyone went nuts over and said he won? So if the President can talk over someone and be 'abrasive', it's ok, but if the VP doesn't just shut his yap then it's GAME OVER MAN!

tellarion Game profile


Oct 12th 2012, 15:00:58

Yeah I just lost about 40-50bpt and only like 100-150 Ent/Res in fewer than 20 attacks...That's pretty messed up...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 12th 2012, 14:58:29

And honestly, I don't disagree with ID requirements in general. I really really have an issue when they are motivated by politics instead of for more noble and worthwhile reasons. Yes, 'many' of the laws were changed last year. That doesn't mean it's not a NEW phenomenon. It's just the latest iteration of a process designed to disenfranchise whole classes of people. They should wait until AFTER the election to do it, and then claim it's for peoples' own good, and NOT motivated by pure politics.

Also, on a more technical vote, I think it should be done at the time you register to vote, not show up to the polls. But then again, I'm from Oregon and all voting is done by mail anyway, so the ID question is entirely moot in my state.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 12th 2012, 14:54:03

You can skew the statistics in any way you want to to make it support your point. They took months to figure out who won that election. If there were more fraudulent voters, there's a good chance they would have found them. Talking in such broad generalities is retarded, imo.

Most convicts vote Democrat(how many? what percentages?)
Most of the fraudulent votes were convicts(This is what it sounds like you are trying to say, btw)
Thus, most of the fraudulent votes were for democrats, not republicans.

I'm sorry, but the facts don't support such a statement...

Most gun owners are Republicans
Most murders involve a firearm
Most murderers must be Republicans then.

Correlation and Causation, my friend.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 11th 2012, 14:07:56

I remember all of these names :)


tellarion Game profile


Oct 11th 2012, 14:07:21

WHAT! Who let this guy back in?


tellarion Game profile


Oct 11th 2012, 13:45:43

Originally posted by Angel1:
Most of those laws have been on the books for at least a year, at least one state delayed their voter ID law through the last midterm election precisely because they had passed it too late for peopple to get IDs if they don't already have them. You can't tell me that an entire year is not enough time to get a picture ID.

We can discuss specific cases, but if the state has had the law on the books for at least a year and IDs have been available for free for at least a year and if locations to get photo IDs are not unduly difficult, then voter ID laws should be fine. Talk specifics or be quiet.

As to your point that voter fraud is a non-issue. The 61st filibuster breaking senate vote responsible for Obamacare passing mattered. The Minnesota senate election was decided by fewer votes than there were fraudulent votes. Polling strongly suggests that the convicted felons cited as the fraudulent votes predominantly vote democratic. Don't tell me that voter fraud is a non-issue. Obamacare is not a non-issue. The Minnesota senate election that prevented a filibuster of Obamacare was not a non-issue. The fraudulent votes which put Franken into office as Senator are not a non-issue. Voter fraud matters. Voter fraud is important and damages our democracy. Reasonable efforts to prevent voter fraud is not racism or playing politics, it's just good leadership.

So fraudulent voters are mainly Democrats? What a wonderful claim to make without providing evidence of your own. Your brief blurb summarizing a book doesn't say anything concretely.

"Franken won with a 312-vote margin in a race where 1,099 felons voted illegally. Despite a formidable barrier to conviction and apathy by county prosecutors, 177 felons were convicted of vote fraud — more than half of Franken’s victory margin."

So ALL 1099 of those felons were democrats? The 177 that were convicted were all democrats? What about the remaining 135 that weren't tied to such felons? They MUST have been illegal too!! You can draw whatever conclusion you want from numbers such as those, ffs. Maybe illegal voters that voted democrat are just stupider than those that voted republican, and thus got caught in higher percentages?


tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2012, 17:27:14

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
I was just trying to get a troll response. :(

We know :P Not to mention you give him more credit than he's worth :D Did a single person with 2 countries cost 20+m difference in avg nw?

*poke poke*

tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2012, 2:06:47

What a great prediction! Isn't there at least 1 war every set though?? :P

tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2012, 2:06:07

If you really want to net, join Evolution :) We won avg nw quite handily last set.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 9th 2012, 17:45:20

But, you know, that website is probably a fake and their sources are probably bs. So feel free to ignore it I guess!


tellarion Game profile


Oct 9th 2012, 17:44:34

tellarion Game profile


Oct 9th 2012, 17:38:50

1) Most of these laws are pretty damn new. They were enacted after decades of NOT requiring them in order to disenfranchise a very specific group of people.

2) Voter fraud is a non-issue in general. This isn't the pre-civil war voting bloodbath...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 9th 2012, 17:35:23

Why do you hate men?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 9th 2012, 2:10:19

Come play with me!

tellarion Game profile


Oct 8th 2012, 12:00:00

My life....means NOTHING anymore!!

tellarion Game profile


Oct 8th 2012, 7:21:32

Vic, you're so cool!

tellarion Game profile


Oct 8th 2012, 4:40:49

You have to buy that super soft tissue, twist it up and shove it up there. Doesn't irritate the nose as much. Also, pseudophed pills work great. Dry that fluff up like a dessert!! I'll let the numbers speak for themselves :)

tellarion Game profile


Oct 8th 2012, 4:34:05

TTT, still looking for someone

tellarion Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 16:13:40

Holy fluff aqua!

tellarion Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 15:33:54

I just came back about the same time you did. Actually a few days before you made that post :P

tellarion Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 15:09:18

Sov, check your PM :)

tellarion Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 13:31:23

Bump for steamy internet 'conversation'

tellarion Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 6:38:02

Isn't that how all LCN FAs are :P

tellarion Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 6:35:29

Yeah, most of the old timers from Un4 have quit/moved on, apparently. I mean, I'm playing here again, FFS :P

tellarion Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 5:12:23

And it has nothing to do with bashing them :)

Is Purposeful1 your only contact this set? Would like to get in 'touch' with you please.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 4:41:53

Is this a joke?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 13:45:41

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
I don't really think they're trying for avg networrth this reset.

They probably could remove 4 or so more inactives but I doubt they will.

Seems your ex evo head, his multi, and the others who seem to live to screw over rd and suicide over and over are doing well and making players quit the game :) good work ! :)

I don't think he was messing with RD?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 2:41:19

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
The idea that RD once upon a time ran bots is just silly :)

You're silly.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2012, 18:13:53

UBer Bu is a swell guy. I like him.

Not as handsome as Detmer though :(

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2012, 17:41:24

[quote poster=EVO|Rasp; 20542; 378895]
Originally posted by tellarion:

We only had one big noob that refused to listen to any advice and is dragging the avg down.

You mean qz? ;) [/quote]

Yes :) We already decided that he is going to pop back in tomorrow and realize he forgot to destock, and then just add 100m to his current nw :P

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2012, 16:23:05

Yeah, that's muuuuch worse for sure.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2012, 16:03:29

They just made Japanese anti-piracy laws MUCH stronger. Possible 10 year imprisonment for uploading and massive fine for downloading.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2012, 15:38:29

Originally posted by Pride:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Vic, reset's still not done, so a bit premature.

Also, MD higher than Evo for netting? Really...? As of this moment, Evo is 24m higher in average net(15m higher than Laf I might add). But MD got 2 more players into top 10, so they're obviously better as an alliance at netting? I just don't quite follow your logic here...

Evo has a bunch of core vets, MD has a lot of newer players or else ANW would be a lot closer.

Yeah not knocking you guys. It's quite an accomplishment to get such high avg nw with new players, AND more players overall. We only had one big noob that refused to listen to any advice and is dragging the avg down.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2012, 14:42:27

Even as I spoke, another Evo country bumped into the top 10. Let's wait and see how the next 33 hours go and then you can update your rankings correctly :P

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2012, 14:18:15

Sorry, not trying to bash on MD since they're pretty cool people.

Also, if you value each individual's performance so much, shouldn't the fact that the top 10 evo country is 10m higher than the top md country count for something as well? The numbers don't lie man...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2012, 14:05:00

Vic, reset's still not done, so a bit premature.

Also, MD higher than Evo for netting? Really...? As of this moment, Evo is 24m higher in average net(15m higher than Laf I might add). But MD got 2 more players into top 10, so they're obviously better as an alliance at netting? I just don't quite follow your logic here...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2012, 13:56:15


tellarion Game profile


Oct 1st 2012, 14:00:04

Oops, poor choice of words. I am fluffing about him grabbing someone for 9k acres 5 days before the set ends. Forgive me for that.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 1st 2012, 13:53:50

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by Warner:
Originally posted by qzjul:

Somebody else (warner maybe?) deleted like everything on the site once too....

I did what? lol

Lol, I don't remember who did what! I DO remember that you disappeared all of a sudden and that we had no idea what was going on for a while....

I remember that too :) I blame Warner right now :)

tellarion Game profile


Oct 1st 2012, 13:19:04

Little Italy, you're a fluffing tool. He tagged Hero 10 days ago, loooong after any farming happened.

And like Ikkaku said, if you dared to pull that kind of fluff earlier in the set when most netters weren't destocking, you'd be dead. Plain and simple. So the whole 'I didn't want to ruin your set by hitting earlier' is complete and utter fluff. You knew that there was little chance of anyone retaliating, so you went for it. Plain and simple.

tellarion Game profile


Sep 30th 2012, 15:24:02

And yeah, I get it. You don't like playing the way 99% of the people do on this server, which is why they created other servers for people to play like you do. But you get your jollies off trying to screw over other people cause it's fun. Ok, good for you, but you're still an asshole.