Oct 16th 2015, 22:38:10
Being left alone was actually a great thing, that's when I began meeting fellow earthers and fell in love with the game and community all over again.
Earth does not judge you, and was one place I ALWAYS felt at home. I fell in with a group of really fun FFAers(tawnn) and was finally enlightened as to how this game works. Many late nights/school days were spent killing with another group of my favorite people in Earth, Devil's Advocates. I have ran my own semi-successful FFA clan(EvA) and fought against multies till the end(yes I was blind in tawnn but that's another story.)
It is so amazing and fortunate for me personally that people such as Qz and Pang, bug, tc etc. were able to revive this game after it was passed around like a joint for years. For everything that has changed for me growing up with this game has always been a constant. I can go thru the old at-archives and see my past self grow and that's pretty special(thank you wazmo). My all-time favorite thread has to be Raves demonic printer thread, if you haven't read it I suggest you do so.
Point being I truly do love this game and after all the times I have tried to give it up I now realize that it's impossible to ever walk away. The group of alphabetical serial killers I found gave me hope for a brighter, albeit, n00bier future for EE. All the personal attacks are ridiculous and childish.Some of you claim to love this game but fluff and moan when someone tries to draw some attention to this server, and for that you should be ashamed. How about we try and attract new players instead of being so impatient? When that n00b missiles you for a retal or for no reason at all at least try and contact the poor bastards before killing them. When you farm an untagged and he retaliates apologize and if you don't have time to help them learn the game send them to me.
/end rant