Oct 21st 2023, 22:20:14
Produce or buy bushels & oil. Roughly 8:1 ratio. (The idea is to use the bushels to buy the units which the oil regenerates).
Ensure you havent made any LGs with last 24-72hrs ( I dont recall for this server ). (Otherwise you wont be able to drop that land)
Try to have as little money on hand as possible. ( Otherwise when you switch govt you will take an unnecessary losses)
Place all your tech/military/food/oil on market. (Ensure you have enough food/money on hand to run 3-4 turns).
Switch to Monarch. ( Do not go straight to Theo otherwise your bushels will sell for like 20s on PM )
Destroy all your buildings except for CS. ( Leave about 100 CS ). (Do not destroy too many at this point because you want to build MBs fast)
Drop all excess land. ( Helps maxing military tech easier )
Buy military tech (you wont need much to max out at 100A).
Call everything off market.
Sell your bushels at $35
Switch to THEO
Build 20 military bases.
Destroy all CS and drop that land.
Goto Main Menu and ensure it's not about to go to next turn., otherwise you risk losing all your units that you replenish before buying them.
Goto private market menu and copy paste all your oil into unit replenishment.
Buy Tanks, Troops, Jets, Turrets (in that order). (Attempt to buy out market).
Then you're done.
If you dont go in this order you risk ruining your destock royally.
Edited By: Celphi on Oct 21st 2023, 22:59:51
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.