
rpottage Game profile


Jun 27th 2010, 1:23:53

That's right. I declare war against al of RD, cause I can. I will take you all on with my country (that I created yesterday).

Hellz X Game profile


Jun 27th 2010, 13:26:07

Imaginary Numbers

rpottage Game profile


Jun 27th 2010, 14:18:21

Well I saw everyone else doing it and it just seemed like so much fun.

gwagers Game profile


Jun 27th 2010, 18:39:53

I wish you the best of luck while you net in protection, then. Mind if I grab some acres from you before you get turned into an inferno?
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

rpottage Game profile


Jun 27th 2010, 18:44:21

You can sure try. But my country (Sparta/279) has an extremely high NW of 240k.

rpottage Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 22:42:29

Come on RD. I've grabed, ABed, GSed, and Missiled you guys, and yet you still haven't killed me. I mean you've sent some pretty pathetic attacks my way, but that's about it. Where's this 1:Kill policy you guys were bragging about?

MrCrimson Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 0:45:19

you're too small...

rpottage Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 0:53:40

Heh heh heh.

Bet Iraq wishes that worked in real life don't you think?

Ronnie Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 22:37:40

You were really a hard one to killl... pff.
Had to sell 4 times to get low enough to hit you... props to you.

Your forces return from Sparta (#279) successful!
Your forces broke through the defender's defenses and killed 4 civilians and destroyed 20 bushels.
You lost 1 Troop, but killed nothing.


nimrodix Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 22:46:24

can we have a moment of silence please.

rpottage Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 22:47:56

Yup, it only took you close to four days, hundreds of attacks, multiple missles and spy ops, and it force you to sell of a ton of stuff.

Heh heh heh

de1i Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 23:04:03

And millions of networth was dropped to do it.

rpottage Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 23:25:08

Yep, all to take out 1 little, less than 300k NW, country. I think we all know who's the real winner here.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 0:52:49

Originally posted by rpottage:
I think we all know who's the real winner here.

Yes, that would be the countries that are not red.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 1:16:22

[quote poster=Mr Lemon Chiffon]
Originally posted by rpottage:
I think we all know who's the real winner here.
Well we can always try again. You guys don't mind losing millions of NW just to kill my pathetic restarts do you?

archaic Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 2:28:17

four restarts in a 30 day set . . . I satisfied.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

W Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 3:59:16

restart ftw!
[9:22pm] xHx: on a fluff ton of tech
[9:22pm] xHx was kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)
[9:22pm] Within[SnG]: what?? fluff this
[9:22pm] You were kicked from the chat room by Hellcat. (Badwords Detected!)

Viceroy Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 4:44:19

Maybe if you're playing Golf 2025...
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2010, 5:55:42

Originally posted by rpottage:
Well we can always try again. You guys don't mind losing millions of NW just to kill my pathetic restarts do you?

Well if we drop a bit of NW to kill you we just get in range of the other restarts so more fun for us

Edited By: Mr Gainsboro on Jul 1st 2010, 5:56:11
See Original Post
Don of LaF

Ronnie Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 15:29:49

I only cared about nw before i joined RD ;)

Hellz X Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 15:46:34

I'm so confused here...

RD is being called "pathetic" because their NW's are too high to hit a little peon?

What am I missing here?
Imaginary Numbers

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 16:32:55

Originally posted by Hellz X:
I'm so confused here...

RD is being called "pathetic" because their NW's are too high to hit a little peon?

What am I missing here?
They lost millions of NW just to destroy me.

Also, not sure when anyone said they were pathetic.

Point is, it took them four days, hundreds of attacks, many missiles, and it lost RD millions on NW just to kill little old me.

de1i Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 16:40:14

There's a difference between lost and sold off, which do you think they did?

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 16:46:25

Because of commisions, no there's not. They can get some of it back, but some of it is just gone, and right at the end of set too so prices are going to be higher than when they sold.

They also wasted those missles, and wasted a ton of turns.

de1i Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 16:55:14

The ironic part about you talking about all the wasted this that and the other, is that the country you're so proud of attacking hasn't been played since the 9th of June.

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 17:04:25

When did I say I was proud of attacking the country?

I just think it's funny they wasted all those turns and resources just to take out a small country that was no real threat. The fact that the country I attacked hasn't been played in almost a month just makes it even more funny.

de1i Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 17:34:13

From the looks of it you're one of many small countries in the rotation to be killed by RD, you really aren't as important as you think. But I'm sure they don't mind you thinking it.

Mr Midnight


Jul 1st 2010, 17:37:27

You posted a challenge, you attacked RD countries, you are dead

and you are very mistaken if you think we "wasted" net worth and resources to kill you, we enjoy it

you were just one of a list of countries that are dead for those very reasons and most of the dead countries were WAY better than yours so what exactly are you so proud of?

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 17:47:04

Either of you want to point out where I said I was proud?

I'll give you some time to find it because you guys know I didn't say I was proud.

I'll also give you time to find out where I said I was the only one.
Protip: 3rd post on this thread, my second post on this thread, points out that I knew others had already declared on RD.

Rather, instead of saying I was important, I said my country had been pathetic.

What I said was that it was fun.

As for it not being wasted and fun instead, then why did Archaic say he was satisfied when I offered anouther go? And why have the 1:kill policy in the first place. Why not just war people all set?
But if it's fun then we'll go again.

Mr Midnight


Jul 1st 2010, 17:53:27

archaic was satisfied because he kept restarting and we kept killing him

not really sure what point you are trying to make with that comment

we only war those that hit us, hence the 1:kill policy

dont bother us, we wont be bothering you

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 18:04:30

My point is that you said you guys have fun spending turns and resources killing restarts. But if you enjoy war and such then you guys would actually war. The 1:kill policy and the lack of warring goes aainst that.

de1i Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 18:40:28

I didn't realize one had to outright say they were proud to act like you are. I guess that means that you aren't retarded just because you haven't outright claimed to be.

Obviously your country was a huge threat and was treated like one, congratulations.

If you don't understand their policy and overall philosophy concerning the game by now then you probably never will.

Edited By: de1i on Jul 1st 2010, 20:48:54
See Original Post

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 20:10:49

Which is worse....not being able to get a country over 500k NW, or having to drop NW to be able to kill a country under 500k NW? Personally, I'd much rather drop the NW than be the guy that knows if his country pops up over 500k, he'll be killed instantly.

Do you really think RD, or any clan for that matter, cares about NW in a warring set? They've annihilated anything that's come their way this set and last, somehow I don't think they're having any problems due to the minor inconvenience you caused them. They've killed more in this one set than most teams here will kill in their entire existence. Not sure where you're getting the "lack of warring" notion, but you're just dead wrong on that one....they've just killed anything that's posed a threat to them, and have run out of real targets to kill. Hence why you finally made the list, I would guess.

So far as the "wasting" hundreds of exactly did you think kill runs worked rpottage? It takes between 300 and 500 turns to kill just about ANY country that's run 200 turns or by that logic, any killing is a waste of turns. How many turns did you waste that you could have used to grow into something bigger than a cankle biter?

Some people really need to get off their high horse and see where they really stand in the world...

de1i Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 20:30:13

Did he say he was on a horse?!

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 20:37:52

My bad...I guess he also didn't say it was high either.

*gets the horse high*


Edited By: NOW3P on Jul 1st 2010, 20:38:07
See Original Post

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 22:06:28

Originally posted by de1i:
I didn't realize one had to outright say they were proud to act like you are. I guess that means that you aren't retarded just because you haven't outright claimed to be.

Obviously your country was a huge threat and was treated like one, congratulations.

If you don't understand their policy and overall philosophy concerning the game by now then you probably never will.
They don't. However calling your own country pathetic doesn't shout pride.

As for being a retard, that would be someone who thinks pride is calling your own country pathetic. So you really don't want to go there.

As for huge threat, that's a laugh. It was a just out of protection attack against a country that hasn't been played in almost a month. So if my country was a huge threat to RD then that's pretty sad.

As for the philosphy and policy, they're not hard to understand. 1:kill. Yes, I've I make an attack, or just annoy them on here, they'll kill me. That's a policy put in place for protection, so that other clans know to leave them alone. That allows them to net in peace while making unretaled grabs. It's a warbased strategy to help with netting.

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 22:20:44

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Which is worse....not being able to get a country over 500k NW, or having to drop NW to be able to kill a country under 500k NW? Personally, I'd much rather drop the NW than be the guy that knows if his country pops up over 500k, he'll be killed instantly.

Do you really think RD, or any clan for that matter, cares about NW in a warring set? They've annihilated anything that's come their way this set and last, somehow I don't think they're having any problems due to the minor inconvenience you caused them. They've killed more in this one set than most teams here will kill in their entire existence. Not sure where you're getting the "lack of warring" notion, but you're just dead wrong on that one....they've just killed anything that's posed a threat to them, and have run out of real targets to kill. Hence why you finally made the list, I would guess.

So far as the "wasting" hundreds of exactly did you think kill runs worked rpottage? It takes between 300 and 500 turns to kill just about ANY country that's run 200 turns or by that logic, any killing is a waste of turns. How many turns did you waste that you could have used to grow into something bigger than a cankle biter?

Some people really need to get off their high horse and see where they really stand in the world...
What's worse is dropping millions in networth just to kill a fly. That's why RD did, and it's quite funny. They did it because they want to enforce their 1:kill policy, meanwhile all it does is damage their countries.

What makes it funny is that I put it right on here that I was doing it for fun because everyone else was. They easily could have let me get to over 500k NW then attacked, but they didn't, I knew they wouldn't, it's because they need to enforce their policy despite the damages to them.

Now yes, they've killed more than most, but there's a difference between killing and war. They attack countries that piss them off, they'll even attack a clan. What they don't do is war. War, in the team server, is supposed to mean a tag on tag war. Not multiple tags slaughtering one tag.

You seem to miss the entire point here. They didn't waste turns because they killed someone. They wasted the turns by killing a country that really wasn't a threat.
As for my turns, they weren't wasted at all. If you actually went to the top of the thread and read, you'd see that the entire purpose of the country was to fight RD. Why? Because it was fun, and because it's a good laugh to watch them drop million of NW and spend turns killing a fly.

Yes, some people do have to get off their high horses. Unfortunately I have no control over you so you're probably going to continue on assuming you're always right.

de1i Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 22:37:47

Spouting off about how many attacks/much time it took to kill your country and how many hits you managed to get off to me is bragging which is something done out of pride. Especially when none of it is anything to look twice at.

Calling your country a threat and the time frame it was killed in urgent was blatant sarcasm. Get a clue, the only one treating you with any bit of seriousness is yourself. Obviously none of the countries being killed are living long enough to become any sort of threat, so yours is no different than the rest of them. You were no bigger or smaller than any of the other countries that they have been killing, so when countries are being killed faster than the restarts can so why not add you to the mix. Especially since that is what you obviously wanted to be done.

As far as keeping themselves small to stay in range to hit, why the hell not? Since this wasn't a netting reset and they prepped for war, why not stay small compete amongst each other for most hits/kills. Sure they could try to finish the rest of the reset off gaining, but why bother when you're not going to win?

Edited By: de1i on Jul 1st 2010, 22:38:37
See Original Post

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 22:53:11

That's because you clearly have no sense of humor.
Calling my NW od about 240 extremely high is a joke.
Listing my types of attacks and still living is mocking RD.
Pride is actually thinking I was doing well. Given my statements about my country being pathetic, it's quite obvious I did not think I was doing well.
It should also be obvious that the entire thread was mocking RD, and your assumption that I was proud of the country is ridiculous.

Why not add me to the mix? that should be obvious, because it's ridiculous. They wasted resources killing a country when they easily could have a) simply given aid to a restart and had them kill me (along with the others who already were), or B) just ignored me until I was within their range.

That's the point, why bother when they won't win. They easily could win if they didn't take their policy too seriously. They take an extreme policy to even more extremes, and harm their own countries in the process, when they could easily just ignore me or use one of various other options.

That's the whole point of this thread, a point you seem to miss. It's pointing out the foolishness in their policy by them taking it to the extreme.

MrCrimson Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 23:15:21

Jesus I can't stand to read all the fluffing text...

The policy isn't there to net. We'll have more than enough targets to continue killing.

And we don't expect unretalled hits. We are a fair group. but if you fluff around with us, we hit harder...

de1i Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 23:25:30

The whole this is a joke thing has been apparent since your first post, however once you started mocking them over the death of your country to me is when it became bragging as well.

Give aid to a restart? What restarts, check the news. they have not lost a single country.

A lot of these RD members have multiple wins and top 10 finishes across multiple servers, so some half-assed finish during a war reset has zero entertainment value. Having played in IX for as long as I did I would definitely have to say to me it would be much more enjoyable to keep a low networth country and compete amongst ourselves for top hits/kills/stonewalling/whatever instead of wargaining while waiting for restarts to get in range to be hit and end up with some half ass bullfluff final rank. Especially so on a server who's resets are only 1 month long.

While the policy is a bit extreme, if you've ever dealt with the Colors then you would know they are willing to offer leniency. However, go read Mr Crimson's "Why you have RED countries" thread, when you're finished go read it again. This wasn't taking a policy too seriously, if they took it as seriously as you think they are there would be a lot more dead Teams/Countries right now. The Teams killed this reset not only killed RD countries last reset but insulted/threatened them with a gang bang this reset. Anyone with half a brain would of did what RD did this reset, which was hit them first. Unfortunately for RD, their enemy put up zero resistance.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 23:30:51

somehow I think rpottage will have an interesting few sets in Team before he learns

On the flip side though, he is turning out to be a pretty good 1 man recruiting drive for RD...

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 23:44:39

Originally posted by de1i:
The whole this is a joke thing has been apparent since your first post, however once you started mocking them over the death of your country to me is when it became bragging as well.

Give aid to a restart? What restarts, check the news. they have not lost a single country.

A lot of these RD members have multiple wins and top 10 finishes across multiple servers, so some half-assed finish during a war reset has zero entertainment value. Having played in IX for as long as I did I would definitely have to say to me it would be much more enjoyable to keep a low networth country and compete amongst ourselves for top hits/kills/stonewalling/whatever instead of wargaining while waiting for restarts to get in range to be hit and end up with some half ass bullfluff final rank. Especially so on a server who's resets are only 1 month long.

While the policy is a bit extreme, if you've ever dealt with the Colors then you would know they are willing to offer leniency. However, go read Mr Crimson's "Why you have RED countries" thread, when you're finished go read it again. This wasn't taking a policy too seriously, if they took it as seriously as you think they are there would be a lot more dead Teams/Countries right now. The Teams killed this reset not only killed RD countries last reset but insulted/threatened them with a gang bang this reset. Anyone with half a brain would of did what RD did this reset, which was hit them first. Unfortunately for RD, their enemy put up zero resistance.
It would only be bragging if I listed all my attacks, the damage I did, and how many turns it took them to kill me. Fact is it took more than just a couple hundred. I'm sure if I bothered to count it would be fairly close to 1000 or possibly more.
Of course that's because I recieved quite a few attacks and ops and then had time to get my pop back so they had to start all over again. Using that would be bragging. I didn't, I mocked them for wasting resources to kill.

They had lower NW countries that were already hitting me that they could have let handle it, and they have two lower countries I attacked (though they both may have been inactive). Point is they had people in range who did attack me without dropping NW.

Yes, I'm sure they have. And I'm sure it's more fun to attack and kill. However killing a restart that attacks right OOP would provide little entertainment value. Far less than simply attacking random enemies.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that the policy has no merit, and I'm not saying killing those other countries was extreme. I'm saying RD's 1:Kill policy can be taken to extreme, and dropping NW to kill a restart (though I hate that word since it was my first country on the server) is one example.

That doesn't mean I support the people RD attacked. My post about everyone else doing it so it seemed like fun was supposed to be a shot at how everyone wants a peice of RD, as opposed to RD just killing random people.
Originally I was going to get killed then mock the others by complaining, but then I figured they've complained enough already that there's just no point.

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 23:46:19

Originally posted by NOW3P:
somehow I think rpottage will have an interesting few sets in Team before he learns

On the flip side though, he is turning out to be a pretty good 1 man recruiting drive for RD...
Interesting few sets? How so? I'm not in a team, and my only countries have been the ones (killed and new restart) that I created specifically to attack and mock RD with.

You really think I'd mock and attack RD if I actually planned on trying to make a go of it on the Team server?

Mr Midnight


Jul 1st 2010, 23:50:41

Attacks (24/72/All): 0/80/116
Defends (24/72/All): 0/258/332

Your country was Sparta #279? Those are your stats from Boxcar.

Now, what were you saying about number of hits it took to kill you and the damage you did to RD?

nuff said

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 23:51:13

Originally posted by MrCrimson:
Jesus I can't stand to read all the fluffing text...

The policy isn't there to net. We'll have more than enough targets to continue killing.

And we don't expect unretalled hits. We are a fair group. but if you fluff around with us, we hit harder...
I'm not saying you guys are completely unreasonable. I'm saying you take your policy to the extreme in circumstances when there's no reason to, which I find funny.

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 23:54:51

Originally posted by Mr Midnight:
Attacks (24/72/All): 0/80/116
Defends (24/72/All): 0/258/332

Your country was Sparta #279? Those are your stats from Boxcar.

Now, what were you saying about number of hits it took to kill you and the damage you did to RD?

nuff said
There's something wrong with those stats there. I took more hits than that (and many more ops as I pointed out), and I think the amount of attacks is too high. That would be a total of 516 turns spent on me attacking, that seems really high for four days of attacks (since I spent half my turns rebuilding to keep attacking without killing myself).

rpottage Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 23:59:06

Also, I never said I did damage to RD. I mocked about my attacks, but we already know my attacks were against countries that haven't been played in almost a month.

I was saying RD dropped NW to attack me (which is confirmed on here) which is what's funny. I was saying you guys weakened yourselves to hit me. I already confirmed (multiple times) that I was not a threat and my country was pathetic.

Here, I'll make it clear right here for everyone:

My country sucked. It had no true stat, it made pitiful attacks, couldn't take a hit, and had no ability to actually wall. It's top NW was a little over 300k and average NW was a little over 200k. It had no missiles, no tech, not fighting power. It was not a threat to RD in anyway, and was quite pathetic.

That's why dropping NW to kill it is funny. If it was actually a threat to RD then it wouldn't be funny.

rpottage Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 0:03:41

Now, I have to go (Canada Day), but before I do, I want to say I'm disappointed in you RD.

I'm disappointed because you let the country I was attacking die (or killed it yourselves since it was an inactive). Now I'm not saying I killed it, because I didn't, but you let it die and I'm disappointed in that. I'm disappointed because now I can't attack it.

How am I suppsoed to create crappy restarts to annoy with if you don't leave a small country for me to attack? Without small countries to attack (thankfully I think there's one left), I'd have to actually spend time building up a country to attack you real ones, and that negates the whole point of my countries in this server.

I am disappointed in you guys for not leaving a small country for me to attack. You guys should know better. I will, however, forgive you if you just create a small country for me to mockingly attack once more.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 0:15:45

are you really that arrogant? Or is it just a cry for attention?