
BlackHole Game profile


Sep 27th 2023, 23:53:09

Message from Ripmo (#51) sent on Sep 27, 20:21
Report this message
Retal for your laf friend hitting my tag.

Tell them to stop. Reply


Whoever runs fluffs might want to let Ripmo know that I'm not in Laf, have never been in Laf, and have nothing to do with Laf.

You guys just hit Weedylar, unprovoked.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 27th 2023, 23:54:45

LOL, I can't type one of the tag names on here. S L U T S - that's who it was.


Sep 28th 2023, 0:01:13

SIuts it worked for me

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2023, 1:05:17

You may not understand the insurance policy. If you hit us, we can invoke the policy and enact revenge on someone friendly as punishment for bad actions.

Unfortunately, you have been a spokesperson for LaF for many months, and we have not seen anyone in LaF protest you representing them. We were able to confirm this is a LaF sucidier. The policy is undefeated, and we are not the aggressors. We were touched first.

Our insurance policy is unambiguous and fair.

EE Full Defense From Aggression Insurance Policy

Policy Coverage:
1. Land Grab Retaliation: If you grab our land, we reserve the right to attack your friend's territory as punitive damages.

Terms and Conditions:
1. Notification: You must inform us before any land grab, or else your friend's land is fair game.
2. Friend Selection: The friend to be attacked will be chosen at random.
3. Damage Limit: Maximum damage capped at 100% of the friend's land.

Disclaimer: This policy is for our entertainment. Violate at your own risk!

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 1:08:52

..... Are you fvcking fluffting me with this, Req? I know you bro. You're not a dumbass. What the hell is this garbage?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2023, 1:14:19

Welcome to PvP ....what this game was intended for.....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


Sep 28th 2023, 1:26:39

Looks like it was one grab...



Sep 28th 2023, 1:43:34

Originally posted by BlackHole:
..... Are you fvcking fluffting me with this, Req? I know you bro. You're not a dumbass. What the hell is this garbage?

Where is the report button. MODS GET THIS TRASH OFF THE FORUMS.

>No excessive swearing
>No being a pest
>clearly racist post
>denigrating Requiems beliefs
>be respectful at all times

Just be better blackhole, be better.

Quote and +1 if you think this guy deserves a 14 day ban (at minimum)
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2023, 1:45:14

+1 calling req a dumbass, which is another synonym for “mongoloid”

14 day ban is reasonable
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 2:10:28

Originally posted by Coalie:
+1 calling req a dumbass, which is another synonym for “mongoloid”

14 day ban is reasonable

You really struggle with reading. I literally said he's NOT a dumbass. But you think that's me calling him a dumbass?

Wow. Interesting.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 2:10:54

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
..... Are you fvcking fluffting me with this, Req? I know you bro. You're not a dumbass. What the hell is this garbage?

Where is the report button. MODS GET THIS TRASH OFF THE FORUMS.

>No excessive swearing
>No being a pest
>clearly racist post
>denigrating Requiems beliefs
>be respectful at all times

Just be better blackhole, be better.

Quote and +1 if you think this guy deserves a 14 day ban (at minimum)

Imitation if flattery, thank you sir.

Rokkie Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 8:56:08

Let's try to clear some facts up...

LaF as a team/tag do not exist here in team, So your phrase "LaF suicider" is a little off.... (once again proving you have some obsession with laf)
Blackhole has nothing to do with this, and as #51 stated in a DM ingame to me "tell me who you are or blackhole gets it" (shows how eager you are to hit him for anything that happens)

I'll try to give a different perspective.

In this server I am an ex-darkness member, so you can say an ex-darkness suicider, (That would be correct) has attacked a member from SIuts, who I believe to be Chevs, If I am correct in my assumption then he understands why this Degenerate Loser has hit him and will continue to try find him (all it takes is an apology for all the insults and ill forget you even existed and ill even be a real man and apologize myself for my actions and offer some form of reps.)

If it is not Chevs and I am wrong, then I will offer my apologises and make amends next set some how. (but I wont know that for sure until the set is over.)

So there is the cold hard truth and facts. But carry on blaming LaF and targeting people who are not involved, that only goes to show you have an obsession and are outright bullies. (no surprise there though)

I post this for you blackhole since you have been pulled into this without any indication as to why also I think I need a bonus.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 10:43:17

ahhhh 4x4 has now hit me and one of my weedylar teammates now as well.

You guys want to know the difference between a suicider and a griefer? The number of members they have to bully someone. Their behaviors are exactly the same though.

Symbolic Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 11:07:02

Your darkness membership was revoked the day you went turncoat, any affiliation with us is dead and gone.

Symbolic Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 11:11:33

Originally posted by BlackHole:
ahhhh 4x4 has now hit me and one of my weedylar teammates now as well.

You guys want to know the difference between a suicider and a griefer? The number of members they have to bully someone. Their behaviors are exactly the same though.

It was only one hit, retal him.


Sep 28th 2023, 12:21:45

1 lg = suicide
Multiple abs = not suicide

Got it.

amy winehouse


Sep 28th 2023, 12:28:48

Yea I just gave up this handles ability to dm.



Sep 28th 2023, 12:32:01

Someone landgrabbed a real player?? oooo, I'm telling..



Sep 28th 2023, 13:12:38

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
..... Are you fvcking fluffting me with this, Req? I know you bro. You're not a dumbass. What the hell is this garbage?

Where is the report button. MODS GET THIS TRASH OFF THE FORUMS.

>No excessive swearing
>No being a pest
>clearly racist post
>denigrating Requiems beliefs
>be respectful at all times

Just be better blackhole, be better.

Quote and +1 if you think this guy deserves a 14 day ban (at minimum)

Imitation if flattery, thank you sir.

Imagine being so stupid you get mocked for being a little crybaby and you take it as a compliment.

lol, lmao.

I actually can’t relate to this level of cope, because my baseline levels of self-esteem and testosterone prevent it.

SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 14:10:57

Originally posted by Prime:
Someone landgrabbed a real player?? oooo, I'm telling..

Report him to fratboi and slagpit for sanctions!

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 15:01:19

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
..... Are you fvcking fluffting me with this, Req? I know you bro. You're not a dumbass. What the hell is this garbage?

Where is the report button. MODS GET THIS TRASH OFF THE FORUMS.

>No excessive swearing
>No being a pest
>clearly racist post
>denigrating Requiems beliefs
>be respectful at all times

Just be better blackhole, be better.

Quote and +1 if you think this guy deserves a 14 day ban (at minimum)

Imitation if flattery, thank you sir.

Imagine being so stupid you get mocked for being a little crybaby and you take it as a compliment.

lol, lmao.

I actually can’t relate to this level of cope, because my baseline levels of self-esteem and testosterone prevent it.

Are you also an Alpha, Chevs? Can you please tell me how manly you are. Maybe you can get together with Coalie and pose for pictures with your guns. That'll surely impress the rest of us.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 15:06:17

Originally posted by Prime:
Someone landgrabbed a real player?? oooo, I'm telling..

Yep, it was just a land grab. That's all this is.

CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
NM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 368 A

Oh fluff. No it's not. It's the continued griefing targeted at me since the day I arrived.

Last set when I got hit by 20+ people was the excuse was that I retaliated TOO HARD against the first person that attacked me. Thus 5 other tags had the right to jump in.

This time I'm in a known netting tag. Got hit by two different tags now, and didn't retaliate at all. And then another griefer/suicider comes in with missiles.

So what did I do wrong this time?

Derrick, you want to weigh in? Last time you were the one to lecture me about retaling too hard. Did I retal too hard again by doing..... nothing?

Or is this MAAAAYBE, just MAAAYBE, a case of people clearing wanting to grief others out of enjoying the game. Just like I've always said it was, and everyone has fought me on.

I don't know how much clearer my case could be. It's plainly obvious. At least Getafix had the courage to admit he was attacking me to try to run me out of the game. The rest of you are still hiding behind ridiculous rationalizations.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2023, 15:53:34

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Prime:
Someone landgrabbed a real player?? oooo, I'm telling..

Report him to fratboi and slagpit for sanctions!

And implement big brother errrr clanGDI
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 15:54:49

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Prime:
Someone landgrabbed a real player?? oooo, I'm telling..

Report him to fratboi and slagpit for sanctions!

And implement big brother errrr clanGDI

Ko - you're a smart person.

Two land grabs and 9 missiles against someone in a netting tag.

Is that land grabbing, or is that griefing?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2023, 15:56:49

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Prime:
Someone landgrabbed a real player?? oooo, I'm telling..

Report him to fratboi and slagpit for sanctions!

And implement big brother errrr clanGDI

Ko - you're a smart person.

Two land grabs and 9 missiles against someone in a netting tag.

Is that land grabbing, or is that griefing?

That's you not taking our advice on changing your country name, you put a target on yourself, this is what happens when you mess with a hornets nest.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


Sep 28th 2023, 16:01:48

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Prime:
Someone landgrabbed a real player?? oooo, I'm telling..

Yep, it was just a land grab. That's all this is.

CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
NM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 368 A

Oh fluff. No it's not. It's the continued griefing targeted at me since the day I arrived.

Last set when I got hit by 20+ people was the excuse was that I retaliated TOO HARD against the first person that attacked me. Thus 5 other tags had the right to jump in.

This time I'm in a known netting tag. Got hit by two different tags now, and didn't retaliate at all. And then another griefer/suicider comes in with missiles.

So what did I do wrong this time?

Derrick, you want to weigh in? Last time you were the one to lecture me about retaling too hard. Did I retal too hard again by doing..... nothing?

Or is this MAAAAYBE, just MAAAYBE, a case of people clearing wanting to grief others out of enjoying the game. Just like I've always said it was, and everyone has fought me on.

I don't know how much clearer my case could be. It's plainly obvious. At least Getafix had the courage to admit he was attacking me to try to run me out of the game. The rest of you are still hiding behind ridiculous rationalizations.

Last set you suicided for two or three lgs. That's why the server jumped you.

This set you had a fit on the forums over one lg. This probably led to that nfn tag jumping in.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 16:30:34

[quote poster=ツ; 52136; 1020743]
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Prime:
Someone landgrabbed a real player?? oooo, I'm telling..

Yep, it was just a land grab. That's all this is.

CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
NM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 368 A

Oh fluff. No it's not. It's the continued griefing targeted at me since the day I arrived.

Last set when I got hit by 20+ people was the excuse was that I retaliated TOO HARD against the first person that attacked me. Thus 5 other tags had the right to jump in.

This time I'm in a known netting tag. Got hit by two different tags now, and didn't retaliate at all. And then another griefer/suicider comes in with missiles.

So what did I do wrong this time?

Derrick, you want to weigh in? Last time you were the one to lecture me about retaling too hard. Did I retal too hard again by doing..... nothing?

Or is this MAAAAYBE, just MAAAYBE, a case of people clearing wanting to grief others out of enjoying the game. Just like I've always said it was, and everyone has fought me on.

I don't know how much clearer my case could be. It's plainly obvious. At least Getafix had the courage to admit he was attacking me to try to run me out of the game. The rest of you are still hiding behind ridiculous rationalizations.

Last set you suicided for two or three lgs. That's why the server jumped you.

This set you had a fit on the forums over one lg. This probably led to that nfn tag jumping in.


K, and the set before, why did I get hit? How about the one before that? And before that? And before that?

You notice a trend here....?

It seems like people just want to hit me, and they will come up with any BS reason to do so.

Sounds like Ko is admitting this, finally. Why can't you?

There is another word for this.... it's called griefing.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2023, 16:39:25

What am I admitting? I'm pointing out your mistake.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


Sep 28th 2023, 16:41:19

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by razisabich:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Prime:
Someone landgrabbed a real player?? oooo, I'm telling..

Yep, it was just a land grab. That's all this is.

CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
NM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 368 A

Oh fluff. No it's not. It's the continued griefing targeted at me since the day I arrived.

Last set when I got hit by 20+ people was the excuse was that I retaliated TOO HARD against the first person that attacked me. Thus 5 other tags had the right to jump in.

This time I'm in a known netting tag. Got hit by two different tags now, and didn't retaliate at all. And then another griefer/suicider comes in with missiles.

So what did I do wrong this time?

Derrick, you want to weigh in? Last time you were the one to lecture me about retaling too hard. Did I retal too hard again by doing..... nothing?

Or is this MAAAAYBE, just MAAAYBE, a case of people clearing wanting to grief others out of enjoying the game. Just like I've always said it was, and everyone has fought me on.

I don't know how much clearer my case could be. It's plainly obvious. At least Getafix had the courage to admit he was attacking me to try to run me out of the game. The rest of you are still hiding behind ridiculous rationalizations.

Last set you suicided for two or three lgs. That's why the server jumped you.

This set you had a fit on the forums over one lg. This probably led to that nfn tag jumping in.

K, and the set before, why did I get hit? How about the one before that? And before that? And before that?

You notice a trend here....?

It seems like people just want to hit me, and they will come up with any BS reason to do so.

Sounds like Ko is admitting this, finally. Why can't you?

There is another word for this.... it's called griefing.

I don't think anyone griefed you last reset. You only got killed for suiciding.
I was farmed by a member from milk's clan a couple sets back and was told to join or I'd continue to get farmed. Never complained on the forums and never suicided them. Chalked it up to a mechanic of the game.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 16:47:32

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What am I admitting? I'm pointing out your mistake.

No, you agreed with me. You said that I'm being targeted because of who I am, no other reason. You literally just said that.

"That's you not taking our advice on changing your country name, you put a target on yourself, this is what happens when you mess with a hornets nest. "

You literally just said that. I am being hit because I... hit the hornets nest in December of 2022 when I warred against Darkness. And now I'm being attacked 10 months later even though I'm in a netting tag.

You literally agreed with me, lol

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2023, 16:52:42

Difference between agreement and why you're being hunted, perhaps it's because you never played this game when it was Earth 2025,, back then it was what the description says, now a lot of you are snowflakes, all you had to do is make it harder for your enemies (that YOU made) to find you.

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Sep 28th 2023, 17:14:17

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What am I admitting? I'm pointing out your mistake.

No, you agreed with me. You said that I'm being targeted because of who I am, no other reason. You literally just said that.

"That's you not taking our advice on changing your country name, you put a target on yourself, this is what happens when you mess with a hornets nest. "

You literally just said that. I am being hit because I... hit the hornets nest in December of 2022 when I warred against Darkness. And now I'm being attacked 10 months later even though I'm in a netting tag.

You literally agreed with me, lol

I get targeted by people with severe learning disabilities like Rokkie and Karnage all the time and I don't cry about it. I actually find it funny.

Why do you cry so much?
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Rokkie Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 17:18:23

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What am I admitting? I'm pointing out your mistake.

No, you agreed with me. You said that I'm being targeted because of who I am, no other reason. You literally just said that.

"That's you not taking our advice on changing your country name, you put a target on yourself, this is what happens when you mess with a hornets nest. "

You literally just said that. I am being hit because I... hit the hornets nest in December of 2022 when I warred against Darkness. And now I'm being attacked 10 months later even though I'm in a netting tag.

You literally agreed with me, lol

I get targeted by people with severe learning disabilities like Rokkie and Karnage all the time and I don't cry about it. I actually find it funny.

Why do you cry so much?

Rokkie Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 17:18:24

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What am I admitting? I'm pointing out your mistake.

No, you agreed with me. You said that I'm being targeted because of who I am, no other reason. You literally just said that.

"That's you not taking our advice on changing your country name, you put a target on yourself, this is what happens when you mess with a hornets nest. "

You literally just said that. I am being hit because I... hit the hornets nest in December of 2022 when I warred against Darkness. And now I'm being attacked 10 months later even though I'm in a netting tag.

You literally agreed with me, lol

I get targeted by people with severe learning disabilities like Rokkie and Karnage all the time and I don't cry about it. I actually find it funny.

Why do you cry so much?

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2023, 17:28:46

Rokkie is the man lol. I’m glad to see him back
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2023, 17:37:10

I was as well until he suicided my tag...

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2023, 17:40:13

Originally posted by Requiem:
I was as well until he suicided my tag...

Just retal on his friend and exercise your insurance policy. Problem solved.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Rokkie Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 17:46:52

Originally posted by Coalie:
Rokkie is the man lol. I’m glad to see him back

Real shame to because now the war is over in 1a I would not have minded coming back to team and spent turns killing for darkness again.

But instead I have to waste them on people like Chevs before I end up getting killed be lets face it, untaggeds don't last long here even if they remain peaceful.

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 1:45:37

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Prime:
Someone landgrabbed a real player?? oooo, I'm telling..

Yep, it was just a land grab. That's all this is.

CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
CM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 117 B
4913 C
NM Sep 28, 14:26 Problem Child (#59) (NFN) Blackhole (#35) (weedylar) 368 A

Oh fluff. No it's not. It's the continued griefing targeted at me since the day I arrived.

Last set when I got hit by 20+ people was the excuse was that I retaliated TOO HARD against the first person that attacked me. Thus 5 other tags had the right to jump in.

This time I'm in a known netting tag. Got hit by two different tags now, and didn't retaliate at all. And then another griefer/suicider comes in with missiles.

So what did I do wrong this time?

Derrick, you want to weigh in? Last time you were the one to lecture me about retaling too hard. Did I retal too hard again by doing..... nothing?

Or is this MAAAAYBE, just MAAAYBE, a case of people clearing wanting to grief others out of enjoying the game. Just like I've always said it was, and everyone has fought me on.

I don't know how much clearer my case could be. It's plainly obvious. At least Getafix had the courage to admit he was attacking me to try to run me out of the game. The rest of you are still hiding behind ridiculous rationalizations.

Ok I will bite only cuz I like BH, Rokkie and everyone else here…

First of all whoever CM’ed Black Hole is not the brightest griefer. As he would have made for an awesome land grab / farm target seeing how he was one of the fattest countries in the game and he was a very easy break according to the spy ops on IRC.

BH always asks what he did wrong. The answer as I have told you in our tourney conversations is that you are by far more of a LaF player than Gerdler will ever be. In your short tenure here you have done more public postering and speaking on behalf of LaF than all past and current LaF members combined in the last decade lol.

As some of my comrades have suggested you could change your country name and make it harder for them to kill you but that is just cowardly and it’s best to endure the pain and stay true to your name. I am testament that eventually you fight back enough and you are left alone. However during the TSO wars I only had boltar and his 9 friends after me and you managed to piss off 3 entire tags so good luck

As I have told you before they won’t stop until you are gone. Best of luck to you sweet prince.

Originally posted by Rokkie:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Rokkie is the man lol. I’m glad to see him back

Real shame to because now the war is over in 1a I would not have minded coming back to team and spent turns killing for darkness again.

But instead I have to waste them on people like Chevs before I end up getting killed be lets face it, untaggeds don't last long here even if they remain peaceful.

Rokkie bro as a long time friend it’s a shame that you decided to pick LaF over darkness. You gave up playing with good friends to play for one egomaniac. Have fun playing another round just to FA your leader to the top and enjoy naming your country with the LaF country name theme for the 50th time of glorifying your leader lol

Edited By: SuperFly on Sep 29th 2023, 1:48:31

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 1:49:09

Oh I know, Superfly.

I'm just trying to get all the people who are doing it, to just admit what they are doing. They are griefing me, for no reason other than they want to. And all these pretenses about 'it's because these or that or this'. No, just man up and admit what we ALL already know.

You all don't like me. And you're going to hit me every set forever, because of it.

I think the reason you won't admit it is because we all know that what you're doing IS griefing... and you don't want to seem worse than the supposed suicider you've all learned to hate.

I started this game as a suicider, and over the course of the last year, I've somehow made all of you worse than me when I started and didn't know any better.

But for real... JUST ADMIT WHAT YOU"RE DOING. It's ridiculous for you all to play this silly game of 'oh no, we aren't griefing you, it was an accident, we actually planned to war weedylar this set'. LOL

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2023, 1:50:44

What is it with you and trying to get people to admit what YOU think is going on....dafuk is that?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 1:53:45

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What is it with you and trying to get people to admit what YOU think is going on....dafuk is that?

You don't even play team, do you? Why are you even here. Shoo fly shoo.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2023, 1:54:34

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What is it with you and trying to get people to admit what YOU think is going on....dafuk is that?

You don't even play team, do you? Why are you even here. Shoo fly shoo.

I've played more rounds than you, so hush puppy!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 1:55:12

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What is it with you and trying to get people to admit what YOU think is going on....dafuk is that?

You don't even play team, do you? Why are you even here. Shoo fly shoo.

I've played more rounds than you, so hush puppy!

I've got more deaths than you. SHOO FLY SHOO!

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 1:55:29

Would you players just confirm for the 100th time that you don’t like BH and you will kill him either 1,000 times or until he tires of restarting already?

Even though I didn’t participate in the original KR of his country last round i hereby confirm that I will participate in the next KR and the remaining 969 KRs.

Not because I don’t like BH but because he is the public face of LaF and I no longer like LaF and because I miss old 1A

Plus all of the cool kids are killing BH and I just want to be one of the cool kids.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 1:56:55

It's so funny that I'm the public face of an alliance I've literally never played in.

I really must be an amazing spokesman to have pulled that off!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2023, 1:59:48

Don't worry BH, I don't dislike you 😉
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 2:23:04

Originally posted by BlackHole:
It's so funny that I'm the public face of an alliance I've literally never played in.

I really must be an amazing spokesman to have pulled that off!

You sure you haven’t played in LaF? To anyone new to the boards or the game they would undoubtedly think that you are their loyalist and most active player lol

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 11:15:10

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
It's so funny that I'm the public face of an alliance I've literally never played in.

I really must be an amazing spokesman to have pulled that off!

You sure you haven’t played in LaF? To anyone new to the boards or the game they would undoubtedly think that you are their loyalist and most active player lol


In Team I played in The Resistance, where I was the leader. In Alliance I played in The Resistance, where I was the leader. We did ally with LaF for two rounds, and I helped them when a war.

Never played in LaF though. You know, I once got lectured for not knowing who was in what alliance, and hitting the wrong people.

I feel like you all should be lecturing yourself right now!

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2023, 11:25:09

BH, think about how many times I _could have_ hit you but chose only to hit once. It's a game where you build countries and attack.

It's not a big deal. I had a little fun after you made the post as well, lol.