He acted alone and I haven't heard back from him to know if he was provoked in some way(such as spies) by anyone. Doesn't appear to be the case, though.
He acted alone and I haven't heard back from him to know if he was provoked in some way(such as spies) by anyone. Doesn't appear to be the case, though.
lawlz cuz I would waste my time spying that hunk a crap country. I could have missile dumped him seeing how I have a few but I am too busy cashing out every turn to reduce my expenses by $800k to hold that #3 spot!
Actually, he ran a pretty solid all-x farmer - easily a good enough build for 40+M, I hate that he kind of fluffed Ingle's country but all three of us should still make the top 10. I probably shed about 10M NW hitting him, but we have principles to uphold over here - unlike that bunch of rif-raf over in Top 10.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov