
hsifreta Game profile


Feb 6th 2014, 1:10:06

do you tech to fulfill your current acreage amounts, or do you tech extra to keep techs high even after your bulk ex/grabbing spree/etc?

where's the limit? would it be a waste of turns to tech too much with a low tpt? is it better to catch up thru buying tech a bit at a time after the switch?

Xinhuan Game profile


Feb 6th 2014, 17:44:48

There is no conclusive answer. It depends on a few things, the biggest one being the price of tech on the market. Lesser factors include reset length, server speed, and things like that, because you don't want to switch too late and get farmed by Commie Indies who did Indy starts.

Almost always, it is a situation of sacrificing TURN EFFICIENCY for PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY, or vice versa.

Example, on Alliance you have tag protection. Turn efficiency means you can build 380 CS before doing a single grab, so your save on turns in the future. However, it means during that first 450 turns of your restart, you are sacrificing production (i.e if you built less CS, you could have started growing earlier/etc and taken advantage of stuff, such as cheaper goods and/or grabbing targets that aren't in DR yet since very few ppl are grabbing - but less CS also means you lose future turns since your BPT isn't at the optimal and need to spend more turns building - turns that would have a larger production than in your first 450 turns).

qwertyqwerty Game profile


Feb 6th 2014, 22:47:13

depends what you are doing after you tech. I just max key areas for the strategy then switch.