
P4TCH85 Game profile

New Member

Mar 13th 2013, 1:51:01

Originally posted by VivaNick:
Audi R8

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 2:00:26

See, my best finish was a theo casher lol my one try at republic casher resulted in a million attacks and every one and their mother getting at least 300 acres. So im just shooting for some strat ideas since there seems to be a lack of places for them

braden Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 2:32:12

i'm not sure how you run your start up

for myself, with a late game rep casher i store 360(300), but play the first 99 however i get to it, coming out of protection you want 360(300)

I run my tech start to.. however i feel comfortable considering tech prices- i don't "do math" per se, but once i max my techs at 3600ish acres i switch labs to ent/res fully teched, batch explore my way to heaven.

as you're on small acreage, you TAKE all the hits you can, adding you into further dr- for when you batch explore, they'll still attack you, but they'll get measly returns.. which you turn into holding LESS defense-- once your dr is high enough, NOBODY smart will attack you, and if they do, you get to retal with more batch explores and you retal for 1+k acres for their measly 78 acre grab

the finer details are more kind of learned, you'll play it to better suite your own style, that is just mine (forgoeing easy early land for latter more important land)

smlandau84 Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 3:45:00

Im good at this game.

CX LaE Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 4:04:56

braden -- you're better off to cash start as a Rep IMO.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 4:07:43

I always thought the theo tech startup to reseller/casher was better. Faster building and no military weakness. Plus the batch explores could be more efficient.

braden Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 16:30:25

the rep explore bonus and pci bonus (i think it is?) i prefer over the theo bpt and private market- kingme and i, for example, see differently on this, i believe.

now cx, i think you're right.. the late turn allows for cheaper techs, so tech start is less useful, hm.. good thing i'm only like thirty turns into express this reset :P

AndrewMose Game profile


Mar 14th 2013, 15:10:52

A cash start is better if tech is < 2800 I believe - no math to back this up just experience.

A rep casher has much better potential than a theo casher if run properly.

As a Rep casher all explore you should be able to get to 14k acres, as a theo casher all explore you will likely stop around 12.5k or 13k.

I think a well run all explore casher with a proper cash start should finish >$22M under almost any market conditions. But it will top out at just under $26M in almost perfect conditions.


EE Patron

Mar 15th 2013, 14:31:50

i hunt for leecher (#10)
DIE Leechers (#67)
Here to destroy H2o (#29)

lol looks like im not the only one that doesnt like h2o's 3 tech ally commie strategy
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Mar 15th 2013, 14:38:56

Isn't one of them indeed h20?
The Nigerian Nightmare.


EE Patron

Mar 15th 2013, 14:53:14

i was thinking that might be possible. as long as he's not leeching i don't care
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.