Well first off Trife, I thank you for taking the time to call me out on the boards, I appreciate the gesture.
Now on to business, this whole public apology thing has been coined by me on the express server numerous times; where I have made a player publicly apologize to me and bow down to my mighty "sword" in exchange for me sparing their country. Here is an example on kwannn's I’m sorry post (
So I applaud you for trying to make me do the exact same thing :)
Now you guys don't have a great track record of keeping your word and respecting DNH's as I have had 2 DNH's in previous sets coming from Dragon and Boltar who were traditionally known as the true figure heads of TSO and I was killed off both times despite the DNH and the response that I got from the figure heads is "sorry bud, guys didn’t want to listen and did their own thing".
Vamps, I honestly don't you and I don't think that you and I have had previous interactions on any servers before. So I will give you the opportunity of gaining a little fame and street cred by giving you the chance to go one on one with the great one on any server. Just you vs. me and I will give you the FS, as I will use my usual I R WoG SuperFly name as I am not a coward. I assume that you are going to be a yellow bellied coward and not want to post up your country name in hopes of blind siding me and I am ok with that. So put your money where your mouth is little fella and give me a Vamps smash without any help if you have the balls to do it. Here are my current country numbers:
I R Restart of Titanium (#759) - Alliance Server
Why SuperFly No Make Top 10 (#43) – Express
Country of Super Guy (#20) – Tournament
I R WoG SuperFly (#179) – Team
Or go ahead and show us how tough you are by blinding siding me with multiple countries……
Now Trife in regards to the rude comments I would like to address them as follows:
Mar 5th 2014, 6:14:14
“thanks a lot losers for tag killing the team that I was hiding in and of course I was #31.
I truly hope that the mods actually put an end to you retards once and for all”
I feel that it is retarded for you guys to kill random teams for no reason. I was in TSO for many sets and left because of that reason.
Mar 5th 2014, 6:47:15
“don't I have like 30 dead countries? I remember being killed 4 times last set lol
Or are you butt hurt that I left TSO cuz I thought that killing random tags was lame?”
Do you guys really miss me that much that you just wont leave me alone?
Mar 6th 2014, 8:09:45
“Exactly show us one last time how you idiots are nothing more than trash. Praise the mods for the actions that they will do next set. I'm looking forward to seeing you pieces of feces purpled :)”
The only thing rude there is that I referenced you guys as feces. Is that harsh and spiteful? Totally but you guys have driven me to that sentiment towards you. Can you make me feel otherwise and change my attitude towards you as a group? Sure you can, just show me that you wont randomly kill people for no reason and I will stop feeling that way towards you.
So Trife, just clarify which one of the 3 posts that I made on that thread is what you have an issue with and lets see if we can publically come to an agreement.
Also thank you Boltar for trying to get me a DNH and wishing me good luck on your guys respecting it.
hsifreta, thanks for recognizing that I would own the top 10 every set if TSO would stop randomly killing me lol