
ICe Man


May 9th 2010, 21:46:49

What _I_ done was stupid. What others done was wrong.

The leadership outside of me will be retooling itself -- thanks for your time.
Thank God, for I'm a blessed man.

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

May 9th 2010, 22:27:28

very sorry to hear, ICe :(
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


snawdog Game profile


May 9th 2010, 22:36:16

Let the cheat go...
ICQ 364553524

Hobo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 22:43:55

ICe I respect what you manned up to do what the others can't do. Good luck in your future endeavors.

jagernacht Game profile


May 9th 2010, 23:08:02

What others, me and DM were the only others? We've admitted to the only people to whom it should matter, our members.

If you MUST know, go ahead and apply to LaE to view our member boards and see the truth. If a member cares to post any of our responses, they can post it here. But that is not up to us to do.

The truth is, the admins couldn't have caught us, nor legitimately done anything to our countries without Primeval's spying lol. Think of this fact, we could have gone for years with no one realizing it. Let the admins do what they want, as this game is their investment. We did what we chose to with ours. If the admins think the best choice was to let everyone know what we did, that's their choice. We won't be continuing the cheating 'round these parts anymore :)

If we wanted, we could learn from this and evade them for years, doing whatever we wished to their game. But another truth would have to be... that the game is too small to really let it burden us anymore.

I personally enjoyed killing fluff that messed with our netters. I personally enjoyed shooting the fluff with DM, ICe, llaar, mrford, thunder, and everyone who blessed me with their time. If I came back to help out, it wasn't any worse than what clans like LaF did with allowing RD in 1A long ago. I cheated in the old FFA too... so what? There will always be those who cheat, and according to the mod tools, they have no real ability at this moment to catch cheaters. When they do, there will be better cheats with better tools to go against them. If we cared to help them out with the game, we could have. Did we? Pfft, not all gamers and programmers and mathematicians wish to spend our times fighting on the good side :)
they call meh juggsy!!!
AIM: juggernautnbk

gambit Game profile


May 9th 2010, 23:18:59

you and dm were the ones actively wasting your time... but there were at least 2 others that could see the board... that makes them just as guilty...

and why does prime always get the blame? is it so hard to imagine that it could have actually been an inside job?

Natural Born Killer

gambit Game profile


May 9th 2010, 23:20:10

oh, but Ice... you shouldnt step down...

demote/boot all those others and take control...

everyone knows you have what it takes to run a good clean clan... so go do it :)
Natural Born Killer

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

May 9th 2010, 23:27:13

"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Makinso Game profile


May 9th 2010, 23:32:33

For once I agree with Gambit

snawdog Game profile


May 10th 2010, 0:28:08

You ppl are NUTS..good job.keep up the good work...w/e.
I hope they get the fluff out and stay the fluff out!
ICQ 364553524

Twain Game profile


May 10th 2010, 0:45:19

Sorry to see that ICe Man. I was hoping to see you rebuild LaE without the illegitimate countries.

Gateway Game profile


May 10th 2010, 0:50:49

Good Call.
The Best there is, The Best there was, The Best there will ever be.

mrford Game profile


May 10th 2010, 0:53:08


everyone is claiming for all the cheaters to leave

and when one does, you beg him not to?


ice, let me know whats up man. keep in touch
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

raz Game profile

EE Patron

May 10th 2010, 1:05:27

what happened Ice?
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.

BeorimJ Game profile

New Member

May 10th 2010, 1:23:00

Ice - good to see someone take responsibility. Wether you cheated or not is irrelevant in the fact that you as a leader knew, and allowed something, that has destroyed this server once before, and also destroyed enough clans, when the players left because of that
juggs, knowing you from the past, and having always enjoyed when you and me talked back in the FFA days when you were one of the NBK people, i cannot tell how sad it makes me to read what you wrote.
you really brag about how cool you were not to be caught? giving fluff like "it has always be done, it will always be done"? Hey, the church has had an iron fist for several hundred years, and were able to overthrow kings.. lets get back to that, because "it has always been done".. i would love to see people who break morale ethics, be tortured, so they confess the devil made them do that.. yay, juggsy on a stretching bank, or an Iron Maiden... your tries, to make it sound casual and normal disgust me. This, and the godlike behaviour that the 1A clans brought to ECC back when FFA died, where the things that broke the family i called TKO apart, and what made me leave... i came back for TKO-FFA - unfortunately not all had been able to forget, and try to get back to what we had... TKOs comeback was unsuccessfull, but even if we had been more successfull, i fear what has happened here again, seeing that the same scumbags that ruined the game once, are again working on ruining it, would have killed off any reason to play again sooner or later

jagernacht Game profile


May 10th 2010, 1:53:47

I'm not bragging about it BeorimJ, I am simply making note of the realization that no one else has yet to make. The admins don't have any real power to fight those who will come who will be better than us, smarter than us. Considering they could have done nothing before those e-mails, the community should be ardently supporting a new wave of counter-cheating warfare. The tools these admins use are out-of-date and the extent to which they can monitor and catch multies is running out of time. They must be at their peak to proactively fend off the cheaters who will come when this game grows again. If they expect e-mails to save them every time, as how we saved them from a working bot in the server (perchance Pang would like to make note of that ? ) and simply did not make one in it's place.

All technicalities aside, there are two sides to every coin. One is wanting the cheaters to get caught, the other is wanting to retain membership. Will cheaters come in such forces that the admins will need to really widen their grasp of reality? Perhaps. Their new, non-Mehul tools did nothing to spot what we did and I'd love to see the day that they could stop a botrunner or multie in days, not months or years.

But these are requests that can only be made with a fresh, new game. Not an older, dying one. You can claim that we are killing the game, well, watch it flourish without us, right? Examine the situation 3 months down the road and you'll see just how brilliant this development team is.
they call meh juggsy!!!
AIM: juggernautnbk

Desperado Game profile


May 10th 2010, 2:22:09

Originally posted by ICe Man:
What _I_ done was stupid. What others done was wrong.

The leadership outside of me will be retooling itself -- thanks for your time.

He never said he was leaving you dumbasses. he said he's " No Longer Leading LaE." Maybe you should all read the title of threads you spam in.

As for you Icey, You're right. what you did was wrong and stupid, and given the gravity of what all happened. You deserve to lose your position. Taking responsibility for it, and not throwing it back in everybody's faces like the other fluffheads, means that you are able to regain your lost honor in this game and one day soon retake command of your clan.

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

snawdog Game profile


May 10th 2010, 2:34:39

Originally posted by jagernacht:
I'm not bragging about it BeorimJ, I am simply making note of the realization that no one else has yet to make. The admins don't have any real power to fight those who will come who will be better than us, smarter than us. Considering they could have done nothing before those e-mails, the community should be ardently supporting a new wave of counter-cheating warfare. The tools these admins use are out-of-date and the extent to which they can monitor and catch multies is running out of time. They must be at their peak to proactively fend off the cheaters who will come when this game grows again. If they expect e-mails to save them every time, as how we saved them from a working bot in the server (perchance Pang would like to make note of that ? ) and simply did not make one in it's place.

All technicalities aside, there are two sides to every coin. One is wanting the cheaters to get caught, the other is wanting to retain membership. Will cheaters come in such forces that the admins will need to really widen their grasp of reality? Perhaps. Their new, non-Mehul tools did nothing to spot what we did and I'd love to see the day that they could stop a botrunner or multie in days, not months or years.

But these are requests that can only be made with a fresh, new game. Not an older, dying one. You can claim that we are killing the game, well, watch it flourish without us, right? Examine the situation 3 months down the road and you'll see just how brilliant this development team is.

I hope someone comes to your struggling god damned start up new fluffing piece of fluff company and burns the mother fluffer to the ground, when you have absolutely NO $$ left to invest and steals your piss poor excuse of a fluffing dream..

Get that,juggle mah nuts?
ICQ 364553524


Game Development

May 10th 2010, 2:48:32

jag shows his true colours....

we do this in our spare time as a hobby.
qz and I are both professional software developers, we both have full time jobs + are finishing up our masters in our spare time. Slagpit is doing his undergrad as well. When you cheat, it takes away what little time we can devote to this game's development to fight cheating, rather than moving it forward.

We make the game because we love it, and when you say fluff like that, it's spitting in the face of all our hard work -- which we do for people like you.

You need to grow up, and get a clue. I guess you're not an asset to this community and your post above proves that beyond any doubt, and that's really unfortunate.

Edited By: Pangaea on May 10th 2010, 4:20:56
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

NOW3P Game profile


May 10th 2010, 4:00:54

Well said, Despie.


Game Development

May 10th 2010, 5:51:11

jag, i've been deleting your posts as they're borderline helping cheaters, even though your content and thoughts are way off.

you obviously don't want to be here anymore, you aren't a positive contributor to this community and you just want to act like some 12 year old script kiddy.

you think it's ok to cheat at an text based online game with 1500 players... you are one sad script kiddy... maybe you'll grow up one day and realize how juvenile it is to attempt to cheat at something like this.

When I see this kind of thing from grown human beings, it just makes me shake my head.... especially since your all were willing to straight up lie when we deleted you all last time.

This whole thing has made me begin to question whether FFA was a good idea.... the dirtiness I've observed on this server is nothing short of disgusting.

Edited By: Pangaea on May 10th 2010, 5:59:07
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

General TwizTid


May 10th 2010, 6:10:58

Pang..... LOVE ME! keep us clicking over here lol I love this server...
General TwizTid
EEVIL Member - Alliance
ICQ: 307692788
#nbk on
[01:37] <@Gambit> if it has a hole, ill fill it!

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

May 10th 2010, 6:16:12


we haven't even finished building our suite of mod tools... and slagpit's been taking the lead on that given me & pang's lack of time

personally i was hoping to wait to work on them 'till after i finished revamping the country news system.....
Finally did the signature thing.

locket Game profile


May 10th 2010, 7:05:26

Jag you are sad. A bunch of time wased doing stuff worse then others who dont cheat can do it :) and some of us want this game to succeed and know that pang and qz etc did this as much for us as for themselves. Stop being ignorant and selfish and go ruin hello kitty instead. Similar intelligence levels over there for you

jagernacht Game profile


May 10th 2010, 7:17:40

Lol, it's not my fault that Pang is going around deleting my apologies to make it seem like I'm as douchey as he is...
they call meh juggsy!!!
AIM: juggernautnbk

jagernacht Game profile


May 10th 2010, 7:27:25

If I do play again, I will play straight. I'm merely making note of some weaknesses in the 'admin tool suite' that are there regardless of future additions. There must be fixes to the current tools so that those who are better equipped than a few college students can't do so much to mess things up.
they call meh juggsy!!!
AIM: juggernautnbk

gregg Game profile


May 10th 2010, 7:30:41


ffa has exposed some cheating.
for that reason alone ffa was well worth it.

Please do not view this event as solely an unmitigated disaster, it is also an opportunity to fix your game.
u must use this opportunity though to stop the cheating on all the servers not just ffa.

there are people who have run leagues, there are people who know how to devise remedial actions to prevent future cheaters. i am not talking about the technical puter skills needed to detect multis and bots. i am talking about rules which when posted in advance and known by all can lessen the danger of cheating. You will have to implement these systems eventually anyway, why not now? post a request for volunteers to draft a set of regs and see what they come up with.
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

Desperado Game profile


May 10th 2010, 12:25:37

I got an idea for a regulation


I don't know if you've noticed at all but this game has nothing to do with basketball.

also, since you are swinging from lae's nutsack over their cheating, why aren't you swinging from imp's nuts for their cheating and overall retardedness?

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Thomas Game profile


May 10th 2010, 16:35:30

Originally posted by Donny:
Ice is a great person and leader, IF he cheated, then guess what, we all useto back in the day hopefully he can regain himself next reset. Just run 15 LAE and you'll still be the biggest clan :)

Actually I can say that I never cheated :) Probably because I was retired during the cheating frenzy

mrford Game profile


May 10th 2010, 16:37:46

does anyone else think that gregg has a thesaurus open when he posts?

he uses words in really weird ways
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

snawdog Game profile


May 10th 2010, 17:21:29

Originally posted by mrford:
does anyone else think that gregg has a thesaurus open when he posts?

he uses words in really weird ways

see, it is easy enough to find common ground...a step in the right direction. :)

Edited By: snawdog on May 10th 2010, 17:22:08
ICQ 364553524


Game Development

May 10th 2010, 17:32:33

the point I've been making all along is that the reason the game is open right now is because of the community....

we opened it up as early as possible to let people play, and if we are forced to spend our time maintaining the game rather than developing it for new audiences, I feel the only way to counter that is to shut it down while we finish it. Maintaining the game now takes FAR more of our time than pushing it forward, and if that continues, I will begin to push harder for slimming down our offering to focus on development.

the attitude displayed by jag is one of pure arrogance and no regret at all.... his posts were deleted because of that and for several comments therein which could help future cheaters.

Like I said -- no one in LAE was above suspicion, we deleted you before, you all just straight up lied and whined about it like 5 year olds and had one of your friends abuse his position and friendship with us to get us to trust that it was just a "misunderstanding."

At least Ice, llaar and DM are somewhat regretful about the issue and want to move past it... jag seems content to just toot his own horn -- We had been onto you all from the start, hwoever, I did believe that there were more than 4 (3 potentially) involved in the account sharing.

We went easy on you all, and when you post this kind of arrogant fluff, it makes me question whether or not that was the right decision.

Edited By: Pangaea on May 10th 2010, 20:50:37
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

locket Game profile


May 10th 2010, 22:53:36

DM is as bad as Jag imo for taking advantage of his position.

Thunder Game profile


May 11th 2010, 0:54:18

Well I'll agree with the miserable prick part ;)
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!



May 11th 2010, 8:00:55

ice, don't worry about it.. LaE will survive, and I think the majority would admit if cornered they to had done something in their past they werent all that proud of.. I truely enjoyed the tag protection and my stay there.. U THE MAN!!!
Defense will be our goal for this first round

General TwizTid


May 11th 2010, 8:05:49

Takes a man to do this.... Ice must be that man :P
General TwizTid
EEVIL Member - Alliance
ICQ: 307692788
#nbk on
[01:37] <@Gambit> if it has a hole, ill fill it!



May 13th 2010, 6:54:34

Ice...he's right...proud of ya for it....stick around and show'em