
JJosh Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 22:28:10

that arent playing on the FFA server.

mind if I ask why not? the server could really use some new blood and a new political dynamic.

would it hurt to add 16 more countrys to the 1 you already play?

please consider it :)

FFA ~ Ares
Alliance ~ SoL
#JJosh on your server

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 22:44:01

think it has something to do with L:L policies not being recognized on the FFA server, but i don't rightly remember.
y'all kept going on and on about something about it being the FFA server and not the Alliance server, and they shouldn't come and play there.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

LeftyHa8er Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 22:47:31

bring your rules but be ready to war to defend the ones we dont follow :) it would be fun

Helmet Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 22:47:50

I helped SoF in their war and 16 countries was exhausting. Maybe it was just going to the warchats that was exhausting though. I guess I could play 16 countries in about 15 minutes. It's the wars that are so time consuming.

Ivan Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 0:46:44

make it down to 3 or 4 countries and i think youd get a lot of alliance ppl trying it out

aponic Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 0:58:57

Once the control screen is fixed for FFA and "sell all" of a given commodety at x prices on the selected countries (from the control screen) than the time it takes to war could be drastically cut down. That is the real cross-over problem in my mind. I enjoy FFA a lot. Some of the war alliances there are hardcore.

Junky Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 1:13:46

if anyone is wondering... yes the country named "WTF FFA SUCKS" is indeed mine :-P
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

ponderer Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 1:40:09

I have enough trouble playing 1 country without burning out

Fooglmog Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 2:12:43

1. We don't like FFA policies. (as dibs said)
2. We would have to fight wars to bring in reasonable policies. (as Lefty said)
3. War on FFA is exhausting. (as Helmet said)
4. We're old and tired. (my contribution to this thread)

Guy with no clue.



Jan 18th 2011, 2:15:28

lol copy paste
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

JJosh Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 3:04:18

hehe, i was lazy ;) ;)
FFA ~ Ares
Alliance ~ SoL
#JJosh on your server



Jan 18th 2011, 7:32:34

1 + 16? hell no...
if i were playing 16 already there was time left for one more but not the other way around

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 18th 2011, 7:40:31

You can do well in FFA with less than 16 countries. However, from what I've read on the FFA forums, I don't think that FFAers would be very welcoming to 1Aers.

LeftyHa8er Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 7:44:47

we let sof live after they stopped that silly L to L crap but yea were not welcoming LMAO

Rockman Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 9:37:41

Originally posted by LeftyHa8er:
we let sof live after they stopped that silly L to L crap but yea were not welcoming LMAO

Land:Land crap isn't silly. Hitting an alliance that can retal you is silly.

If you idiots in FFA stopped grabbing people that can retal you, we wouldn't have to worry about 1:1 or Land:Land.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Jan 18th 2011, 10:13:21

so what you're saying is to promote the bottom-feeding/farming of noobs?

Ofc u hit people that have a chance of retal. that's what ghost acres are for.

Also, i agree that l:l sucks. it has always sucked. was onl ever put in place to further opress clans that had limited resources to start with and create a bigger gap between them and the 'big guys'.

With that said, i won't play FFA. if i was going to play a multi-country server, i'd much rather play one where everyone started with one country and there were methods of creating new ones if X was accomplished. starting off the mark with 16 countries gives me a headache.
EE Developer

Rockman Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 15:35:56

Originally posted by iZarcon:
so what you're saying is to promote the bottom-feeding/farming of noobs?

Ofc u hit people that have a chance of retal. that's what ghost acres are for.

Also, i agree that l:l sucks. it has always sucked. was onl ever put in place to further opress clans that had limited resources to start with and create a bigger gap between them and the 'big guys'.

With that said, i won't play FFA. if i was going to play a multi-country server, i'd much rather play one where everyone started with one country and there were methods of creating new ones if X was accomplished. starting off the mark with 16 countries gives me a headache.

No, I'm saying either go all-explore or get enough defense to bounce retals.

Land:Land was put in place in response to alliances going to war if you got enough defense to bounce their retals. Because midfeeding alliances and bouncing retals causes wars, people stopped doing it (because it would turn a netting set into a war set). Without the need to bounce retals from established alliances, skilled players instead had to keep artificially low networths to have a larger selection of untaggeds & noobs to grab.

When two people trade grabs, the less skilled player benefits. 1:1 retals benefit the less skilled players. 1:1 is just as artificial a policy as land:land. The most realistic policy would be 1:kill.

If you grab someone who has not grabbed you, why should they not be allowed to take back what was theirs?

If you don't like someone doing land:land retals on you, get more turrets.

Ozzite Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 15:51:36

Join KA. People don't fluff with our land:
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.



Jan 18th 2011, 16:40:05

Originally posted by iZarcon:
i agree that l:l sucks. it has always sucked. was onl ever put in place to further opress clans that had limited resources to start with and create a bigger gap between them and the 'big guys'.


KeTcHuP Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 17:49:07

Any 1Aers are welcome in TKO if they want to be incredibly lazy and half ass netting. We dont descriminate!
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

aponic Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 18:22:01

The controls for FFA need to be updated and have new features added to cut down on playing time. That is really the answer. I doubt you see many people crossing over due to time constraints as opposed to policy differences between the two servers.



Jan 18th 2011, 20:25:35

yeah when i hit explore i expect all 16 countries to explore simultaneously before i give it a go lol
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Marshal Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 22:35:26

thomas suggested something like all 16 countries are played simultaneously.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

crazyserb Game profile


Jan 19th 2011, 1:34:07

lol reading this thread to me is hilarious...i play both...its the same thing, there is stupid people here and stupid people there, the only difference is you get to have 1000 missiles in one set:)

crazyserb Game profile


Jan 19th 2011, 1:34:47

btw FFA has been updated like 20 times already and is so fun and easy to run...