Linermaster's country News on the Primary Server

Thirteenth round: Jan 02, 2012 - Mar 02, 2012

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Feb 01, 1:12
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives caused 326 civilians to flee our lands!

Feb 01, 1:12
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives caused 324 civilians to flee our lands!

Feb 01, 1:09
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Feb 01, 1:09
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Feb 01, 1:09
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Feb 01, 1:09
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Feb 01, 1:09
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Feb 01, 1:08
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Feb 01, 1:08
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Feb 01, 1:08
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Feb 01, 1:08
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Feb 01, 1:08
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Feb 01, 1:08
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

Feb 01, 1:05
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives caused 262 civilians to flee our lands!

Feb 01, 1:04
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives caused 2 troops to leave your army!

Feb 01, 1:04
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives caused a drop in your readiness!

Jan 31, 16:30
PG rocks (#648): Enemy operatives caused 3 troops to leave your army!