
humicroav Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 9:04:28

Hey all. I've played Earth 2025 and Earth Empires off and on since 1999. I was never any good at it, but it has always fascinated me.

Anyway, I'm trying to get better at the game and have been reading the wiki trying to gather more useful information. I've been working with the formulas on the game formula page

My first assumption is that the net-worth formula
NW=(Troops * 0.5) + (Jets * 0.6) + (Turrets * 0.6) + (Tanks * 2) + (Spies * 1) + (Tech * 2) + (Land * 45) + (Buildings * 35) + (Money / 20000) + (Food/1000) + (Missles * 2500) + (Pop/6) + (Oil/100)
is true. Can anyone confirm or correct this?

My next assumption is that a 1 to 1 chart can be made between any two items.

Example 1: an equal net-worth trade off would be $10,000 for one troop (.5*20,000) A troop purchased for less than $10,000 would be better for the net-worth than the cash used to purchase it.

Example 2: an equal net-worth trade off would be 70 Troops for 1 building (35/.5) Selling 70 or less troops on the public market for the price of one building as a Democracy would be a victory for the net-worth.

Does someone have a more accurate military upkeep formula or know where to find it? The wiki has it listed as
((Troops * .11) + (Jets * .14) + (Turrets * .18) + (Tanks * .57) + Spies) * MilTech% * (1 + Networth/40000000) * GvtBonus * MilBaseFactor

I assume a lot of those formulas on the wiki are wrong. Does anyone have updated information?
ur mom playz erf2025

Xinhuan Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 9:51:16

Try dividing by 200 million instead of 40 million.

humicroav Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 19:34:38

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Try dividing by 200 million instead of 40 million.

That is for the military upkeep formula?
ur mom playz erf2025

5hade Game profile


Mar 4th 2014, 10:06:36

You'll get further by maximising the production of your country - basically (built acres x stuff created per acre).

Spoiler: More built acres is better. Work out how to get (and keep) more built acres than the other guys, and you will do well.