Nov 11th 2014, 9:48:41
Land is not the sole determining factor, xcool. More land certainly tends to be good, more land EARLY is very good.
What you almost certainly need to do in order to break through this 10mil networth barrier is to learn how to stockpile and learn how to destock.
Quite a lot of people don't do this in tourney because the set is relatively short and it is easy to get into the flow of grabbing/exploring and developing the land and cycling endlessly on like that. Which, I predict, is what you are doing.
But that is wrong and limits the networth achievable. Even if you got to 40k acres you probably wouldn't improve your 10mill figure by an awful lot.
So what do you do? The answer starts with fixing a land goal before you have taken a single turn. Then build the right number of csites for that goal. Now get to the goal as soon as ever you can. And now stop the acquire land/develop land cycle. Instead you spend your turns hitting the cash button if you are a casher, farmer or Commie and hitting the tech button if you are a techer. You hope to spend a third or more of the set doing this. You will acquire a lot of cash/bushels/military/tech doing this and you will sell, sell, sell. With the money you will build up a 2 billion pile of cash but you will also buy bushels and stockpile them on the public market.
Towards the end of the set you sell all your stockpiled bushels and use the 2 billion cash and the money from the bushels to buy a whole lot of military. From your private market as much as you can and from the public market with the rest.
It turns out that there are rather more, and more difficult, skills involved in this stocking and destocking process than are involved in simply building a country and grabbing/exploring for land.
So, with your question, you are moving from beginner to improver.
Not too many are good at this. Certainly not me. If you see any posts by a guy called Oldman read them three times and then put them somewhere where you can go back and read them again.
Good luck. Don't expect it to be easy. But the very first step - setting a sensible land goal is fairly easy. In tourney go for 20k acres. You will need to do some research on how many csites that means you need. If you can't be bothered that means stocking and destocking is not for you. In that case see if you can get from 10mill networth to ten and a half mill.