
UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 30th 2024, 12:52:53

Actually I don't, there are always people who end up there by accident (because B and C are even more dismal) and having not the slightest chance of playing a decent country, just wave their tiny dicts around a bit and go straight back down.

What makes it more pathetic its that it is obviously some cross server BS because there are very few people that play this game that would build such a pitiful country.

Here is your food aye, troll, chow down.

Hessman123 Game profile


Nov 30th 2024, 13:35:18

Basically every one of the “good players” no longer plays in tournament. Thanks to the changes in the game and the addition of new servers the “good players” are no longer wasting their time with the tournament server

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 30th 2024, 20:40:53

Aha, that explains it perfectly :)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 30th 2024, 22:28:51

The good players now have lives and have left the game

Only the mediocre guys killing time have remained

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 30th 2024, 23:12:27

Tourney is OP, if you can’t stand the heat then get out of the kitchen. You guys have every other server to hide behind GDI and clans and yet come to whine about the one server where it’s free play chaos mode. All that advocating for playing hard mode and now everyone cries about it lol

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 30th 2024, 23:13:12

Inb4 Tertius shows up still crying about that whooping last round

Kingme Game profile


Dec 1st 2024, 0:21:08

Originally posted by SuperFly:
The good players now have lives and have left the game

Only the mediocre guys killing time have remained

I'm guilty of that.

Bablo Game profile


Dec 1st 2024, 1:04:50

And you consider yourself a good player....🤣
My dog eats ants

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 1st 2024, 7:35:55

Originally posted by Kingme:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
The good players now have lives and have left the game

Only the mediocre guys killing time have remained

I'm guilty of that.

Same here just a mediocre netter killing time sigh 😮‍💨

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 1st 2024, 10:45:00

Originally posted by Bablo:
And you consider yourself a good player....🤣

do keep up... :)

Originally posted by Hessman123:
Basically every one of the “good players” no longer plays in tournament. Thanks to the changes in the game and the addition of new servers the “good players” are no longer wasting their time with the tournament server

Originally posted by UgolinoII:
Aha, that explains it perfectly :)

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 1st 2024, 11:18:40

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Tourney is OP, if you can’t stand the heat then get out of the kitchen. You guys have every other server to hide behind GDI and clans and yet come to whine about the one server where it’s free play chaos mode. All that advocating for playing hard mode and now everyone cries about it lol

Rules can't be hidden behind, they can only be played by, I can only assume you mean I'm hiding by making sure no-one knows who I am so I can war prep and blindsi.. oh wait...

Primary - PvP
40 UgolinoII (#4) 7505 $1,281,623 RG

Tournament - PvP
10 UgolinoII (#13) 11,196 $10,176,361 RG

Express - PvP(e)
34 UgolinoII (#6) 20,058 $4,461,761 CG

Alliance & Co-Op aren't even PvP, but both are still obviously me:
32 The Road to Wigan Pier (#211) 149,161 $33,922,774 H MONSTERS
16 La Canto Nostra XXXIII (#11) 292,737 $227,675,359 H SKA

You know full well I am not complaining about players who play "hard mode" go look up my primary news - you dont hear me saying anything about double/triple taps going on over there - those guys are hitting me because they are playing to win. What I am doing is expressing my opinion about players who don't play to win. Also, don't waste your time with the whole 'seething' thing. People can have opinions, and discuss the differences therein without it being an all consuming passion. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

To be clear: bro dragged my rep casher ass into a fight with war prepped dict and still finished half my networth. By what measure was this guy even trying to win? Perhaps he wanted to be seen as biggest clown of the reset? In that case - congrats bro, you did it, dm me your address and I'll mail you one of those flowers that squirts water.

White knighting for clowns isn't something I had you down for, but whatever!

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 1st 2024, 12:56:01

I was just speaking in general not abut you UG.

Most of the community here advocates for trolling and playing like jerks and lying and they think it’s funny when they get one over one a new unsuspecting victim.

I advocated against this behavior for a very long time and finally decided if you can’t beat them then join them. Then everyone cries about that.

Look at the thread below this one, they’ve literally been whining about wars for like 6 or 7 months despite everyone making it abundantly clear that I should shut up with my advocating against this behavior prior.

Basically it doesn’t matter what you do these guys will whine and try and screw you over so now I’m just here to laugh and poke fun