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And as much as I appreciate the legacy of the landgrab, parties should remember it is an euphemism for invasion as my opponent in Game C is learning.
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1 grab is not worth wrecking someone's set over. 9 times out of 10 you probably have no skill, couldn't retal and just threw a sissy fit :/
Stop invading countries and you don't have to worry about retaliations (and I use this word not in EE terminology). If you want to be a conqueror, man up to the consequences. Why would I have 10 times as many missiles, if I can't use them (spare me the line of only retaliating w/ SS or PS). Wrecking somebody's set? You are playing a post-apocalyptic game about nation building.
If your strategy is to hit countries w/ missiles while you have no SDI or tanks while you have none, stop complaining about your opponents lack of skill, look at your own lack of strategy and the almost inevitable lack of diplomacy come the fall out of your consequences aka your opponent's sissy fit.
This is a quote from the nation currently at war w/ me...
"Grabbing land is a very natural part of this game. You could have taken a retal and grab land whenever you wanted. But you chose to use missiles, so here we go... "
Yeah, here we go. Opponent was sitting at 7th to my 21st. Now I am 23rd to his 26th. Ruined his set as a talentless sissy? No, ruining his set and happily so w/ superior strategy and a cut-throat attitude to the adoring cheers of my nation.
"If you make peace, we shall enjoy the rest of set together."
Like hell, you attacked me first, you exhibit some diplomacy make the peace. Instead crickets in the wind. Until the next artillery barrage on my end that is.
I applaud Rocker's mindset and thank p1co for supporting my reasoning above.