
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 22nd 2017, 19:38:03

I just tried a cash start and got $104k/turn on turn 100, without switching tax rates. I didn't spend any money on tech since tech is usually super expensive in the early game(I did this in a server that has mature markets but didn't use them) but I ended up with over $1.5m on hand.

1. How does this compare to a proper cash start?

2. Is cash start still better than the alternatives?

3. Tech start casher is still used or is it dead?

4. Do conditions exist in which a Theo Casher can thrive compared to Republic Casher?

My primary concern is Tournament and maybe Primary. Though I think it doesn't matter that much.

Marshal Game profile


Feb 22nd 2017, 20:28:56

rep casher always > theo casher unless is very active grabber as theo (atleast 1 player has won alliance set as theo casher) but rep could do same so........

techstart for cashers is still used.

pure cashstart can lead to getting attacked early due lack of military.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 22nd 2017, 20:30:50

Thanks Marshal!

Ohh 2 more:

5. What are the normal comparative stats used when evaluating cashers early game/ mid game?

Back in the day a common number to shoot for was $1 millon revenue by turn 300. Is this number still used or another similar stat like X thousand acres build by turn Y?

6. Is the start really as significant nowadays? I mean nowadays with the all-explore strength of the republic casher there is no longer a need to grab early, hence you end up with high tech quite rapidly anyway as thats where nearly all your money is spent.

So what if I just go like 40cs, 450 indies, 160cs, while selling a couple of times, and then switch to casher? It is probably more turn efficient and way faster to do in practice but you will end up with less tech. It just seems like the start is less significant.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 26th 2017, 9:50:42

At what acreage is normal to do tech starts for casher? Are we still talking 800-1200 labs or have the higher explores made that acreage higher?

Marshal Game profile


Feb 26th 2017, 10:13:34

that differs, some do it early and some get bit bigger (get some indies and bpt up) and then start teching.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2018, 3:18:43

Gerdler thanking Marshal. If I hadn't seen it myself, I wouldn't believe it.

Marshal Game profile


Apr 3rd 2018, 12:56:09

you imagined it.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 22nd 2018, 0:38:55

I had just come back... I would have answered a lot of those questions differently now, but no one else answered.

Marshal Game profile


Apr 22nd 2018, 10:52:52

game has changed wee bit since orig post.

today pure cashstart is better thx to bot farming.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 8th 2018, 7:15:46

actually better in non-bot servers too.. but you need to do it properly.

fremen Game profile

New Member

Jun 3rd 2018, 16:48:07

I am going casher this set and I'll let you know where I am at and how I got there..
Long Live the Fighters..

fremen Game profile

New Member

Jun 3rd 2018, 17:02:16

here is at turn 99 - Farm start to Tech phase -building labs soon.

Net Income $10,353
Cashing $12,861
Food 732
Production 923
Consumption 61
Net Change 862
Long Live the Fighters..