Apr 6th 2011, 23:38:26
I really don't like the fact that you can check FA packages or spy ops. It removes the 'interaction' that has made the 'game' of this community. Spy ops to check allies is what should be the only way to determine (or guess) whether a country has been aided, in conjunction with NW fluctuations. I don't for a second believe that everyone still sticks around (in majority) because they enjoy inputting text into fields and clicking buttons. The gameplay here is as basic and primitive as it gets.
The external interaction that alliances create for themselves is what creates the community feel - its what fuels wars, and its what keeps a lot of us here.
These two changes go against this, and it's (as someone else said) too big brotherish. I think changes that encourage MORE political leveraging and bargaining is more attractive than trying to piggy back those functions into the game itself.
Just my 0.02.