Jul 6th 2012, 22:06:22
As I've stated before but didn't mention in my last message, networth delay is also an objective. Though killing the suiciders repeatedly (Something I expected to see a lot more of. I've died once this set. I realize that there are multiple projects holding your attention, but you're still underachieving ..) limits our effectiveness, focusing on us also limits your ability to coerce the other clans and the rare, living networther or two still out there. Obviously, the influence we can exert in this way is small, but you've probably figured out by now that I'm a gosh darn bleedin' heart optimist. I also hold out on the remote possibility that it might amuse MIB or a different coalition of smaller clans to annihilate the multitude of relatively low networth TSO countries that are bound to result as a byproduct of your own singleminded conquests and predictable reaction to suiciders. While the possibility IS remote, it exists and continues to exist every set, and its perpetuity works to make it an eventual inevitability - and when it happens.. Well, you get where I'm going with this. Like I said: An optimist, and only at the cost of roughly fifteen minutes a day :)
Of course, as others have mentioned, if we just left you to your own devices the clan would likely just dissolve, and maybe sooner than it would if we did things my way, but that's not nearly as satisfying for me. You see, I need hobbies. I like weight lifting, running, reading, and virtual terrorism, so the show must go on.