
Trife Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 15:49:52

if you'd like to keep your country untouched and unkilled like some of my fellow soldiers have discussed with you, i demand an apology for your rude comments in this thread:

hsifreta Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 16:27:45

that would never happen lol

Trife Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 16:39:13

if he wants to keep his personal DNH, he will

Vamps Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 17:06:49

Didn't this guy just threaten to hit me in other servers?

Trife and Vamps smash?!

Trife Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 17:15:27

i won't post the time remaining, but this is a limited time offer/demand


hsifreta Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 17:24:44

that's basically offering him a server win every set. =P

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 18:49:20

Well first off Trife, I thank you for taking the time to call me out on the boards, I appreciate the gesture.

Now on to business, this whole public apology thing has been coined by me on the express server numerous times; where I have made a player publicly apologize to me and bow down to my mighty "sword" in exchange for me sparing their country. Here is an example on kwannn's I’m sorry post (

So I applaud you for trying to make me do the exact same thing :)

Now you guys don't have a great track record of keeping your word and respecting DNH's as I have had 2 DNH's in previous sets coming from Dragon and Boltar who were traditionally known as the true figure heads of TSO and I was killed off both times despite the DNH and the response that I got from the figure heads is "sorry bud, guys didn’t want to listen and did their own thing".

Vamps, I honestly don't you and I don't think that you and I have had previous interactions on any servers before. So I will give you the opportunity of gaining a little fame and street cred by giving you the chance to go one on one with the great one on any server. Just you vs. me and I will give you the FS, as I will use my usual I R WoG SuperFly name as I am not a coward. I assume that you are going to be a yellow bellied coward and not want to post up your country name in hopes of blind siding me and I am ok with that. So put your money where your mouth is little fella and give me a Vamps smash without any help if you have the balls to do it. Here are my current country numbers:
I R Restart of Titanium (#759) - Alliance Server
Why SuperFly No Make Top 10 (#43) – Express
Country of Super Guy (#20) – Tournament
I R WoG SuperFly (#179) – Team
Or go ahead and show us how tough you are by blinding siding me with multiple countries……

Now Trife in regards to the rude comments I would like to address them as follows:

Mar 5th 2014, 6:14:14
“thanks a lot losers for tag killing the team that I was hiding in and of course I was #31.
I truly hope that the mods actually put an end to you retards once and for all”

I feel that it is retarded for you guys to kill random teams for no reason. I was in TSO for many sets and left because of that reason.

Mar 5th 2014, 6:47:15
“don't I have like 30 dead countries? I remember being killed 4 times last set lol
Or are you butt hurt that I left TSO cuz I thought that killing random tags was lame?”

Do you guys really miss me that much that you just wont leave me alone?

Mar 6th 2014, 8:09:45
“Exactly show us one last time how you idiots are nothing more than trash. Praise the mods for the actions that they will do next set. I'm looking forward to seeing you pieces of feces purpled :)”

The only thing rude there is that I referenced you guys as feces. Is that harsh and spiteful? Totally but you guys have driven me to that sentiment towards you. Can you make me feel otherwise and change my attitude towards you as a group? Sure you can, just show me that you wont randomly kill people for no reason and I will stop feeling that way towards you.
So Trife, just clarify which one of the 3 posts that I made on that thread is what you have an issue with and lets see if we can publically come to an agreement.

Also thank you Boltar for trying to get me a DNH and wishing me good luck on your guys respecting it.

hsifreta, thanks for recognizing that I would own the top 10 every set if TSO would stop randomly killing me lol

Edited By: SuperFly on Mar 7th 2014, 19:08:38

Trife Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 18:57:42

The first and third posts you mentioned.

You called us losers.

'I feel that it is retarded for you guys to kill random teams for no reason. I was in TSO for many sets and left because of that reason.'

You didn't say our actions were retarded, you called us retards.

And then you called us idiots.

One of our brethren offered you a truce/DNH or whatever being nice. I was hoping that you could reciprocate being nice by taking back and apologizing for those rude words.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 19:07:58

Like I said earlier your track record of up holding DNH's is non existant, even when granted by brethren of the highest caliber! meaning The Mighty Dragon and the Honourable Sir Boltar of Battle's a lot (whom I had the pleasure of battling along side in NEO this set)

oh btw, the only person in TSO that actually deserves an apology from me is Dragon as I ranted to him 3 nights ago in the NEO chat. So, sorry bud for the outburst and it was fun to battle with you as well....

Edited By: SuperFly on Mar 7th 2014, 19:11:25



Mar 7th 2014, 19:21:32

you do realize you were a major player in that reputation, right?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Trife Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 19:35:31

well, i tried to find a peaceful solution to this.


SuperFly Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 20:00:49

35.9 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 319,936 troops to leave your army!

35.4 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 307,139 troops to leave your army!

35.2 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 294,853 troops to leave your army!

35 mins ago

ZEN touched my no no area (#82) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 10864 enemy spies.

34.9 mins ago

ZEN touched my no no area (#82) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 10652 enemy spies.

34.9 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 283,059 troops to leave your army!

34.7 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 271,737 troops to leave your army!

34.6 mins ago

ZEN touched my no no area (#82) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 10453 enemy spies.

34.5 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 260,867 troops to leave your army!

34.1 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 250,433 troops to leave your army!

33.7 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 240,415 troops to leave your army!

33.6 mins ago

ZEN touched my no no area (#82) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 10264 enemy spies.

33.6 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 230,799 troops to leave your army!

33 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 221,567 troops to leave your army!

32.9 mins ago

ZEN touched my no no area (#82) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 10073 enemy spies.

32.9 mins ago

ZEN touched my no no area (#82) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 9877 enemy spies.

32.8 mins ago

Enemy operatives caused 212,704 troops to leave your army!

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 20:01:54

Don't lie Trife, you were going to kill me anyways because that's how you roll. It is why Boltar wished me good luck on TSO respecting the DNH that he requested :)

That's why I wouldn't fake apologize to you anyways because it wouldn't change a damn thing. Funny thing is that when you kill this country, I will restart play my turns and still finish the round higher than 95% of your countries lol

Edited By: SuperFly on Mar 7th 2014, 20:05:59
See Original Post

Trife Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 20:40:15

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Don't lie Trife, you were going to kill me anyways because that's how you roll.

i won't lie, if you would've fake apologized i wouldn't have touched your country.

you didn't have to mean it, just pasted a simple 'im sorry for calling you guys loser retards'


Vamps Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 23:00:12

Superfly, I have no interest in playing on other servers. I don't know if you've noticed, but this game sucks in general. If it weren't for my fun loving tso friends I wouldn't be playing at all anymore.

I will make sure to keep killing you here though, since as trife so masterfully pointed out, you seem like a bit of a douche.

braden Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 23:03:06

so i guess this ruins my TRIFE SUPERFLY VAMPS RECONCILIATION tag of next reset, heh? :(

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 23:06:59

Originally posted by Vamps:
Superfly, I have no interest in playing on other servers. I don't know if you've noticed, but this game sucks in general. If it weren't for my fun loving tso friends I wouldn't be playing at all anymore.

I will make sure to keep killing you here though, since as trife so masterfully pointed out, you seem like a bit of a douche.

heh translation you are a giant vagina that will continue to kill me on this server where his big bad friends can do the breaking so you can do the cherry picking lol

still wont give me your country number hey pal?

Braden, I have no real quarrel with Trife as he was former FBI and I love'd them so I am sure that we can have a 3 some netting tag :P

Edited By: SuperFly on Mar 7th 2014, 23:09:58
See Original Post

braden Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 23:10:44

so TSVR is indeed done before it starts? :(

braden Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 23:11:01


Vamps Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 23:42:04

Fatally Emo (#66) - You can look up my stats, but I feel I've played fine this set.

To be honest, I could care less about what you think of my "abilities." It's a poorly made text based game. The fact that I remember to semi-consistently run turns is a big enough accomplishment in itself.

I am curious - do members of ETFT ever wonder why they continue to die every set? Do they ponder whether the endless insults, the self-masturbation of their egos, and their general jackass behavior contributes to them continuously being targeted?

It's amazing how all of the other alliances on this server get DNHs every set and are left alone. I'm sure it has nothing to do with mutual respect, with those alliances talking diplomatically to TSO leaders to make sure they can net in peace.

I'm not a smart enough player to understand the correlation, but I'm sure the superiority of ETFT players will be able to find some helpful insight in there somewhere.


EE Patron

Mar 7th 2014, 23:45:06

Or maybe people like Superfly post insults because TSO is insisting on endless war and doing random killings? Btw, which ETFT members are you referring to regarding 'endless insults' 'masturbation of their egos' 'general jackass behavior' (as i think you're full of fluff)
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Vamps Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 0:01:01

All of them that I've encountered on the boards so far lol. I've yet to encounter one that didn't make me want to log in immediately to do some killing. It's actually been a nice motivator for my activity, so I suppose I should offer some thanks.

I've explained every kill we've made this set. Nothing about them has been random. Just because you guys are hiding in new tags doesn't make you less fun to kill.


EE Patron

Mar 8th 2014, 1:49:27

"All of them" = not one name.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 3:34:54

FYI I aint even ETFT, I am WoG one of the original team server teams what where chased out of the server by the mighty and fluff less TSO. It's that sad that after my team was chased out of the server I actually joined you retards and lost a lot of IQ points in the process. Good thing I finally came to my senses and got out of that crap hole and joined people that actually have brains as they are not a team full of mindless sheep that log in to attack random people because they are 3rd tier noobs who know nothing more than click attack button and press backspace key and repeat till they are out of turns.

Vamps Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 3:39:26

Trife, your friends in TSO left you a present!

"click attack button and press backspace key"

lol, you know you don't actually have to do that anymore, right?

Keep it up with the insults though, these "3rd tier n00b retards" just killed you again.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 3:50:23

Yes 4 countries and 181 hits just killed one netgaining country. Very tough of you Vamps thanks for posting your country number this is how I love to do things. 1 vs 1 and I just AB'ed you. Would love to see your weakass fight me without your TSO band mates but you are a coward thanks for coming out.

2014-03-08 03:46:12 NM SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:46:06 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:45:52 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:45:47 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 138B
2014-03-08 03:45:42 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 139B
2014-03-08 03:45:32 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 143B
2014-03-08 03:45:23 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 145B
2014-03-08 03:45:10 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:45:04 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:44:54 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 148B
2014-03-08 03:44:45 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:44:41 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 149B
2014-03-08 03:44:37 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 152B
2014-03-08 03:44:33 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:44:29 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 155B
2014-03-08 03:44:09 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 158B
2014-03-08 03:44:05 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 161B
2014-03-08 03:43:54 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 163B
2014-03-08 03:43:49 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 167B
2014-03-08 03:43:43 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 170B
2014-03-08 03:43:37 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 173B
2014-03-08 03:43:33 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:43:30 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:43:16 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 19B
2014-03-08 03:43:10 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 176B
2014-03-08 03:43:00 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 181B
2014-03-08 03:42:53 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 184B
2014-03-08 03:42:49 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 187B
2014-03-08 03:42:45 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:42:40 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 192B
2014-03-08 03:42:27 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 195B
2014-03-08 03:42:13 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 198B
2014-03-08 03:42:06 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 201B
2014-03-08 03:41:58 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 206B
2014-03-08 03:41:39 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:41:34 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:41:30 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 209B
2014-03-08 03:41:26 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 213B
2014-03-08 03:41:20 AB SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 217B
2014-03-08 03:41:03 NM SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER DH
2014-03-08 03:40:30 NM SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) Perfect Fatally Emo (#66) ORDER 623A

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 3:52:38

I am sorry in all honesty this is 1 guy with a 3rd restart vs. multiple guys and their original countries, thus making you all automatically pathetic!

SuperFly the "douche" > 3rd tier noobs


Vamps Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 3:52:51

ABing with 3 days in the set left is pretty effective! I'm pretty scared!

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 3:55:57

Oh I know you are scared its why you hide behind a group.

Little man syndrome much Vamps? lol

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 4:04:37

tell you what stud, lets have a 5 vs 5 as you like numbers.

I will get a team of 5 together and you get your team of 5 and lets have an arranged war unless you are scared.

If you go and blind side you are a scared little boy if you show up at the arranged time then I wont trash talk you.

hsifreta Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 4:20:15

oops i did it again.

CM - All Hail Veronica Avluv (#83) [MILFSEX] -> SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) [Perfect] 17C 158B



Mar 8th 2014, 4:21:10

Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 4:24:33

[quote poster=hsifreta; 30352; 545092]oops i did it again.

CM - All Hail Veronica Avluv (#83) [MILFSEX] -> SuperFly Is Better Than TSO (#191) [Perfect] 17C 158B [/quote]

You sure did little buddy it took you and 4 other countries to kill me this time

Lets all high five cuz as of right now its been myself attacked by 14 TSO countries lol

I'm seriously sorry but the more TSO guys that attack one player the sadder you guys look lol.

Trife Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 4:24:44

Originally posted by SuperFly:

Braden, I have no real quarrel with Trife as he was former FBI and I love'd them so I am sure that we can have a 3 some netting tag :P

i have no issue with you. this thread was mainly just me walking around acting bad, figuring you post a fake apology just to get me to stfu

plus, you don't like that vamps idiot - so you can't be that bad




Mar 8th 2014, 4:30:48

honestly I'll snipe anything if I see it, even TSO countries
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 4:34:11

meh I done the same to ETFT countries before that you guys were killing just to piss Bolty off by stealing the kill :P

Boltar Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 5:15:50

heh i look at it as a turn saved bro.. no pissing me off with that

hsifreta Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 5:20:11

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by SuperFly:

Braden, I have no real quarrel with Trife as he was former FBI and I love'd them so I am sure that we can have a 3 some netting tag :P

i have no issue with you. this thread was mainly just me walking around acting bad, figuring you post a fake apology just to get me to stfu

plus, you don't like that vamps idiot - so you can't be that bad


i act bad on team, period. =P


EE Patron

Mar 9th 2014, 1:24:03

Vamps how many ETFT people can you name
1? 2?
Why did you post about how they all have big egos and are jerks and that's why they deserve this when you can't name any names
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 2:52:07

Because he's a vagina?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

archaic Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 3:53:28

Originally posted by Trife:

i won't lie, if you would've fake apologized i wouldn't have touched your country.

you didn't have to mean it, just pasted a simple 'im sorry for calling you guys loser retards'


Wait, what? You guys ARE loser retards though right?

I thought he was like praising and uplifting you guys by acknowledging your well publicized retarded loserness. I'm confused.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Vamps Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 17:01:50

Settle down blid, I only read these boards when I have some down time in between meetings at work. If you want a response from me you have to be a good little boy and wait your turn.

As far as names go, you can pull a handful off this thread alone - archaic, crest, superfly

I'd be remiss if I didn't throw in afaik, ingle, madmark, and shady as well


EE Patron

Mar 9th 2014, 17:58:38

afaik has a big ego and is a jerk? crest is in etft? what did ingle post that made you think he deserved to be attacked? youre just talking bs
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

braden Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 18:05:19

afaik is like the most down to earth player ive met since.. i have no since, but ego is certainly not him, id argue

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 22:50:53

Vamps, you donkey are you blowing me off now because you are scared?

Again I am WoG, I only played in ETFT after leaving TSO. Is my ego big? Hell yea because I am awesome as fluff.
Do you think I am a jerk? You probably do only because I am standing up to you and your dipfluff pals that have been picking on a netgaining team for over a year.

In conclusion you are are tool who is nothing more than a skid mark without his friends.....

archaic Game profile


Mar 10th 2014, 12:45:36

I'm not ETFT either, though I sometimes lead their warchats on TV.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

MADMARK Game profile


Mar 10th 2014, 13:01:49

TSO weak as fluff (#161) FTW

iScode Game profile


Mar 13th 2014, 6:38:46

Originally posted by SuperFly:
tell you what stud, lets have a 5 vs 5 as you like numbers.

I will get a team of 5 together and you get your team of 5 and lets have an arranged war unless you are scared.

If you go and blind side you are a scared little boy if you show up at the arranged time then I wont trash talk you.

if you tag your tag as WoG you realise it will be a requirement to include me :P

I would be happy to war along side you again too, I seen Blueeee posting on at the other day, man im sure we could find 5 woggers!!
God of War