
Le Legionnaire Game profile


Oct 18th 2013, 8:18:50


In case your country (techer) is generating on a daily basis more cash than you need (construction/defenses) what is the best to do with the extra cash???

- Stockpile bushels? but I understood there is decay on stcok (losing bushels each turns)
- Keeping the cash? But after 2 Bn, problems,
- Keep buying defenses (turrets etc..)?

Last detail, qI did not reach yet the middle of the reset.

Thanks in advance for your feedback,

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.
George Orwell

Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 18th 2013, 9:11:07

If it is early in the reset, spend it on ways and means to gain more land and build more labs. Increase your military forces as needed to scale with the size of your growing country.

If it is mid-to-late set, stock bushels. This means spending excess cash to buy bushels. Because bushels on hand decay 0.1% every turn, you should store (sell) all of it at a high price that nobody will buy at (for eg, $100) on the market, goods on the market do not decay.

Near the end of the reset, you will be selling these bushels back into cash, to buy military units to finish as high NW as possible. The process of destocking bushels efficiently is another matter, and can takes essays to write.

Le Legionnaire Game profile


Oct 18th 2013, 10:30:42

Many thanks Xinhuan - brilliant and clear explanation.
We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.
George Orwell