
Zoeismadlol Game profile


Jun 30th 2014, 0:56:42

I'd like to do a tech start then convert to casher. No idea how this is done, anyone? :D

Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 30th 2014, 2:30:42

You build some initial farms, about 100-150 of them. Then while the farms are producing, build about 160-180 CS. Then explore and build about 1.8k-2.5k labs depending on you (fund it by selling the food produced by those farms to private). Drop some farms and change them into labs too.

Once there, you tech about 100-150 turns into mainly res/bus, (but get a little bit strat/weap as well). By now you should have quite a large stockpile of cash that you got over all those turns, convert all labs into ent/res (you will get even more cash as you convert).

For clan servers, countries get a lot more CS, since they have tag protection.

Zoeismadlol Game profile


Jun 30th 2014, 3:01:03

Oh wow so only 2k acres for the tech start? kk thx

Edited By: Zoeismadlol on Jun 30th 2014, 3:07:39
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 30th 2014, 3:18:58

You can go for more, but building costs increase significantly the larger you go, and you're building all those acres twice too. This means you would need to tech even more turns to make it worth while, and the delay might not be that good depending on the market, and/or availability of land to grab. On solo servers, you don't want to fall too far behind the top commies that don't tech start and become food for them.

Zoeismadlol Game profile


Jun 30th 2014, 11:56:34

alright thanks man