
kemo Game profile


Oct 8th 2011, 21:41:05

just read the funniest damn thing

"even more hipsters will be buyin apple now that hes so underground"
all praised to ra



Oct 10th 2011, 17:22:30


Sifos Game profile


Oct 10th 2011, 17:23:45

Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

chem20 Game profile


Oct 11th 2011, 3:31:33


Galandy Game profile


Oct 11th 2011, 3:34:04

<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker



Oct 11th 2011, 3:54:18

R.I.P. steve jobs
ICN- Alliance Server

iNouda Game profile


Oct 11th 2011, 6:58:17

Originally posted by Pang:
ya, jobs was very important in the early days of home computing and with the boom in consumer devices which started in the early 2000s

Jobs, Gates, Wozniak, Allen, Brin, Page, Yang, Filo, and MAYBE Zuckerberg (if you believe that Facebook was 'first' social networking platform) are all pioneers of the modern computing era, IMO

Although I still say Turing was probably more important overall to the field of computing. If you don't know who Turing is, look it up -- the server is hosted on a Turing machine.

You mean that math Genius dude who helped crack the German Enigma cipher protecting their comms and indirectly helped the allies win WWII? The dude who was also g.a.y. and was shunned and put on hormone therapy to deal with that problem and ended up commiting suicide as a result of that?

I didn't even have to use the interwebs. Books ftw =P

Unsympathetic Game profile


Oct 12th 2011, 2:40:18

Another way Gates could turn out to help the US: His choice to postpone something inevitable (death via incurable cancer) could be transposed into a realistic discussion of Medicare/Medicaid and the fraud perpetrated on the American citizen via those promises.

Here's the fraud:
1) Health care costs are growing about 9% annually, and given the resistance to Obamacare [which at its core reduces that percentage increase] we can assume that's a lower bound at best.
2) A single-person healthcare plan with zero comorbidities for a 50-yr old healthy male is about $1k/mo.
Do the math on that and the cost at age 85 is $240k/year. For free.

So the discussion would be on the checks we as a nation can cash, not the checks we can write. We have politicians claiming that everyone over 50 will have what they were promised in Medicare, but we can't pay for nearly any of those promises.

And all I hear and read, no matter where I look, is the lauding of what Steve did for someone's stock price or in the creation of products, instead of a bit of introspection as to what he did after he was told that God was calling him home - like it or not.

Wat3rBaRr3l Game profile


Oct 12th 2011, 4:46:37



Oct 13th 2011, 2:39:22

ewwwww.... are you the same waterbarrel that i think,...... i know couple years ago ? :P

Wat3rBaRr3l Game profile


Oct 13th 2011, 3:16:13

Yes I am samx, long time no see. Where are you playing now? You used to be with MD yes? And if my memory serves me well you are from Indonesia.