Multiple countries are allowed.
Clans are allowed.
Turns are awarded every 20 minutes.
Countries can hold a maximum of 120 (120) turns.
The two billion dollar cash limit is not in effect on this server.
Standing orders are enabled on this server.
The minimum time for market goods to arrive on the market is 4 hours. The maximum time is 6 hours.
Unsold goods stay on the market for 48 hours.
A planned strike brigade is unavailable for 20 hours after launching.
A country can carry out a maximum of 50 spy operations per day.
Humanitarians protest if a country attempts to attack another country which is 12 times bigger or smaller than it.
The cost of GDI membership is $3per acre.
quick question. how many multies does one need to run to play FFA?
It seems that a guy can run 100 multies and feed his main country all the way to the top correct?