
Scott Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 19:08:47

Which one of you retards wants to claim country #8 and #11?

#11 - you were warned about grabbing an all-x like an asshole. You disregarded that warning and now are a complete parking lot with no viable option.

#8 - you do realize this is a solo server, right? Sending the following messages didnt help your cause:

Message from Bat Country (#8) sent on Jun 19, 14:47
Report this message
What you did was dishonorable, and excessive. If you do that again, I wont stop where I did. Reply

Message from Bat Country (#8) sent on Jun 19, 16:01
Report this message
Make friends with the right people dude. You'd be surprised how far honor actually goes in this game.

looks rather coordinated to me... hopefully the green illegal alien takes appropriate action. Also - #8 is a complete moron not only for sending the messages he did, but his half ass GS was commical. Thanks for the DR!

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 22:21:11

I'm #8, and I'll tell you exactly what happened.

It was not coordinated. I actually pay attention to the news cycle in the game. I assume that you're under the name "Clintonista likes Truffle Butter"?

Well, I attacked 11 as a retaliation for him hitting me early on in the game. took 1600 acres from him, and said straight up "This is for attacking me."

His response was "Someone was going to do it sooner or later.", and I asked him about his strategy because he runs a rainbow strat, and I'd never seen someone get so far with one. So we started talking. The guy took his retaliation without acting like a whiney little Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter.

A couple days go by, and looking at the news, what do I see? Upwards of SEVENTY separate ABs from #7 to a guy who has, as far as I have interacted with, been a reasonable individual. (I'm also following the tryst between Tomorrowland and Landgrab Me and I nuke you. I would have hit Landgrab a few times because his attacks seem like fluff moves, but he's too small. Smaller than #7, and just as petty, with an army that is apparently too weak to defend his country).

So yes, I sent you those messages telling you to stop being excessive in your attacks, just because your defenses suck and you can't take repeated landgrabs like a man. Yusho Studios and I are not working together, and I don't have to like that you turned his country into a parking lot. So I'm making your life hell.

Also, the GSs were "half assed" because I ran out of turns by the time I saw what you did. And I just sent a few more. And tomorrow I will send more. Until you die, or the set ends.

Welcome to the Solo Server. You just pissed a solo guy off.

Edited By: Bat Country on Jun 19th 2016, 22:37:18. Reason: Worded incorrectly, and clarifying
See Original Post

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 22:28:20

So yeah, I intend to remain in contact with Yusho Studios after this set. I also may or may not attack him in the next set. We may or may not become friends.

But just because I attacked you for what you did to him doesn't mean you get to come whining to the mods. Attacking someone because they did something you personally didn't like isn't forming an alliance. I viewed it as dishonorable, and bad country management/diplomacy. Just like I viewed what Landgrab Me and I Nuke You as dishonorable. The difference is that I can't attack his tiny ass, and Tomorrowland actually responded like an adult, and now has a huge chunk of his acreage.

Quit whining and learn how to play the damn game.

drkprinc Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 22:30:54

LOL solo server noob try hards :) EAT HIM SCOTT!
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 22:37:46

I'm twice his size.

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 22:38:33

I've also been playing Earth 2025 since around 2004. Recently got back into it after a 2 year absence.

Edited By: Bat Country on Jun 19th 2016, 22:41:41. Reason: Further Clarification

Scott Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 23:40:41

Originally posted by drkprinc:
LOL solo server noob try hards :) EAT HIM SCOTT!

I already ate # 11... apparently they are a team...

Scott Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 23:42:28

Originally posted by Bat Country:
So yeah, I intend to remain in contact with Yusho Studios after this set. I also may or may not attack him in the next set. We may or may not become friends.

But just because I attacked you for what you did to him doesn't mean you get to come whining to the mods. Attacking someone because they did something you personally didn't like isn't forming an alliance. I viewed it as dishonorable, and bad country management/diplomacy. Just like I viewed what Landgrab Me and I Nuke You as dishonorable. The difference is that I can't attack his tiny ass, and Tomorrowland actually responded like an adult, and now has a huge chunk of his acreage.

Quit whining and learn how to play the damn game.

If you were going to attack anyone - it should have been him for LGing me like 7 or 8 times...he got what he deserved and this is a solo server. I asked him if he wanted to war... so he LG again and again so I ABed him again and again.

You can't attack for someone else in this server, period.

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 23:50:48

I didn't attack you for him. He never asked me to do anything about your situation. I attacked you for ME. Because turning someone into a parking lot just because you couldn't figure out how to defend yourself is underhanded as hell. That's petty, and I don't like it.

Is any of this coming through at all?

No, we are not a team, and now that you've killed his economy, I'm thinking about taking the rest of his land.

Originally posted by Scott:

If you were going to attack anyone - it should have been him for LGing me like 7 or 8 times...he got what he deserved and this is a solo server. I asked him if he wanted to war... so he LG again and again so I ABed him again and again.

That was -your- stupidity in not having enough DPA. Quit blaming someone else for taking advantage of your shortcomings. On that subject, he should never have neglected his tank corps enough to get barraged like that. Nor should you have neglected your infantry.

drkprinc Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 23:53:01

LOL someone people take years and years before they realize how to truly net, buying up every military unit you can is the worst way to net.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Scott Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 23:54:09

Originally posted by Bat Country:
So yeah, I intend to remain in contact with Yusho Studios after this set. I also may or may not attack him in the next set. We may or may not become friends.

But just because I attacked you for what you did to him doesn't mean you get to come whining to the mods. Attacking someone because they did something you personally didn't like isn't forming an alliance. I viewed it as dishonorable, and bad country management/diplomacy. Just like I viewed what Landgrab Me and I Nuke You as dishonorable. The difference is that I can't attack his tiny ass, and Tomorrowland actually responded like an adult, and now has a huge chunk of his acreage.

Quit whining and learn how to play the damn game.

"Learn to play the game" from a solo server try hard who is retaling for another player.... L O L

Scott Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 23:55:19

Originally posted by Bat Country:
I didn't attack you for him. He never asked me to do anything about your situation. I attacked you for ME. Because turning someone into a parking lot just because you couldn't figure out how to defend yourself is underhanded as hell. That's petty, and I don't like it.

Is any of this coming through at all?

No, we are not a team, and now that you've killed his economy, I'm thinking about taking the rest of his land.

Originally posted by Scott:

If you were going to attack anyone - it should have been him for LGing me like 7 or 8 times...he got what he deserved and this is a solo server. I asked him if he wanted to war... so he LG again and again so I ABed him again and again.

That was -your- stupidity in not having enough DPA. Quit blaming someone else for taking advantage of your shortcomings. On that subject, he should never have neglected his tank corps enough to get barraged like that. Nor should you have neglected your infantry.

Message from Bat Country (#8) sent on Jun 19, 14:47
Report this message
What you did was dishonorable, and excessive. If you do that again, I wont stop where I did. Reply

Message from Bat Country (#8) sent on Jun 19, 16:01
Report this message
Make friends with the right people dude. You'd be surprised how far honor actually goes in this game.

Pretty sure you were retalling for my actions on another player... no? Do you know how to read?

Also - they are troops, not infantry. I will take the free DR

drkprinc Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 23:55:28

Scott you noob! you best learn how to play the game be a pro like deano!
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Scott Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 23:57:30

Originally posted by drkprinc:
Scott you noob! you best learn how to play the game be a pro like deano!

Lol super pro... just like Deano. I should take 12 hours to do a KR on one country with my 16 countries!

Edited By: Scott on Jun 19th 2016, 23:59:56
See Original Post

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 0:00:30

I've given this example twice: I would have attacked Landgrab Me and I Nuke You because I didn't like his tactics in attacking Tomorrowland.

What both of you did is an affront to my personal ethics. Nowhere in the rules does it restrict me from attacking you because I didn't like your personal conduct.

What I'm doing is the same as what you did to #11.

I'm just better at it.

Scott Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 0:01:40

Originally posted by Bat Country:
I've given this example twice: I would have attacked Landgrab Me and I Nuke You because I didn't like his tactics in attacking Tomorrowland.

What both of you did is an affront to my personal ethics. Nowhere in the rules does it restrict me from attacking you because I didn't like your personal conduct.

What I'm doing is the same as what you did to #11.

I'm just better at it.

Personal ethics- get out of here kid. #11 was farming like an asshole and he paid for it. Get off your high horse and get back to things you are good at, like sucking off dudes for $5.

Nice try to cover up your coordination. Thanks for the messages to prove it.

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 0:13:42

Originally posted by Scott:

Pretty sure you were retalling for my actions on another player... no? Do you know how to read?

Also - they are troops, not infantry. I will take the free DR

No, I was retaliating actions that I consider petty and underhanded. This does not constitute an alliance, or a clan. I've told you this at least 4 times. Do YOU know how to read?

Also, I'm using Infantry as a superlative plural of "troops".

But since all you've done so far is complain that you can't defend your country, then run crying to the mods to try to get back at someone for hitting you, I'm not surprised that you're also trying to be a grammar nazi.

#11 and I are not a team. Nowhere in the rules does it say I can't decide that your personal conduct is not grounds for an attack.

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 0:15:34

I'm loving this because the mods can go ahead and find out if there was any coordination between us.

And you've also just violated the forum rules.

Scott Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 1:00:07

Originally posted by Bat Country:
I'm loving this because the mods can go ahead and find out if there was any coordination between us.

And you've also just violated the forum rules.

I will let them make the decision : ) Sounds similiar to the guy who kept telling people if they attacked his XXX ally because they dont like what they did to that country... it led to no more allies on express and it was cheating.

Keybo Studios


Jun 20th 2016, 8:33:16

I am country #11. We have never had an alliance we have attacked each others countries this game and last and ended it with diplomatic relations. I suggest you do the same next time you have a problem with a country attacking you. You kept messaging me saying you were going to attack me but never followed through with your threats until you did until you sent like a million tank attacks. I would have never attacked you every few days that much if you did not keep threatening me and operating your country like a noob. I attacked nearly everyone in this set it was my strategy so get over it lol.

Keybo Studios


Jun 20th 2016, 8:45:52

AB Jun 19, 05:04 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 263 B
AB Jun 19, 05:04 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 258 B
AB Jun 19, 05:04 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 253 B
AB Jun 19, 05:04 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 248 B
AB Jun 19, 05:04 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 243 B
AB Jun 19, 05:04 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 237 B
AB Jun 19, 05:05 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 202 B
AB Jun 19, 05:05 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 199 B
AB Jun 19, 05:05 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 56 B
AB Jun 19, 05:05 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 193 B
AB Jun 19, 05:05 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 190 B
AB Jun 19, 05:05 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 186 B
AB Jun 19, 05:05 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 182 B
AB Jun 19, 05:05 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 178 B
AB Jun 19, 05:05 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 175 B
AB Jun 19, 05:06 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) DH
AB Jun 19, 05:06 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 164 B
AB Jun 19, 05:06 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 162 B
AB Jun 19, 05:06 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 158 B
AB Jun 19, 05:06 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 155 B
AB Jun 19, 05:06 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 153 B
AB Jun 19, 05:06 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 149 B
AB Jun 19, 05:06 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 146 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 139 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 136 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 133 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 131 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 127 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 126 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 123 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 121 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 118 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 116 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 113 B
AB Jun 19, 05:07 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 112 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 105 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 102 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 99 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 97 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 97 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 93 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 92 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 90 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 89 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 86 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 85 B
AB Jun 19, 05:08 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 84 B
AB Jun 19, 05:10 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 81 B
AB Jun 19, 05:10 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 79 B
AB Jun 19, 05:10 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 79 B
AB Jun 19, 05:13 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 78 B
AB Jun 19, 11:37 Tomorrowland (#14) landgrab me and I nuke you (#16) DH
AB Jun 19, 13:43 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 75 B
AB Jun 19, 13:43 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 75 B
AB Jun 19, 13:43 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 72 B
AB Jun 19, 13:43 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 71 B
AB Jun 19, 13:43 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 70 B
AB Jun 19, 13:43 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 69 B
AB Jun 19, 13:45 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 65 B
AB Jun 19, 13:45 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 63 B
AB Jun 19, 13:45 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 62 B
AB Jun 19, 13:45 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 61 B
AB Jun 19, 13:45 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 60 B
AB Jun 19, 13:45 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 58 B
AB Jun 19, 14:45 Bat Country (#8) Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) 55 B
AB Jun 19, 18:03 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 58 B
AB Jun 19, 18:27 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 55 B
AB Jun 19, 19:01 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 55 B
AB Jun 19, 23:43 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 5 B
AB Jun 20, 02:52 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 55 B
AB Jun 20, 02:52 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 53 B
AB Jun 20, 02:52 Clintonista Likes Truffle Butter (#7) Yusho Studios (#11) 52 B

Scott Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 10:27:21

Originally posted by Keybo Studios:
I am country #11. We have never had an alliance we have attacked each others countries this game and last and ended it with diplomatic relations. I suggest you do the same next time you have a problem with a country attacking you. You kept messaging me saying you were going to attack me but never followed through with your threats until you did until you sent like a million tank attacks. I would have never attacked you every few days that much if you did not keep threatening me and operating your country like a noob. I attacked nearly everyone in this set it was my strategy so get over it lol.
Originally posted by Keybo Studios:
I am country #11. We have never had an alliance we have attacked each others countries this game and last and ended it with diplomatic relations. I suggest you do the same next time you have a problem with a country attacking you. You kept messaging me saying you were going to attack me but never followed through with your threats until you did until you sent like a million tank attacks. I would have never attacked you every few days that much if you did not keep threatening me and operating your country like a noob. I attacked nearly everyone in this set it was my strategy so get over it lol.
those messages were your warning... Next time take my advice or this will happen to your noob rainbow strat every time.

Literally when I said "war?"... I meant it.

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 12:53:08

You keep calling everyone a noob... you were in like 27th place before I even attacked you.

Scott Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 12:59:32

Originally posted by Bat Country:
You keep calling everyone a noob... you were in like 27th place before I even attacked you.

You do understand the ppl at the top of the scores list 3/4 the way through the set don't stay there... Right? Now I am not... How could that have happened?

Also, to be clear... A rainbow strat is the exact definition of a noob. your nerd rage is blinding you.

Edited By: Scott on Jun 20th 2016, 13:03:28
See Original Post

archaic Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 13:59:07

Originally posted by Bat Country:
You keep calling everyone a noob... you were in like 27th place before I even attacked you.

Congratulations, you just won the lottery. Your first annuity payment was just delivered:

Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 5245 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 5076 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4913 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4755 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4602 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4453 C
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,592 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,548 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,506 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,464 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,422 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,381 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,340 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,299 MU
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4332 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4192 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4056 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 524 B 15,752 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 503 B 13,705 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 483 B 11,923 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 464 B 10,373 C
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 2253 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 2180 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 2109 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 2041 C 99 F
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 446 B 7909 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 428 B 6881 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 411 B 5986 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 394 B 5208 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 379 B 4531 C
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 986 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 954 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 923 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 893 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 864 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:47 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 836 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:47 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 809 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:47 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 783 C 99 F
CM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 363 B 3025 C
CM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 349 B 2632 C
CM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 335 B 2290 C
CM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 322 B 1992 C
NM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 690 A
NM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 655 A
GS Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 436 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 421 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 408 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 394 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 381 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 369 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 357 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 346 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 334 C 99 F
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 622 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 591 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 562 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 534 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 507 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 482 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 458 A
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 326 C 100 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 315 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 305 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 295 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 285 C 99 F
EM Jun 20, 13:50 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,193 MU
GS Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 276 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 267 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 258 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 249 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 241 C 99 F
EM Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,150 MU
GS Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 234 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 226 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 219 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 211 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 204 C 99 F
EM Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,110 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,072 MU
GS Jun 20, 13:53 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 198 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:53 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 192 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:53 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 185 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:53 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 179 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:53 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 173 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:55 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 168 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:55 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 162 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:55 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 157 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:55 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 152 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:55 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 146 C 99 F

I kind of felt like a noob using nukes, but I has them and needed readiness, so meh. I had almost decided against doing the challenge this set, but damn you are an idiot, so thanks for making the choice for me. Buh Bye!

Edited By: archaic on Jun 20th 2016, 14:04:20. Reason: formatting failures
See Original Post
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Keybo Studios


Jun 20th 2016, 15:04:16

If I am a noob why am I still above you in rank lol

Keybo Studios


Jun 20th 2016, 15:05:38

ummm dude you bombed the wrong person in the wrong game bahahahahahahahahha oh my that has made my day.
Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Bat Country:
You keep calling everyone a noob... you were in like 27th place before I even attacked you.

Congratulations, you just won the lottery. Your first annuity payment was just delivered:

Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 5245 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 5076 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4913 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4755 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4602 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4453 C
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,592 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,548 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,506 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,464 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,422 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,381 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,340 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,299 MU
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4332 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4192 C
GS Jun 20, 13:44 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 4056 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 524 B 15,752 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 503 B 13,705 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 483 B 11,923 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 464 B 10,373 C
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 2253 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 2180 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 2109 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 2041 C 99 F
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 446 B 7909 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 428 B 6881 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 411 B 5986 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 394 B 5208 C
CM Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 379 B 4531 C
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 986 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 954 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 923 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 893 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:45 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 864 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:47 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 836 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:47 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 809 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:47 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 783 C 99 F
CM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 363 B 3025 C
CM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 349 B 2632 C
CM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 335 B 2290 C
CM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 322 B 1992 C
NM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 690 A
NM Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 655 A
GS Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 436 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 421 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 408 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 394 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:48 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 381 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 369 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 357 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 346 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 334 C 99 F
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 622 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 591 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 562 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 534 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 507 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 482 A
NM Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 458 A
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 326 C 100 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 315 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 305 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 295 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:49 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 285 C 99 F
EM Jun 20, 13:50 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,193 MU
GS Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 276 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 267 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 258 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 249 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 241 C 99 F
EM Jun 20, 13:51 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,150 MU
GS Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 234 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 226 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 219 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 211 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 204 C 99 F
EM Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,110 MU
EM Jun 20, 13:52 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 34,072 MU
GS Jun 20, 13:53 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 198 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:53 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 192 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:53 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 185 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:53 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 179 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:53 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 173 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:55 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 168 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:55 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 162 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:55 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 157 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:55 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 152 C 99 F
GS Jun 20, 13:55 Superflys Giant Bone (#28) scotchnsoda (#8) 146 C 99 F

I kind of felt like a noob using nukes, but I has them and needed readiness, so meh. I had almost decided against doing the challenge this set, but damn you are an idiot, so thanks for making the choice for me. Buh Bye!

Keybo Studios


Jun 20th 2016, 15:06:21

We are talking about Game B here.

Keybo Studios


Jun 20th 2016, 15:07:38

what a noob. lol.

Scott Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 15:13:10

Originally posted by Keybo Studios:
If I am a noob why am I still above you in rank lol

Because the set is not over... You have 10k acres to rebuild with no stock. Good luck.

Keybo Studios


Jun 20th 2016, 15:16:35

I thought you were reporting us to admin lol.

archaic Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 15:17:57

Oh well, it was an honest mistake.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Keybo Studios


Jun 20th 2016, 15:39:42

Originally posted by archaic:
Oh well, it was an honest mistake.
tell that to the random you just destroyed lol. Game B was in the title of the thread.

Keybo Studios


Jun 20th 2016, 15:44:50

yes we shall see good luck
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Keybo Studios:
If I am a noob why am I still above you in rank lol

Because the set is not over... You have 10k acres to rebuild with no stock. Good luck.

drkprinc Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 15:56:08

Lol all these try hards outside game a, I could win b or c without defense or making a single attack done it before jumped from 40th to 1st last 20 mins of game
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

archaic Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 16:13:39

Well, I had to kill a top ranked country anyway so it might as well have been him.
Originally posted by Keybo Studios:
Originally posted by archaic:
Oh well, it was an honest mistake.
tell that to the random you just destroyed lol. Game B was in the title of the thread.

Well, I had to kill a top ranked country anyway so it might as well have been him. I honestly had no idea what game I'm in, that would involve caring.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

drkprinc Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 16:18:41

Archaic dont sweat it everyone but this guy understands
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 16:19:59

hahaha nice country name

Scott Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 16:38:02

Originally posted by archaic:
Well, I had to kill a top ranked country anyway so it might as well have been him.
Originally posted by Keybo Studios:
Originally posted by archaic:
Oh well, it was an honest mistake.
tell that to the random you just destroyed lol. Game B was in the title of the thread.

Well, I had to kill a top ranked country anyway so it might as well have been him. I honestly had no idea what game I'm in, that would involve caring.


Scott Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 16:46:40

Originally posted by Keybo Studios:
I thought you were reporting us to admin lol.

I did... Waiting on Martian to get back to me.

So much for all that talk of killing me from #8... Freaking scrub

invaded your lands!
Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!

Your military lost:
58,554 Turrets
Their military lost:
76,898 Jets

3.6 hours ago
Guerillas from Bat Country (#8) have invaded your lands!
Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!

Your military lost:
6810 Troops
Their military lost:
24,821 Troops

3.6 hours ago
Guerillas from Bat Country (#8) have invaded your lands!
Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!

Your military lost:
13,280 Troops
Their military lost:
23,373 Troops

3.6 hours ago
An armoured division from Bat Country (#8) has invaded your lands!
Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!

Your military lost:
14,254 Tanks

Keybo Studios


Jun 20th 2016, 18:18:44

I don't landfarm I farm salt. I farm the salt from your tears.

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 18:26:06

Oh my, Scotty, are you going to report Archaic for doing the same thing I did?

It can't be helped that he missed his target! Same damn thing! No Retals on someone else's behalf, period, right?

Should I now assume that you're in league with Archaic? I should report you for being a team!

Oh wait, I'm not a little fluff who only now figured out how to defend his country. Instead of fluffing about 11, why didn't you just up your tech in the middle of him thrashing you?

And don't worry about the attacks, sweet cheeks. I'll get to you soon enough. My country is still capable of growth. Yours is stuck in a perpetual cycle of defense and rebuilding.

Edited By: Bat Country on Jun 20th 2016, 18:41:01. Reason: fat fingers

drkprinc Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 21:05:07

scott please tell me you have the economy techs needed to wreck this guy?
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Scott Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 21:07:59

Originally posted by Bat Country:
Oh my, Scotty, are you going to report Archaic for doing the same thing I did?

It can't be helped that he missed his target! Same damn thing! No Retals on someone else's behalf, period, right?

Should I now assume that you're in league with Archaic? I should report you for being a team!

Oh wait, I'm not a little fluff who only now figured out how to defend his country. Instead of fluffing about 11, why didn't you just up your tech in the middle of him thrashing you?

And don't worry about the attacks, sweet cheeks. I'll get to you soon enough. My country is still capable of growth. Yours is stuck in a perpetual cycle of defense and rebuilding.

Lol if you can't tell the difference, I can't help you. I can't fix stupid.

As far as defending my land, I am well aware of how to defend my land and I am teching. Again, you are dumber than a rock. The turd running 11 didn't thrash, just annoyed. Works out because I got to thrash his country.

Originally posted by Keybo Studios:
I don't landfarm I farm salt. I farm the salt from your tears.

Good thing you like tears... Your country is in ruins. Only 10% of your land actually has a building on it and you have no cash. Only thing you will be doing is crying, so I am glad you like tears.

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 21:39:39

No no, please, Scott. Spell it out for me. Aside from the fact that he completely missed his target, what's the difference between what I did and what Archaic did?

Because once again, it just looks like you're copping out.

Scott Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 22:23:02

Originally posted by Bat Country:
No no, please, Scott. Spell it out for me. Aside from the fact that he completely missed his target, what's the difference between what I did and what Archaic did?

Because once again, it just looks like you're copping out.

I can't believe you are this retarded.

Archaic was being an asshole (totally acceptable). You were helping out Hiroshima or whatever his name is.

I am fighting both of you at this point and it is hilarious because the two of you couldn't outsmart a retarded child much less beat me.

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 22:44:41

Good god, are you this thick or is your interpreter just not getting the message across?

I wasn't helping him. For the 50th time, we were never helping each other out. You'd already torched thousands of acres. He wasn't coming back from that. There was no help to be had. And you're still hitting him.

I didn't like what you did. So I hit you and told you to stop. And I knew you probably wouldn't.

What I didn't know was that you were so petty you'd go crying to the mods because someone pushed you down on the playground.

Bat Country Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 22:47:07

And quoting you,

[quote poster=Scott; 40010; 766223]
Originally posted by Bat Country:

Pretty sure you were retalling for my actions on another player... no? Do you know how to read?

Scott Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 22:57:50

[quote poster=Bat Country; 40010; 766495]And quoting you,

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Bat Country:

Pretty sure you were retalling for my actions on another player... no? Do you know how to read?

Still all true. Keep spinning loser.


New Member

Jun 20th 2016, 23:04:03

Passed its sell-by date

Could you do this in PM or get a room?