Apr 29th 2010, 7:16:22
Well if circumstances played themselves in such a positive way and you played the markets with friends and stuff, I suppose you're right.
Not withstanding market manipulation, FAing, and farming inactive players or ex-alliance mates, and your assertion that commies are likely not possible to finish first place anyways; I think it clearly says C/I is not a viable netting strategy. We probably subscribe to different philosophies; but I just want to have all main strategies balanced to a point where it is actually (within normal, common, etc) strategy to compete for the top spot. Nothing is ever going to be exactly equal, but I would argue vehemently that there is a gap between being where we are today and where we'd be "sort of balanced".
The changes you reference above are a great step in that direction but I hope this is revisited at the end of this set for example so we can continue to narrow that gap.
Edited By: Rick on Apr 29th 2010, 7:17:27