
iScode Game profile


May 11th 2012, 3:42:27

country number?
God of War


locket Game profile


May 11th 2012, 3:51:29

Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by mdemon:
Wow dude, that is pretty messed up. This is a game and anything and everything you do, remains a game as long as it's done within the game. I'm not sure what you posted but it sounds bad,

While I don't support trying to get anyone fired, you do understand that what hlw and TC did wasn't really within the game, right? It isn't like they were just running multies.

Everything Hanlong did was within the game. The sites like boxcar and evo are for the game or attached to it. TC gave himself units which was in the game. I don't even know if he hacked to get his access or what the definition of hacking is in this case but yah.

Jiman Game profile


May 11th 2012, 4:31:04

Pang lost about 1000 dollars worth of networking equipment because of TC.

locket Game profile


May 11th 2012, 4:40:49

Originally posted by Jiman:
Pang lost about 1000 dollars worth of networking equipment because of TC.

Then I believe that is up to Pang to deal with TC and not us. If they had an agreement(Even verbal) then TC should reimburse Pang in some way for sure(Perhaps he has a legal claim?). Hanlong did not lose $1000 for anyone though.

iScode Game profile


May 11th 2012, 4:41:38

yes he did, i had $1000 on laf winning TNW this set, therefor he owes me $1000.
God of War


anoniem Game profile


May 11th 2012, 5:36:58

HACKING websites is not within the game. you need to get your fluffing head checked out.



May 11th 2012, 5:44:22

Haha. Most of his points in this thread have been very valid. You're just a little to addicted to your own farts to realize that sometimes, what you spew smells pretty putrid

anoniem Game profile


May 11th 2012, 5:47:27

and you're just mad that i completely ignored your posts and couldn't give a crap about you and your retribution.

go and join laf. you're so 2000 and late.

AoS Game profile


May 11th 2012, 5:50:15

Hanlong and TC abused the trust appointed to them in this game. Does that warrant a dressing down in RL? Not necessarily. Honestly though, I wouldn't feel bad about informing somebodies employers about the duplicitous nature of one of their employees.

Would anyone here argue that Hanlong is a very noble, honest person in RL? That he's above reproach? Again, not saying he deserves to be fired from a job in RL, but if I was an employer, and someone could prove facts like that to me about an employee, I'd be appreciative. Is that someone who you'd want to be in charge one day?

(I have no idea of the exact circumstances, but still. That was lowdown. He weighed the risks and decided it was worth it.)
The dreamer is banished to obscurity.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

May 11th 2012, 5:52:47

In some sense, if hanlong was accessing a server he was not authorized to access while on his work computer, it could bring up issues with his work anyhow.

Even if hanlong's employers were contacted, the reality is that crazy people exist on the internet and hanlong could talk his way out of it with no issue unless formal/legal action was pursued.

Not that it makes it okay, but people have had a lot worse things happen to them in real life for grievances online.

anoniem Game profile


May 11th 2012, 5:54:36

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Cyclical:
You're president of an alliance and you're speaking with such disrespect for a human being? Wow. Good job on your choice imag! d-(^-^)-b

You dont deserve to represent an alliance. Grow up

He is not a human being, he is cheating scum, therefor does not deserve respect.

what part of that dont you understand? Or are you a cheater too and feel your actions dont deserve punishment.


anoniem Game profile


May 11th 2012, 5:55:13

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by locket:
He did not cause any real life damage.

Only addressing this point - but what about all the alliance leaders/heads who put a bunch of time/effort into this game only for their effort to be completely futile since hanlong was privy to everything that they were doing?




May 11th 2012, 5:55:59

Originally posted by anoniem:
and you're just mad that i completely ignored your posts and couldn't give a crap about you and your retribution.

go and join laf. you're so 2000 and late.

Laugh out loud. Mad. You're funny



May 11th 2012, 6:06:38

Originally posted by Tertius:
In some sense, if hanlong was accessing a server he was not authorized to access while on his work computer, it could bring up issues with his work anyhow.

Even if hanlong's employers were contacted, the reality is that crazy people exist on the internet and hanlong could talk his way out of it with no issue unless formal/legal action was pursued.

Not that it makes it okay, but people have had a lot worse things happen to them in real life for grievances online.

Yeah like being murdered for things that happened in a game or beyond that just things said on facebook.

locket Game profile


May 11th 2012, 6:08:04

Originally posted by Tertius:
In some sense, if hanlong was accessing a server he was not authorized to access while on his work computer, it could bring up issues with his work anyhow.

Even if hanlong's employers were contacted, the reality is that crazy people exist on the internet and hanlong could talk his way out of it with no issue unless formal/legal action was pursued.

Not that it makes it okay, but people have had a lot worse things happen to them in real life for grievances online.

I agree with you. As I said earlier. No matter who was caught(even the ever lovable Anoniem) I would not have supported going to their employers unless there was a more than likely chance of something happening to the employer due to their actions. We take this game too seriously sometimes :)

locket Game profile


May 11th 2012, 6:14:20


Edited By: locket on May 11th 2012, 6:58:03
See Original Post

anoniem Game profile


May 11th 2012, 6:15:49

the difference being i couldn't have got caught, because i'm not cheating scum.

imagine him explaining it to his family:
"i got fired cos my employers found out i illegally accessed an online TEXT-BASED game's database"

hahaha. i can't even type this with a straight face. fluffing nerd.

p.s. even when you try to be "mature" you just come off as a troll trying to take the high ground. lol, please please stop posting. you embarrass yourself.

Edited By: anoniem on May 11th 2012, 6:18:07
See Original Post

locket Game profile


May 11th 2012, 6:18:30

Originally posted by anoniem:
the difference being i couldn't have got caught, because i'm not cheating scum.

imagine him explaining it to his family:
"i got fired cos my employers found out i illegally accessed an online TEXT-BASED game's database"

hahaha. i can't even type this with a straight face. fluffing nerd.

Did you really just call someone on a game called earth empires a fluffing nerd? You do realize that every single person in this game has some nerd in them right?

Pain Game profile


May 11th 2012, 6:54:50

anoniem is good at calling the kettle black.

so much rage.

locket, some day i think you will learn its better to just quit while ahead sometimes.
Your mother is a nice woman

locket Game profile


May 11th 2012, 6:57:43

Originally posted by Pain:
anoniem is good at calling the kettle black.

so much rage.

locket, some day i think you will learn its better to just quit while ahead sometimes.

I suppose so :P I do that most of the time now... just not this time it seems haha.

iScode Game profile


May 11th 2012, 7:07:22

most of the time?

LIAR!!! :P
God of War


locket Game profile


May 11th 2012, 7:31:38

Originally posted by iScode:
most of the time?

LIAR!!! :P

lol you'd be surpised :P Especially considering all the opportunities for argument and insults around lately.

Has anyone ever had the blueberry cheesecake kit kat bars? They are fluffing delicious. I only know for sure they can be bought in Japan but yah... just an off topic thought.

Juden Game profile


May 11th 2012, 10:41:49

If I were an employer of any kind of computer business I would want to know if:

1. Employee is committing crimes online by illegally accessing info regardless of it being a pornsite, game or bank accounts
2. Employee is falsly accusing others of crimes.

Its bad for companies reputation to have such people on board. Therefore I´d have them removed right away. It also means possbile problems because of this employee later on if you dont fire him. Who knows what other stuff he´s doing if he cant resits this in an online game.

Cheating here doesnt have to mean you are scum in real life. Maybe you are though. However, it gives others a damn good reason to assume so. So in closing, just play clean to avoid all problems.

Kumander Otbol


May 11th 2012, 10:58:51

Originally posted by Juden:
If I were an employer of any kind of computer business I would want to know if:

1. Employee is committing crimes online by illegally accessing info regardless of it being a pornsite, game or bank accounts
2. Employee is falsly accusing others of crimes.

Its bad for companies reputation to have such people on board. Therefore I´d have them removed right away. It also means possbile problems because of this employee later on if you dont fire him. Who knows what other stuff he´s doing if he cant resits this in an online game.

Cheating here doesnt have to mean you are scum in real life. Maybe you are though. However, it gives others a damn good reason to assume so. So in closing, just play clean to avoid all problems.


but we need to listen to reasons before going to their employers and telling them how bad their employees are. that should be the proper way to do it.

hate them in this game, but not in RL. it just shows how retarded we people are being affected by the game.
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

anoniem Game profile


May 11th 2012, 12:33:25

yeah, we need to listen to the reasons why hanlong felt he needed to cheat in earth:empires


aponic Game profile


May 11th 2012, 12:39:02

Originally posted by iScode:
he deserves anything he gets.

this one time, this guy married my sister, 2 months later he slept with the bridesmaid. The bridesmaid had forwarded me a joke email she got from one of her work mates, so all her work mates email address's were on there.

I sent out the nastiest email to all her work mates about her being a home wreaking fluff, also went to her boss, dont know what happened to her but i felt fantastic lol

You are a sociopath. One, your sister should have taken action as she was the one affected. Two, you should have taken action against the husband rather than the woman he slept with. Three, you asserted your own authority where you had none. Four, you are bragging about it and projecting your feelings from that issue on to one beign discuessed here.

Seriously? I thought that you were childish like KJ but is is apparent that you have some serious psychological issues which you will likely not overcome. Read a few books and look in the mirror.

Helmet Game profile


May 11th 2012, 12:48:41

If you guys contact hanlong's work, you will have only proven to everyone what we already know and that's what hatefull assholes you are.

The thing you're all missing is whether the things he did were with intent to harm. Hanlong didn't knock your websites offline. He didn't try to cause chaos in your alliances. He didn't attack you with 1,000 bot countries or stolen logins. He didn't remove information. Hhe didn't use the DB to destroy your countries. He may or may not have used it for spy ops, which has not been proven and anyone with common sense would know he would have had multiple daily logins if he was using the access for war ops. He looked at information and had access to things he should have never had access to. Spin all you want, but that's the facts.

Quit being such hateful fluffing assholes.

Helmet Game profile


May 11th 2012, 13:02:41

Just to make my point clear. Did a single one of you flufftards feel that hanlong was trying to effect your personal life? Grow the fluff up.

Kumander Otbol


May 11th 2012, 13:25:14

Originally posted by anoniem:
yeah, we need to listen to the reasons why hanlong felt he needed to cheat in earth:empires


what did he do again? lol. you just hate him for making you realize how weak your alliance can be. dang! you should've proved him wrong.
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Kumander Otbol


May 11th 2012, 13:25:39

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
Originally posted by anoniem:
yeah, we need to listen to the reasons why hanlong felt he needed to cheat in earth:empires


what did he do again? lol. you just hate him for making you realize how weak your alliance can be. dang! you should've proved him wrong.
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Alin Game profile


May 11th 2012, 13:26:58

Helmut i tought that with age wisdom grows, however you are the exception for that rule.

Do you know how many members this game lost due to hanlong cheating (including clean Lafers this reset ) ?
1.He did cause chaos in the other side ( not your side )
2.He didn`t attack with bots but he hacked the game database
( which is somehow worse - because he broke privacy too )
3.he did use info from the DB to destory the "oher" side ( not your side )

Your comments are just silly regarding hanlong and TC cheating.
You are cursing the 1000 bot runner all over the AT and in the same time you sympathize with new age cheaters?That`s hypocrisy ...

Just remember hanlong > botrunners in therms of cheating.

This cheating episode made Pang loose 1000$. Helmut did you ever gave EE 1 $ ? What if Pang gets tierd of fluff and closes the game seeing how many dumbases are around? will you shove your comments down your ass ( the same place where they came from )?

Just think outside the box ...

Ivan Game profile


May 11th 2012, 13:49:40

Dear Alin

1 In that case your spies caused us just as much chaos in our side and we will report that to your employee

2 So far no confirmation has been posted whether or not he hacked the game database or not

3 There isnt much info in the database to the destroy the other side but in that case EVO has done the same for your side so again we will report that to your employee

Start usin yer fluffin brain for once

Alin Game profile


May 11th 2012, 13:54:51

Ivan you are the most clueless folk that ever leaded an alliance arround.

I think you should take the other guy ... flamy ( or what`s his nickname?); take a chain, 200 kgs of weight and find a river.

Kumander Otbol


May 11th 2012, 13:56:11

lol @ ivan. i just don't know how these people think. a person in his right mind wouldn't report somebody to his employer that he was allegedly cheating in an internet game and he allegedly accessed the database reading every alliance's forums thus showing them how weak they can be if being spied on. man, this is going nuts. all because of a game. roflmao.
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

UBer Bu Game profile


May 11th 2012, 13:56:20

It isn't hard to imagine hanlong delighting in the strife he caused posting those logs, undoing his rivals' attempts to compete within the framework of the game. Of course it had a real-life impact, in time spent putting out diplomatic fires if nothing else.

Here's my take, your in-game actions don't define who you truly are, but they can give a pretty big hint. Way back when I dated somebody I knew cheated in the game, and chose to overlook. Guess what happened in real life?
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


May 11th 2012, 13:57:53

In other words: BONUS POST
-take off every sig.

Kumander Otbol


May 11th 2012, 14:02:24

Originally posted by UBer Bu:
It isn't hard to imagine hanlong delighting in the strife he caused posting those logs, undoing his rivals' attempts to compete within the framework of the game. Of course it had a real-life impact, in time spent putting out diplomatic fires if nothing else.

Here's my take, your in-game actions don't define who you truly are, but they can give a pretty big hint. Way back when I dated somebody I knew cheated in the game, and chose to overlook. Guess what happened in real life?

take for example:

you and your brother played a game, he cheated on you therefore you lost. then you go around, telling everybody that he cheated on you. the last thing you knew, you were at his employers doorstep coz you wanted to tell them also that he cheated on you. dang! is telling everybody here in EE not enough? lol. you have such a hate!
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Ivan Game profile


May 11th 2012, 14:13:13

Too much truth in my post for Alins brain to handle apparently, altho i cant say that im suprised

dagga Game profile


May 11th 2012, 14:20:18

Originally posted by Helmet:
Just to make my point clear. Did a single one of you flufftards feel that hanlong was trying to effect your personal life? Grow the fluff up.

Good old Helmet the apologist. You love cheaters, but only when they're not hitting you.

Exhibit A: Elitez.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

BattleKJ Game profile


May 11th 2012, 14:20:39

Originally posted by Helmet:
Just to make my point clear. Did a single one of you flufftards feel that hanlong was trying to effect your personal life? Grow the fluff up.

As has already been said in this thread umpteen times he alledged that I had hacked him thus implying that i had committed a criminal offense which I would suggest to you has a strong possibility of affecting my private life.

Kumander Otbol


May 11th 2012, 14:34:30

it has to do with personal grudge really. the game was just the means for you to meet.
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Juden Game profile


May 11th 2012, 14:37:20

Sof are full of mindreaders it seems. I think KJ can say for himself what was the reason for his actions. Plus being accused of a crime is a good reason for personal grudge.

BattleKJ Game profile


May 11th 2012, 14:51:14

IvanWAR / aponic / Helmet / locket / Forgotten

What is to say in a few days time Hanlong wouldnt make a cameo and turn around and accuse you guys of participating in an illegal activity which you know you havent done? I acted to protect all of you, he now knows there is possible consequences to his actions. I understand that for political reasons you wish to try slate me. But I am confident you will all realise soon that you should be thankful for the steps I took in silencing the demon.

The EE Superhero.

Helmet Game profile


May 11th 2012, 15:27:25

BKJ: SO he threatened to take legal action against you for hacking him? I highly doubt that. Hanlong has shown his true colors. He left the game with what little dignity he had left and hasn't tried to lie or argue his way out of it. I haven't seen him threaten anyone. I haven't seen him try to do any damage, etc.

Alin: Do you actually believe what you're saying? Your response is so vague and juvenile. Why don't you actually use your brain and debate what I actually posted? Explain to me in detail how hanlong's access to the DB was so detrimental. I didn't mention TC, so he's not a valid point.

1) They would have kicked your ass either way. Not a valid point.
2) Do you know what the word hacked means? Clearly you don't and your point is idiotic. Try again.
3) What info? lol Please explain in detail.

Edited By: Helmet on May 11th 2012, 15:44:34
See Original Post

BattleKJ Game profile


May 11th 2012, 15:53:30

No he never threatened legal action. On his way out he fired off a bunch of accusations against me including an accusation that I hacked him. I was investigated by the admins for these claims.

So your belief that he left the game with what little dignity he had left and didnt try to lie or argue his way out of it isnt entirely true.

Alin Game profile


May 11th 2012, 16:07:31

Originally posted by Helmet:
BKJ: SO he threatened to take legal action against you for hacking him? I highly doubt that. Hanlong has shown his true colors. He left the game with what little dignity he had left and hasn't tried to lie or argue his way out of it. I haven't seen him threaten anyone. I haven't seen him try to do any damage, etc.

Alin: Do you actually believe what you're saying? Your response is so vague and juvenile. Why don't you actually use your brain and debate what I actually posted? Explain to me in detail how hanlong's access to the DB was so detrimental. I didn't mention TC, so he's not a valid point.

1) They would have kicked your ass either way. Not a valid point.
2) Do you know what the word hacked means? Clearly you don't and your point is idiotic. Try again.
3) What info? lol Please explain in detail.

1) Of course - they are using cheating for a long time. And when i say "other side" i mean all the alliances that had to do with Laf and on which hanlong got higher ground due to "CHEATING".
Also, what you belive is valid is not generally "valid". You are NOT some kind of "greater power".
2) yea sure majesty - is not hacking is using TC`s passwords to gain advantage in an on-line game - through "CHEATING".
3) hanlong was constantlly reading "the other sides" boards, private messages etc - you playing the innocent "what info?" card ? really ?

Well you can support those methods as much as you want - I ain`t.

P.S: hanlong won`t leave this game this easy - someone who used "cheating" to win in an on line game has an obsession. That obsession is always greater than that "little dignity". ( and you should not use the world "dignity" on someone who cheated ).

You know what i think? - i think you enjoyed beeing under hanlong`s umbrella. And now you just found that it wasn`t raining.

Meantime the other side sat outside in the rain ...

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 11th 2012, 16:26:54

Unless an alleged crime was committed against you directly (ie you could be the one to lay the criminal charges) taking actions outside the context of the game and game related sites is ill-advised imo.

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Ivan Game profile


May 11th 2012, 16:52:29

really hanlong was reading the other sides private messages? and you got evidence of that? never heard anything about that we do know 1 case where EVO did that tho im sure SOL will now FS them for cheating/hacking

As for hanlong reading the other sides boards, it seems that he was but on the other hand if there isnt 1 single spy on our side doing the exact samething id be very suprised but I guess that doesnt count because its on your side?


Ivan Game profile


May 11th 2012, 16:53:18

Also the difference between LaF and SOL is that LAF removed hanlong of power but I still see both KJ and Makinso in power on your side despite being known cheaters so good job on the morale story there both alin and Dagga


Alin Game profile


May 11th 2012, 17:09:02

Ivan how ignorant(stupid) can you be ? I am sure you have heard the words "y r dumb" from a lot of people around and i`ll just join the crowd : "you`r dumb".

Unless you have a spy in leadership, there is no way they gonna get vital info out of your "members board".
Hanlong was in posession of logs, private messages and other important stuff from the begining of this cheating.

As long as speaking about Mak, i am 100% sure you heard a storry about that - and made it real. Me and Mak go way back - and i know him for a long time ( that time you were standing on feet under the table )

Did cheating ocure durring Mak watch ? maybe
Was Mak involved ? NO.

Your fluff is fluffed !!!