
VIPx Game profile


Mar 24th 2011, 22:30:56

So Earth Empires. I think I'll check it out next round. Can someone fill me in on what's changed from when Earth:2025 died?

Hello to all my Earth friends as well. Long time no talk.

VIPx Game profile


Mar 24th 2011, 22:50:57

... do my eyes deceive me? Is EVO actually at war? Wow. Things have changed.

afaik Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 13:43:53

Welcome back man.. what server?

Alliance is the old council server, team is the old alliance server.

New express server is a 5 day solo game, 4 min turns.

FFA server is up to 16 countries.

Team server is a new 5 man tag game.

There's a new leaderboard system.

GDI is different on some servers (both primary and express - read the description in game before coming oop)

Humanitarians is 1/4 in primary

Bonus system is new and improved (external voting is back, plus you get a new link in game to spend bonus points)

Ghost acres are back.

Evo is indeed at war this set.

VIPx Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 14:10:06

The link in game for bonus points! Mehul used to do that way back.

Hmm 1/4 humanitarians. It used to be what 1/10th or something? So much for farming the little dudes :P

Team server is an interesting concept. I'm not surprised the implemented Ghost acres... as odd as they were.

Few questions for Qz, Slagpit or anyone that helped program the new game (or anybody that can answer I suppose):

"Mehul factor" aka small random chance on SS and PS... did you program one? HAHA

Did you reproduce the 2^31 cash bug to maintain the integrity of the old "stockpiling" system?

Rockman Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 14:49:43

Mehul factor is 10% still

There is no more cash bug. However, if you run turns with more than 2 billion cash on hand, you lose 0.1% of the cash in excess of 2 billion each turn (called corruption). So if you had 2.1 billion cash on hand, you would lose $100k cash per turn to corruption. If you had 6 billion cash on hand, you would lose $4 million per turn to corruption.

Military tech now increases the sale price of food on your private market rather than decreasing it. Theocracy bonus and military bases still decrease the sale price of food, though.

There's a few other changes, too. Communists can sell a significantly larger portion of their military now (35% increase, allowing them to sell 25*1.35 = 33.75% of their military at once).

Team Server is still flawed. There's nothing to stop a bunch of players from forming multiple tags and working as one super large team.

1/4th humanitarians is only in primary. Other servers have different amounts and different rules. I think one server even has the 2 billion threshhold for corruption removed.

VIPx Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 16:22:53

Right on... thanks Rockman. Good to see you're still around.

I like the changes to Military tech and CI. Makes farming and CI a little bit stronger. Food must be more expensive on average than it used to be.

Yeah I can see what you mean with the Team Sever issue. I prefer playing with more people anyways.

Corruption is an interesting idea. It would make destocking certain strategies somewhat easier. That will be interesting to get used to. I suppose you'd still stock for the most part until near the end of the game.

mazooka Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 17:29:26

wb vipx =)

VIPx Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 18:49:27

Hey Maz!

Any other old SKA guys around?

Another question I forgot to ask:

Is there a datasheet with all countries in game listed to help with land grabs? If so, does Earthstats or Earthgraphs still work with the new database?

Rockman Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 19:37:24

trep Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 19:37:52

Heya...dunno why all of us are around randomly still sometimes =P

VIPx Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 20:02:46

Hey trep.

Well I suppose a lot of us have been playing for years and years. I've always said that this game is really hard to let go of for any long period of time :P

Thanks again Rockman.

Rockman Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 20:40:31

Thats a nice list of changes there.

Some major ones being Industrial tech max changed to 160%, Dictators given a +32% buildings captured bonus, and theocracies given a 50% population bonus (makes theo cash start a decent startup now).

Standing Orders are probably the best change of all, allowing someone to 'camp' the market for cheaper goods, without having to be logged in or refreshing the market page every 5 seconds.

VIPx Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 21:07:58

Slagpit sent me that a few minutes before you did. That hits on most things for sure. Few changes to land grabs.

I agree with you about the standing orders.. that's a great idea. No more being married to your computer for cheap goods as you say.

Theo Cash Start... right on.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 26th 2011, 8:41:06

SKA reunion!

Humanitarians in Primary was 20% in the old game so it's not that big of a change. Lots of good posts in this thread but I can think of a few more minor changes:

bus/res 175% -> 180%
agri 220% -> 230%
demo regained +10% tech maximums
theo tech max -50% => -35%
fascist oil bonus +50% => +75%

There are solo country threads but I can't figure out a good way to get people to participate.

Slecht Game profile

New Member

Mar 26th 2011, 11:08:34

SKA! =)

CGiboney Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 0:23:11

Yo guys!

Unholy Monks

VIPx Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 21:10:59

Hey Slecht!

Ooo an Oil bonus. I like the fact that you guys made oiler a viable strat.

divus Game profile


Mar 29th 2011, 10:27:05


a lot of old faces :)

trep Game profile


Mar 30th 2011, 0:04:07

my face isn't old, its seksi

Kingme Game profile


Apr 1st 2011, 20:47:09

VIPx, did you get the email I sent you a like two weeks ago?!

or is it just crazy timing you showed up.

VIPx Game profile


Apr 5th 2011, 21:02:03

email? hmm no... i'll have to check my other account lol.