
rlee0001 Game profile


Mar 1st 2022, 3:31:48

I've been using the Casher strategy with only moderate success for the last few rounds. Previously I'd played rainbow back in the Earth 2025 days because I didn't know any better.

Should I just stick with this strategy, or should I try to learn a new one? Which ones are good strategies to use on tournament servers?

As Casher, I'm only able to finish in the top 10 on game A, but it would be nice to get to the point where I could be a contender. Maybe I should master the Casher strategy before moving on to something else?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 1st 2022, 3:54:04

Yeah stick to it, do you buy tech? You do need Military, Business and Residential, the closer to max the better!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 1st 2022, 4:14:20

This game is actually really simple,

Pick a specialized strategy and then get as much tech as you can as quickly as you possibly can

I'm playing a casher myself right now in tournament and I have over 1 million tech points between business, residence, and military costs

guochel Game profile


Mar 2nd 2022, 0:09:32

I totally think you should learn all strategies. sometimes, life is not about what outcome happens, but what you learn in the way to those outcomes. In order to implement a learning-goal prioritization value system, you have to try new things. plus, you never know what you learn in those new activities result in helping you improve in old activities that you've already mastered.
also, it's fun doing something new, from my viewpoint

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 2nd 2022, 0:25:28

I also don't think you should limit yourself to one strategy because you will not be able to learn everything about casher without playing the other strats. You will not understand what the market is doing or be able to predict it without learning to play indy, farmer and techer as well. Because only by playing those strats will you understand when those strats do what, like stocking, destocking, grabbing which affects how they sell and how they buy/stock food and military for instance.

By knowing all strats you will have a basic idea about if food prices rise early in the round, maybe it will go back down because no one is stocking food, maybe it was just one big farmer who didn't play for the weekend? But if food rises after the midpoint of the round maybe its because the techers or farmers are stocking food.
You get this figured out a little bit by just experiencing the other strats and trying your best to play them somewhat efficiently. If you just build labs and play as a casher its meaningless, tho.

Ohh and its also fun learning new strats. I have different favourite strats on different servers, on some servers I more or less play only one, and on other servers I switch between 2-3 strategies usually.

Edited By: Gerdler on Mar 2nd 2022, 0:28:06

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 2nd 2022, 0:35:04

Good advice gents

Gerdler, I feel like you've already mastered them all, and figured out which strategy works best for which server as well

guochel Game profile


Mar 2nd 2022, 2:43:34

Originally posted by Rocky79:

Gerdler, I feel like you've already mastered them all, and figured out which strategy works best for which server as well

yup, he probably has. there's a reason he's always in the monthly leaderboards, as well as the lifetime tourny leaderboards

rlee0001 Game profile


Mar 2nd 2022, 5:10:15

That's all good advice. I've been buying residential and business tech. I didn't know that I'm supposed to buy military tech as well. I'm going to try that next round and see how I do. Then I might try farmer or techer or Indy next if that round goes well. I kind of don't want to get kicked out of game A if I try a different strategy and it doesn't go well. Haha.

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 2nd 2022, 20:33:49

farmer is probably the next easiest strategy to play

but with farmer you will want agriculture, business, residence, and military costs technology