
Brigg Game profile


Jul 15th 2015, 11:29:04

So, I fail a single spy attempt on this guy...This was his response....

48.4 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused 2188 civilians to flee our lands!

48.4 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused 2192 civilians to flee our lands!

48.4 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused 2196 civilians to flee our lands!

48.4 mins ago
hammer (#76) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 1520 enemy spies.

48.4 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused 2207 civilians to flee our lands!

48.4 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused 2214 civilians to flee our lands!

48.4 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused 2223 civilians to flee our lands!

48.4 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused 2234 civilians to flee our lands!

48.4 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused 2247 civilians to flee our lands!

48.4 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused 2262 civilians to flee our lands!

48.7 mins ago
hammer (#76) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 1520 enemy spies.

48.7 mins ago
Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

48.7 mins ago
Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

48.7 mins ago
Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

48.7 mins ago
hammer (#76) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 1520 enemy spies.

48.8 mins ago
hammer (#76) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 1520 enemy spies.

48.8 mins ago
Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

48.8 mins ago
Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

48.8 mins ago
Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

48.8 mins ago
Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

48.8 mins ago
Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

48.8 mins ago
Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

Also this:

50.6 mins ago
A nuclear missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
402 Acres

50.6 mins ago
A nuclear missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
423 Acres

50.7 mins ago
A chemical missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
11,506 Civilians
295 Buildings

50.7 mins ago
A chemical missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
12,401 Civilians
306 Buildings

50.7 mins ago
A chemical missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
12,401 Civilians
319 Buildings

50.7 mins ago
A chemical missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
12,400 Civilians
333 Buildings

50.8 mins ago
A cruise missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
20,111 Military Units

50.8 mins ago
A cruise missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
20,256 Military Units

50.8 mins ago
A cruise missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
20,403 Military Units

50.9 mins ago
A cruise missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
20,551 Military Units

50.9 mins ago
A cruise missile from hammer (#76) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
20,701 Military Units

And this message:

Message from hammer (#76) sent on Jul 15, 10:39
Report this message
retal for your spy attempt. LMAO! fluff you fluff ass fluff loser

And then he destroyed his own country (I guess, because his country is now dead)

A bit overboard much?

Edited By: Brigg on Jul 15th 2015, 11:31:06
See Original Post
Check out my Novel Before they ban it!



Jul 15th 2015, 11:40:38

a little, but your tag does have a reputation of being idiots. just look at #62
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Brigg Game profile


Jul 15th 2015, 13:28:43

Um...I kind of just float around joining whatever tag wants to scoop me up first. I'm not too into the competition of the tags here. Even after what happened last reset.
Check out my Novel Before they ban it!

Frybert Game profile


Jul 15th 2015, 16:05:50

vern Game profile


Jul 15th 2015, 17:25:08

actually, i got suicided like that in game B last set for NO reason, and got basically the same message, and the nubber deleted the country

Brigg Game profile


Jul 15th 2015, 19:44:04

He's just trolling now >.>

Message from CO (#89) sent on Jul 15, 17:36
Report this message
Still LMAO retaling your whiny ass fluff ass fluff ass loser! Go cry your river of tears about getting smacked fluff!
Check out my Novel Before they ban it!



Jul 15th 2015, 20:05:35

should be able to report him successfully for that message. naughty words are a nono in game
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Frybert Game profile


Jul 15th 2015, 20:23:31

Meh, I don't think thats quite deletable. Then again, some of the mods are quite strange.

Marshal Game profile


Jul 15th 2015, 21:13:54

he already deleted his country so reporting doesn't matter anymore.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....



Jul 15th 2015, 21:36:09

that message was sent by a new country and as things stand I really couldn't care less if it had run any turns or not
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

archaic Game profile


Jul 15th 2015, 21:41:38

Maybe you said his trigger word?

Edited By: archaic on Jul 15th 2015, 21:52:36
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Frybert Game profile


Jul 15th 2015, 22:05:41




Jul 16th 2015, 0:12:58

Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.