
Cathankins Game profile


Jan 20th 2024, 15:08:31

Like the rest this came from the greatest earther ever. Posting because it helped me so much and I hope it helps new players. Enjoy!

double their tanks, half their troops, and add both to their turrets. Multiply that by weaps, govt bonus, and readiness. Then I add 25% of their allies military. Then I multiply by defensive bonus and another 1.1.

(Total D×weaps×readiness×govt bonus)+(25% of allies D)×D bonus×1.1

Take that number and divide by your weaps, govt bonus, readiness, and 1.5(if you're doing a ps) to figure out how many jets you should send.

Break÷weaps÷govt bonus÷readiness÷1.5(for ps)

I'll give you an example. No D bonuses, we both have 100% readiness, and I want to ps. I have 130% weaps as a rep. A target has 130% weaps as a dict. He has 2m turrets and allies that have 16m turrets total.

2×1.3×1.25=3.25m raw turrets. His allies could give up to 4m help, but can only double his raw break of 3.25m.

3.25+3.25=6.5m×1.1(extra 10% buffer)=7.15m

7.15÷1.3÷.9÷1.5=~4.075m jets on a ps

I like to estimate how much D the top 2 defenses in the server have. If I think nobody has more than 10m turrets I could assume their allies have 20m total which gives 5m help. So if the target has 5m raw turrets or less you'd have to double it or check their allies. If the target has more like maybe 10m raw turrets themselves, then you'd only add 50% because you've already decided his allies can't help more than 5m.