
Drow Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 5:19:46

You kicked a PDM'er from #SoF with the reason: "gangbangers can sit in their own channel"

Explain to me exactly how PDM is gangbanging? We weren't going to come into this war at all in the end, until SOF decided to FS SoL/Evo, who went after LaF with even numbers. we and MD then came in to even the score again.
I guess even country counts are gangbangs these days eh?

Paradigm President of failed speeling



Jun 17th 2012, 5:25:46

Yeah, 4 alliances FSing is a gangbang.

There was never an intention of it being a winnable war, that's why MD and PDM were saving turns.

You both were jumping in regardless, you just wanted to see what SoF would do.

Does SoL, PDM, Evo, Rage, and MD have to lie about their intentions all the time? Do you think the rest of the game is stupid or blind? We all see right through you guys.

Drow Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 5:32:50

no sir, you are a douche.
We (PDM) don't like coalition stuff in general. Initially, yes there was going to be (to my knowledge) the current alliances on our side, taking on LaF,Sof and POTENTIALLY Rival. After looking at the numbers and realising that there was no hope (and also because some of our alliances were not convinced by coalition tactics) we decided to let it go.
SoL and Evo chose to FS LaF. we stepped down our alert level as we planned to do something else instead, whilst still being prepared if SoF chose to jump in.
If SoF hadn't jumped in, then PDM at the very least would also not have jumped in.
Obviously I cannot speak for MD, as I am not a member, but I CAN speak for PDM's intent.

and again, how is it a gangbang if the numbers are even? if it was all 4 alliances FS'ing JUST LaF or JUST SoF, then I would agree with you. given that the numbers are roughly even, I do not.
But I guess, you would consider JUST SoL and Evo against LaF/SoF an even war eh?
Your attitude shows blatantly that you are a member of either LaF or SoF, or an alliance closely allied with the above.

Edited By: Drow on Jun 17th 2012, 5:40:00. Reason: Spelling and Grammar
See Original Post

Paradigm President of failed speeling

Drow Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 5:33:22

gah, hit quote rather than edit, but you get my point.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

dagga Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 5:34:40

The same old bullfluff excuse from the hanlong apologist, symac.. The Sof/laf side always know everyone else's intentions!! That excuse got old for LAF 5 first strikes ago..

News flash retard - hanlong isn't reading the private message boards of every other alliance any more. You're guessing.

All MD, SOL, EVO need to demonstrate their 'intentions' are their actual actions. Those actions are the following - even numbered wars, no gangbangs, no cheating leaders, no lying, no false outrage over cheating ( see Helmets false outrage the night hanlong was caught spying on SOF then quick retraction to tacitly support the actions of the indefensible fluff pile that is LAF).

Actions, not intentions, are all you need.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22



Jun 17th 2012, 5:41:28

The numbers aren't even and I am not talking about SPERM having 7 more countries. SoF and LaF took 4 FSes. That is a gangbang as FSes are so ridiculously overpowered.

Also I call bullfluff on the rest of you post. I watched all 4 of you start saving turns. Evo and SoL FSed on about half full turns, MD and PDM waited until they were nearly full turns.

No one is buying your bullfluff. No matter how many of you say it or how true you think it is, it's not. Numbers don't lie. The rest of the community is getting pretty sick of the bullfluff and bully tactics of your side. I think the only thing saving SPERM is that most everyone is losing interest in this game and SPERM has been too busy to make good on their threats.

Eric171 Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 5:45:56

Someone got trolled.

Drow Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 5:48:12

you really are a dumb s***.
we stepped down PDM's alert level, just before sof went in, and then went in alongside MD. we barely had 24 hours to get back to full turnsave.
In fact, I went to bed at a turnsave of 60, just in case, and woke up to find us at war.
Also, LaF and SoF were at turnsave before PDM was. We were watching them because we knew s*** was going down this set.
I guess if LaF/SoF had FS'd SoL and Evo or SoL and MD, that wouldn't have been a gangbang in your books either, and perfectly acceptable behaviour?
Lastly, after looking at warstats I would say the war is still in the balance, wouldn't you? if FS were SO overpowering as you claim, our side should have won this war already by now...

And bullfluff/bully tactics? lol.
May want to look to LaF/SoF before calling bully tactics.

Edited By: Drow on Jun 17th 2012, 5:51:12
See Original Post

Paradigm President of failed speeling

dagga Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 5:50:19

According to symac the alias cowering flufftard, if the numbers are even they're not even!!

Symac the flufftard prefers to defend the LAF and SoF tactics of 3-1 while somehow calling the side who is looking for even numbered wars big bad bullies.. Symac the flufftard counts all the first strikes of one side but does not count the first strike from Sof.. Symac the flufftard is not to be given half a pubic hairs breadth of credibility because he is a gutless girly boy.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Eric171 Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 5:55:04

trolled, I tell you!

Drow Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 5:55:19

also, SoF trying to tell us how we are and are not allowed to pact other alliances is a first class example of ACTUAL bullying. but we're the bullies lol.

Paradigm President of failed speeling



Jun 17th 2012, 5:56:37

Nah, SPERM is just terrible at warring. I mean PDM is pretty terrible at everything. MD and SoL aren't too bad at warring. Evo are complete trash at warring, and I think the only thing driving them is the hope of disbanding LaF. They are pretty cowardly though. I mean they refuse to step up until they have a whole coalition behind them, they sure do talk big.

Anytime decent war mongers FS with equal numbers, the other side should be completely destroyed. SPERM even has a numbers advantage.

Drow Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 6:04:58

Originally posted by Anonymous:

Anytime decent war mongers FS with equal numbers, the other side should be completely destroyed. SPERM even has a numbers advantage.

Then shouldn't SoL/Evo have been destroyed after the SoF FS?
given how SoF is so good at war and all, and we're all apparently so crap...
but I guess you fail there too...

Paradigm President of failed speeling

Ivan Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 8:17:48

1 I can kick whoever i feel out of SoFs channels just like you can kick whoever you want out of the pdm channel

2 Where does it say that PDM can play however they want?


Edited By: Ivan on Jun 17th 2012, 10:24:41
See Original Post

Murf Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 8:27:38

Drow ever heard the expression don't feed the troll

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 8:54:14

Originally posted by Drow:
who went after LaF with even numbers.

So if a 50 member tag ran 10 oop suiciders against a 40 member tag, then the 50 member tag fs's with only 40 tagged, does that make it an even war?

Any tag can fiddle the numbers, but if you think that evo+sol combined have a similar amount of members to laf playing this set, you're delusional.

Junky Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 10:49:06

Originally posted by Anonymous:
The numbers aren't even and I am not talking about SPERM having 7 more countries. SoF and LaF took 4 FSes. That is a gangbang as FSes are so ridiculously overpowered.

Also I call bullfluff on the rest of you post. I watched all 4 of you start saving turns. Evo and SoL FSed on about half full turns, MD and PDM waited until they were nearly full turns.

No one is buying your bullfluff. No matter how many of you say it or how true you think it is, it's not. Numbers don't lie. The rest of the community is getting pretty sick of the bullfluff and bully tactics of your side. I think the only thing saving SPERM is that most everyone is losing interest in this game and SPERM has been too busy to make good on their threats.

They took 2 FS's each, not 4, because one of the 2 actually got their own FS off. Rage hasn't even entered the war. So I'm not sure how you got that... just SOL, MD, PDM, and Evo.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

henrik Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 11:00:40

There is a big gang on both sides going at each other with a big bang :)

Drow Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 12:40:48

Murf: it's amusing however.
Snake: I don't know who the suiciders belonged to, so I can only go on the basic numbers going into the war. Based on which, it looks pretty even to me.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

Drow Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 12:50:43

oh and Ivan: Of course you can, but at least pick a reason that doesn't make you look like a fluff.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 14:15:02

Originally posted by Anonymous:
Yeah, 4 alliances FSing is a gangbang.

Without really caring.... SoF performed a FS also....

So you say 4 clans, but lets count players,

45(SoL)+35(Evo) = 80 FS 68 (LaF, I recall this being 80+ at start but I'm lazy to find that exactly)
84 (SoF) CS 80 (SoL+Evo)
39(PDM)+38(MD) = 77 CS 84 (SoF)

- Called the SoF FS and the PDM/MD FS's CS's because the targets would have already jumped def. (Still had stored turn advantage LaF didn't get)

Netting 157 vs 148 (was 160+ or is my memory bad) with a FS advantage of 157 countries vs 84 countries. of the 300+ countries involved only 70-80 did not get stored turns (CS) and/or FS advantage in some way....

Sure its 4 vs 2 but in reality it is in absolutely no way a gangbang, and the whole 4 vs 2 is actually a proven DISADVANTAGE organizationally.

Ivan Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 14:45:49

I'll pick whatever reason I want Drow and it would be none of your business

Ivan Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 15:34:17

oh and also, I started by kicking 1 person for that reason and then i just figured meh and booted everyone non sof without changing reason altho im not really sure why i have to explain this to you but whaever

TNTroXxor Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 16:03:27

Ivan's known for taking the toys of little children and watch them cry while he dangles the toy just out of their reach
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Sifos Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 21:28:28

I'm in #sof?!?
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jun 17th 2012, 22:48:40

drow: fyi I deleted your duplicate post :P
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


cypress Game profile


Jun 17th 2012, 23:27:32

mod abuse!

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jun 18th 2012, 0:26:11

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Junky Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 0:37:09

I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Zahc Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 0:46:35

Ur at war with sof, you really need to fluff and moan on at when they kick you from their irc? Get a life
llort orp s`fos



Jun 18th 2012, 0:46:41

Ivan are you half as much of an ass in person? If so I don't understand how you can maintain a relationship with anyone or hold down a career. You have this air of entitlement about you that has to be compensating for something.

Enjoy being super mod of your very own irc channel. I'm sure it helps you feel better about yourself...

cypress Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 1:10:40

some people will complain at just about anything it seems

locket Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 2:11:01

Originally posted by Drow:
no sir, you are a douche.
We (PDM) don't like coalition stuff in general. Initially, yes there was going to be (to my knowledge) the current alliances on our side, taking on LaF,Sof and POTENTIALLY Rival. After looking at the numbers and realising that there was no hope (and also because some of our alliances were not convinced by coalition tactics) we decided to let it go.
SoL and Evo chose to FS LaF. we stepped down our alert level as we planned to do something else instead, whilst still being prepared if SoF chose to jump in.
If SoF hadn't jumped in, then PDM at the very least would also not have jumped in.
Obviously I cannot speak for MD, as I am not a member, but I CAN speak for PDM's intent.

and again, how is it a gangbang if the numbers are even? if it was all 4 alliances FS'ing JUST LaF or JUST SoF, then I would agree with you. given that the numbers are roughly even, I do not.
But I guess, you would consider JUST SoL and Evo against LaF/SoF an even war eh?
Your attitude shows blatantly that you are a member of either LaF or SoF, or an alliance closely allied with the above.

lol you pussied out? And you claim it is a fair war with even numbers? If Sol/Evo wanted a fair war of any sort they wouldnt hit an alliance not saving turns. This, as you said was not about a fair war. Many wars have not been fair and this isn't about them but trying to say you thought it started out even is ridiculous.

Drow Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 2:26:36

Martian: Cheers.
Ivan: not complaining or crying, think it's funny actually.
Locket: I call bullfluff that LaF weren't saving turns. I was watching LaF, and SOF, specifically because I expected that even with the initial 4 allliances deciding not to FS (or so we were told) that LaF and SoF would be out for blood after last set. I saw LaF storing turns at least a day, maybe 2 before the war started, and I saw SoF doing the same.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

bertz Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 2:27:50

Why LaF whine about not saving turns?
As if you were not expecting the war. duh
If other clans whine about a surprise FS from LaF(i.e. break pacts and FS) they will call it ridiculous if others would say that it's pretty unfair.

BTW, I lold hard on the SPERM.

Son Goku Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 2:34:06

Originally posted by Drow:
I saw LaF storing turns at least a day, maybe 2 before the war started, and I saw SoF doing the same.

As the person who sets the alert level, that is not true.

(Not complaining)

Drow Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 2:42:53

can only go on what I saw man.

Anyways, as the genuises in LaF and SoF have made clear to me now, for this to have been a fair war, LaF should have had full stored turns AND a 25-30% numbers advantage, before SoL/Evo FS'd. Then, when SoF FS'd, PDM and MD should have stayed on the sidelines, because joining in to even the numbers back out wasn't actually evening it out.
Did I miss anything there?

And Ivan: you've fought alongside me in the past, you should know me well enough at least to know that I don't give a fluff about who wins or loses, it's all about the blowing stuff up. I hope this war stays nice and close, that way there's more destruction all the way through.

Edited By: Drow on Jun 18th 2012, 2:49:45
See Original Post

Paradigm President of failed speeling

locket Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 3:00:19

You do realize that many people play delayed, are lazy at the begining of the set and also store for batches right? I hadn't even considered getting ready for a war.

Junky Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 3:02:30

it'll be a fun war reguardless, and hopefully after this set, we can get on without starting another set of SoF/LaF vs PDM/MD/SOL/EVO... because I hate Blocks.. they really do ruin the game for alotta alliances... maybe TIE and iMag want to FS a big alliance... just saying..
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Drow Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 3:05:33

hopefully, but I don't see it happening. SoF and LaF are too butt buddy, and too determined to screw over anyone who doesn't play by their style for things to change in any long term fashion. Maybe once they end upin a position where they are facing off against each other over policythings will change, but not before.

I will hand it to SoF and LaF, damn fine performance so far. this war is entirely still in the balance.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

locket Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 3:13:26

Originally posted by Drow:
hopefully, but I don't see it happening. SoF and LaF are too butt buddy, and too determined to screw over anyone who doesn't play by their style for things to change in any long term fashion. Maybe once they end upin a position where they are facing off against each other over policythings will change, but not before.

I will hand it to SoF and LaF, damn fine performance so far. this war is entirely still in the balance.

You do realize that this was in no way a one way thing right? But blame games are fun.

Drow Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 4:06:46

locket: when 2 alliances are so big they dominate THE ENTIRE SERVER (these 2 alliances are the same size as the next 4 alliances in size combined), and then choose to start telling other alliances how they may or may not play/pact/whatever, then yeah, I would say things won't change.
I'm not saying our side is innocent either, hell it takes two sides to have a war, but it all comes back to power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
When things change again, eventually there will be a new bad guy at the top of the list who'll be doing exactly the same fluff. Remember when it was SLIT?

Paradigm President of failed speeling

Sov Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 4:10:39

You keep quoting this "telling you how to play".

That was 2 sets ago. All we did was have an anti-landtrading clause in our pact. Did your Alliance negotiate the said clause with us? No, you lost your minds instead and went on a war footing and FSed us. Also not to mention at the time your Alliance was LARGER than SoF.

The last pacting discussions even 3 days prior to the first PDM/SoF war 2 sets ago did not include a land-trading clause.

Do not come on here trying to say we are bullying the server because we are bigger. That is an outright lie.

We are bigger because we have the best IA department in the game.



Jun 18th 2012, 4:13:33

This thread has merit!

cypress Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 4:38:33

Warner FTW!

On a whole separate note, please congratulate MauricXe, he has volunteered to be strokers new personal trainer and BFF!

bertz Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 4:51:39

Originally posted by Sov:
You keep quoting this "telling you how to play".

That was 2 sets ago. All we did was have an anti-landtrading clause in our pact. Did your Alliance negotiate the said clause with us? No, you lost your minds instead and went on a war footing and FSed us. Also not to mention at the time your Alliance was LARGER than SoF.

The last pacting discussions even 3 days prior to the first PDM/SoF war 2 sets ago did not include a land-trading clause.

Do not come on here trying to say we are bullying the server because we are bigger. That is an outright lie.

We are bigger because we have the best IA department in the game.

Better than LaF?



Jun 18th 2012, 4:59:29

Originally posted by cypress:
Warner FTW!

On a whole separate note, please congratulate MauricXe, he has volunteered to be strokers new personal trainer and BFF!


Pain Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 5:52:48

Originally posted by bertz:
Why LaF whine about not saving turns?
As if you were not expecting the war. duh
If other clans whine about a surprise FS from LaF(i.e. break pacts and FS) they will call it ridiculous if others would say that it's pretty unfair.

BTW, I lold hard on the SPERM.

im quite certain they were expecting a war, just not one this early. its entirely feasible that they were not storing turns in anticipation of a war at all, but for batch exploring like they said.
Your mother is a nice woman

bertz Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 6:46:58

So LaF can't anticipate right without Hanlong now?
Coz the last time we used early war strats, they had SOF jump on us. Just asking though.

locket Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 9:43:14

Originally posted by bertz:
So LaF can't anticipate right without Hanlong now?
Coz the last time we used early war strats, they had SOF jump on us. Just asking though.

Dagga should hate you guys for how often you try to war early.

Sov, 2nd best IA :P