
NOW3P Game profile


May 5th 2010, 17:55:16

Ok, so 2 days ago, I converted from Theo to Tyr in Alliance. Before I switched, I had 77.5 million bushels stocked (I know this for sure, but don't have any proof of it, so I'll keep my complaining to getting the bug reported).

When I logged in today to recall my stock and do some jumping, it was all gone. I hadn't checked it since I converted, as I was waiting for turns to build up a little bit before doing my rebuilding, so I don't know if it was the conversion that ate it up, or something afterwards. I do know it was not at home when I converted or since, as I put them out to sale the day before.

The bushels were priced at $445 each, and I don't have any news of them being sold, or any additional cash on hand from previous log ins.

I won't whine about the bushels or anything, just wanted to post the scenario so someone could look into it and see if there's a bug there, or just a random occurrence.

Anyways, if you need more info, feel free to PM me. Thanks as always for looking into it. Hope it's something helpful.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 5th 2010, 18:08:12

Can you PM me the country number?