
Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 23:28:06

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Jun 5th 2011, 0:11:59

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it wasn't really about the dancing. I have no idea of the situation, but it seems that they were there for some other reason, not to have a dance party.

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 0:13:20

I don't care what it was about. When the question "if you are arresting me, what will you be charging me with" cannot be answered, the police are in the wrong. Period.
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Marco Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 0:52:31

Disobeying a police officer, resisting arrest...

Marco Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 0:54:19

Protesting/rallying without a permit?

All I see is a bunch of clowns getting a monument closed and ruining the good time of others.

weasel Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 1:18:41

oh yeah you didnt know peaceful demonstration was illegal in American now?

EVO Internal Affairs Department

Junky Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 1:20:52

I'm siding with the police on this one.. every one of them got a warning, disrupting the place of importance for people wanting to see and get the feel of said memorial should be respected, even if its silent dancing. Police did their job, and gave them the warnings before arresting, telling to woman and man to stop dancing 1-2 times even.

he could charge them for being disruptive, it'll probly hold em for afew hours or day, maybe they had been there before without filming acouple times before finaly filming when they knew they'd get a responce.
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Garry Owen Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 1:41:44

I agree - I have been to the memorials on The Mall several times - as well as tons of other public memorials / museums etc... - and find it very disturbing when people are acting out and being inappropriate / distracting / disrespectful. Many of the people visiting the memorial that day would only have one chance in a lifetime to see these great sights. Having their time poisoned by some asshats provoking an incident is not right.

They were asked to not be disruptive. They were warned not to continue demonstrating. When the first violators started getting arrested others joined in an started deliberate civil disobedience tactics to disrupt the police. There were only 2 officers to start - not good odds. And the protesters might know they intend to stay peaceful, but the police spend a lot of time studying the incidents that DONT stay peaceful -- and they start with the same kind of tactics these guys were using.

Note the 'Code Pink' and 'Disobey' t-shirts. This was a planned provocation of the police. Had they really wanted to demonstrate then permits for demonstrations on The Mall are readily available. They could even have demonstrated at the Jefferson Memorial if that was important to them. No one is preventing them from peaceable assembly and the lengthy presentation of whatever they feel wronged for. But it would have been done in a way that would not have stolen other peoples enjoyment and visit to the memorial.

Junky Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 2:16:17

Honestly I feel they were looking for confrintation... like a skateboarder you knows he shouldn't be doing what he's doing but doing it anyways.
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Detmer Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 2:24:51

So dancing in silence is disruptive how? There is no evidence that these people were going to in any way interfere with anybody's ability to view the memorial so there is not even that cop out excuse. Even if they were disrupting other people's abilities to enjoy the monument, one of the beautiful things about this country is that being an asshole is not illegal. This just an abuse of civil liberties. I think Vic's second post sums things up pretty well.

ETPlayer Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 2:33:08

He says it at the beginning "If you protest by dancing, you will be placed under arrest". While public opinion may not see this as a protest, that's how the officer saw it. And if there is a law that says you can't protest there, then at that point, he has to arrest them. Imo, I don't think it would ever be upheld in a court since it comes down to the officer saying "I saw this" and the group of people saying "but we weren't protesting", but the American judicial system has never failed to disappoint yet!

Walding Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 2:34:11

I dont see the problem....

Junky Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 2:38:57

its more disruptive then ya think,, 2-3 people sure, people might think hey, there is some mime like people doing their thing.. but if you get a whole group of people doing it, you got problems, not everyone at the monument is from the states, these people might not beable to visit again for a long while, they'll carry the experience in a negative light confused, and such. this isn't Time square... this is a monument, a huge tourest attraction. you want to goto the great wall of china, or Eiffle<sp Tower and have that kinda experience..

I don't need 10-20 people doing that while I'm trying to enjoy the monuments of other countries.. its disrespective. and it does take away from the experience. thats where the police come in... you get people who have a bad experience, they don't show up, they spread the word, other people don't show up, the friends of the friends of the friends.... the beauty of it is.. Arresting someone for being disruptive in a public place... is a legal move the police can make.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Garry Owen Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 2:42:21

Also: the police were still wearing their bike patrol gear -- they were probably only there because someone (most likely several people) called to complain about the ongoing protest.

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 5:54:46

Originally posted by Detmer:
So dancing in silence is disruptive how? There is no evidence that these people were going to in any way interfere with anybody's ability to view the memorial so there is not even that cop out excuse. Even if they were disrupting other people's abilities to enjoy the monument, one of the beautiful things about this country is that being an asshole is not illegal. This just an abuse of civil liberties. I think Vic's second post sums things up pretty well.

This (even though I have sworn to never agree with Detmer lol).

Who cares if they are wearing provocative shirts? People wear shirts that say "fluff" on them when they come to buy cars, and they are not arrested for creating a bad environment at the dealership - even if their credit is such (as is usually the case) that they can't actually buy.

As far as "this is someone's only chance to see the Jefferson memorial," I live one county away from Monticello, that is the REAL Jefferson memorial. Most people who live here aren't even aware of a Jefferson memorial in DC. That particular memorial is NOT a destination for tourists. The Lincoln and Washington monuments, sure, but not this one.

Junky, the two people slow dancing and kissing were clearly NOT warned before being forcibly arrested. As much as I hate code pink and think they should all be slapped on principle, I don't think we need to start applying standards to them that don't apply to the rest of us.

All in all, this was an awful day for America.
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ocmatrix Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 6:12:45

it's because of this ruling...
Which is stupidity imo.

If you'd like to hear of more stupidity, check out this...,0,7226362.story

Apparently, you cant feed the homeless in Orlando.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 10:37:18

ahh, so that's what a mosh pit looks like.

flash mobs can be deadly. get them to quit stepping on my rights and i might enjoy watching them get man-handled a bit less.

shouldn't feed the wild animals, they might attack you.
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Junky Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 10:54:59

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
Originally posted by Detmer:
So dancing in silence is disruptive how? There is no evidence that these people were going to in any way interfere with anybody's ability to view the memorial so there is not even that cop out excuse. Even if they were disrupting other people's abilities to enjoy the monument, one of the beautiful things about this country is that being an asshole is not illegal. This just an abuse of civil liberties. I think Vic's second post sums things up pretty well.

Actually they were warned. before he motions a cop to arrest them he tells them to stop, I'm guessing they also heard the warning he gave out to the group as a whole, but conveniantly missed hearing it to seem innocent.
This (even though I have sworn to never agree with Detmer lol).

Who cares if they are wearing provocative shirts? People wear shirts that say "fluff" on them when they come to buy cars, and they are not arrested for creating a bad environment at the dealership - even if their credit is such (as is usually the case) that they can't actually buy.

As far as "this is someone's only chance to see the Jefferson memorial," I live one county away from Monticello, that is the REAL Jefferson memorial. Most people who live here aren't even aware of a Jefferson memorial in DC. That particular memorial is NOT a destination for tourists. The Lincoln and Washington monuments, sure, but not this one.

Junky, the two people slow dancing and kissing were clearly NOT warned before being forcibly arrested. As much as I hate code pink and think they should all be slapped on principle, I don't think we need to start applying standards to them that don't apply to the rest of us.

All in all, this was an awful day for America.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

sigma Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 12:08:37

"The debate over dancing at memorials began in 2008, after 18 members of a flash mob were arrested for holding a silent dance in the memorial to commemorate Jefferson’s 265th birthday. The dancers were asked by police to leave, and when they refused, they were handcuffed. One of the dancers sued the Park Police on First Amendment grounds but lost. The case was appealed, and in May, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that such dancing is forbidden, “because it stands out as a type of performance, creating its own center of attention and distracting from the atmosphere of solemn commemoration.”"

Now Vic, perhaps you did not know this--but the people who set up there with the intent to dance obviously did know about the court case. They were there to create a scene.

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 17:09:55

Sigma, doesn't matter why they were there. You're not supposed to be able to arrest someone without charging them with a crime in America. If you are arrested in America you are supposed to have a day in court. These people were explicitly told they would get neither.

And really, a flash mob? This was less than 20 people. How does that qualify as a mob?

A final bit of anecdotal evidence. I have personal experience with these park service cops. They are scum of the highest order. We had backstage passes to a Kingston Trio/Smothers Brothers show at Wolf Trap. My brother's friend's dad (a friend from high school) is a member of the Trio. We got there way before anyone else to hang out with the band (mostly Matt's dad) in the dressing room. The band gave us some memorabilia and a music collection. After the show, we tried to go back to the dressing room to get it. We were not allowed. When my brother asked "what if I left my wallet down there" the park service douchebag pig took a swing at him and called in three others to hold him down while he cuffed and arrested him. When my mom asked what the hell they thought they were doing, they told her she was next. I told them my father the attorney would have their guts for garters, and they backed down from my mom, but took my brother to federal prison (!) overnight, releasing him hte following afternoon. The entire incident was on camera. The charges were dismissed, the officer "reprimanded." fluffing scum.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 17:14:44

were they arrested or just detained pending charges? seem to remember that police are allowed to detain people for 72 hours.

you're just mad at the Man, man.

i don't want to distract too much from this discussion, but i'm kinda curious as to whether it's legal for a prisoner to refuse being bailed out, or if someone can bail them out regardless of their wishes?

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Jun 5th 2011, 17:22:52
See Original Post
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Junky Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 17:34:26

only if there is a bail, they can probly be held without Bail.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

sigma Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 17:35:11

Well according to the courts it does matter why there were there.

Also, you are able to arrest someone without charging them with a crime in America. Police have 72 hours to have you brought before a magistrate and have the charges read to you.

iNouda Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 18:50:26

Heh, at least the police were civil for the most part. It's a tourist attraction, there were foreign peeps there who came over just to see the memorial. If the guys wanted to be douchebags and ruin the whole experience with their antics then that's their right. There's probably a better place or time you could do that kinda thing. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

But Kudos to them for standing up for their rights. They can safely do whatever the heck they want since they're protected by the laws of the US and there are safeguards in place to prevent excessive force by the authorities. There are places in the world where if you get too powerful or outspoken, the government pwns your ass and tortures/abuses you until you submit to their way of thinking.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 18:58:49

quit hogging my policemen Adam. they have to make sure the scarey terrorists don't blow your loud mouth head off.
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Foobooy Evolution Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 23:04:39

I like how all the cops have pockets full of zip tie handcuffs. it is almost like they are used to these shenanigans.

That memorial is definitely a tourist attraction, EVERY tour bus company his it in their stops with Lincoln and Washington.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 23:12:38

the dumb asses posted it on the internet that they were there to disturb Jefferson's toilet.
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ZDH Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 23:29:39

Looks to me like a bunch of hippies had nothing better to do. A stupid pointless protest that means nothing.

Should have rodney king there ass for bein retards.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 23:33:27

we'd have to suffer billions in losses if it was a race issue. thank god none of them wore black skin and only used obnoxious T-shirts.
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