
Sov Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:02:26


Karim Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:31:59

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
your leaders made a lame move and put a mark on your tag.

A lame move would have been attacking a peaceful tag with a huge members advantage's what you guys did last set!
-[Panzer Division MD]-

Alin Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:33:21

GL MD - i`ll be in your boat next set!

DespicableMe Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:37:19

wrong move MD wrong move. Infact, it is the first time for Murf to net. Poor Murf.

Kumander Otbol


Dec 21st 2012, 6:38:26

Originally posted by Karim:
Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
your leaders made a lame move and put a mark on your tag.

A lame move would have been attacking a peaceful tag with a huge members advantage's what you guys did last set!

TIE knew we we're coming. MD is war-prepped. would a tag arm themselves if they are peaceful? or would a tag talk bad of other tags and expect to be peaceful? which is it?
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Mini Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:43:07

read what i wrote and realised ive had to many beers.

Sov Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:45:08

50% were not happy? lawl

You seem upset. You should make yourself comfortable, you have a long set ahead.

Mini Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:46:38

P.s Otbul the only mark MD has on our tag is that of respect. Unlike yours which is know for Deviousness, swinging fluffs and no longer a great warring clan. Your Clan this set can now be seen clearly for what it is. A SORRY fluffING EXCUSE WHEN IT CANT PLAY FAIR OR HAVE THE ADVANTAGE.

eat a bag of fluffs. Man your worse than Sov. I didnt think thats possible.

Sov Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:47:43

Respect? Is that why your allies don't want anything to do with you? Oh wait, you got PDM and Omega... ;)

KriSatZ Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:49:34

Very nice FS from MD I have to say. Also like the attitudes from their leaders.

Its the games worst secret.. Heck is it even a secret? That LaF and SoF are allies. So props to MD for warring knowing that the FDP would get called.

I very much believe wars should be fought 1 vs 1. But my leaders have relationships and I play under their command.

Here is to a fun xmas warring for everyone involved.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia


New Member

Dec 21st 2012, 6:52:03

Originally posted by KriSatZ:
Very nice FS from MD I have to say. Also like the attitudes from their leaders.

Its the games worst secret.. Heck is it even a secret? That LaF and SoF are allies. So props to MD for warring knowing that the FDP would get called.

I very much believe wars should be fought 1 vs 1. But my leaders have relationships and I play under their command.

Here is to a fun xmas warring for everyone involved.

+1 on all counts

Agree with the dominating FS comment. 14 dead within an hour by the looks of the stats and most of them top rankers.

Could have been a cracking war. Didn't think MD has that in them given their membership increase to 75. Apparently not just adding newbs.

Pride Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:53:19

That's enough Karim and Mini. Thanks.

We love PDM and Omega.

That is all.

Mini Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:54:33

Originally posted by Sov:
Respect? Is that why your allies don't want anything to do with you? Oh wait, you got PDM and Omega... ;)

If they didn't want anything to do with us they wouldnt be forthecoming in Pacts like they are.

And Least they're friends. Not Suck ups =) Hows the taste of Lafs Ballsack? nice and Salty? Maybe i should ask How yours tastes to RD?

this is no way anger at LaF - Your an FDP and you've done whats right as per your pact.

Sov Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:56:15

Your understanding of the relationships between SoF and it's allies amuses me. Please tell me more :)

hawkeyee Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:56:18

Originally posted by Sov:
Respect? Is that why your allies don't want anything to do with you? Oh wait, you got PDM and Omega... ;)

PDM just lost their leader and Omega is in shambles after those GSs on 362 scared away all the senior citizens trying to net. I think you'll be alright :)
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

Alin Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:56:47

Sof and Laf will never try to fight a legit war. Their purpose is to always have an advantage when they war and play this game. ( Fs advantage, member advantage, cheat advantage etc.).

Their purpose was achieved by "Dividing and Conquering".

TIE,PDM,SOL,LCN and Evo were slowly intimidated and they are all sitting ducks letting MD to take it in the ass this set. But guess what - when your alliance will reach 60++ members ( next sets ) you`ll take it in the fluff in a 2:1 member ratio war
( from Sof/Laf or their Lapdogs).

Sof and Laf don`t want competition!!!

Sov Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:57:05

I never said PDM and Omega are entering Hawkeye as I know they are not. I just said they are pretty much all MD has left.

Mini Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:58:26

Originally posted by Pride:
That's enough Karim and Mini. Thanks.

We love PDM and Omega.

That is all.

that we do.

and pride i was having fun with this less than intelligent organism.

hawkeyee Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 6:59:56

Alin - SoF and LaF are doing what they're supposed to do - protecting themselves. There was a time in this game where nobody would think to call in allies to help against an alliance smaller than you. But that's not necessarily because it's the wrong thing to do. It's because the rest of the server would destroy you. Now with the numbers being how they are LaF and SoF are using their advantage in numbers to achieve their goals. Basically, they're playing the game. All anyone else can do is complain about it because the numbers simply aren't there to act. Personally, I want to hear more about Mini's insights into SoF's foreign relations and Sov's witty remarks than to hear more fluffing and complaining about SoF calling in LaF.
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

Pride Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:00:40

Who do we need sov? Seriously who? After all the fluff we go through we still tag 75 active members. No one in this game can compare to MD's commitment. We are ALWAYS going to be here.

hawkeyee Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:01:43

Originally posted by Sov:
I never said PDM and Omega are entering Hawkeye as I know they are not. I just said they are pretty much all MD has left.

Oh of course. I know you didn't mean that. Just thought I'd reassure you just the same :P With RD and LaF at war I'm sure the good folks at Omega are just looking forward to an opportunity at ANW. In a strange way you did Omega a favour by distracting LaF from their netting - though I feel all the land in MD and the number advantage will make sure this thing ends early enough and they grow large enough that in the end they'll still win :(
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

dex Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:04:33

sof paranoid? There's no secret plot to tag team MD, 'coalition' or no. You FS'd a tag with coalition allies who was bound to step in, what did you expect.

We weren't even ready for the FS. We were planning for a friendly, and leaders told those going to war to keep exploring for land as late as last weekend.

I was more upset I wasn't warprepped for the war than I was with the FS! heh.

oh yea, quite a few were going to try netting this set on a netting tag.

Alin Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:07:58

Originally posted by hawkeyee:
Alin - SoF and LaF are doing what they're supposed to do - protecting themselves. There was a time in this game where nobody would think to call in allies to help against an alliance smaller than you. But that's not necessarily because it's the wrong thing to do. It's because the rest of the server would destroy you. Now with the numbers being how they are LaF and SoF are using their advantage in numbers to achieve their goals. Basically, they're playing the game. All anyone else can do is complain about it because the numbers simply aren't there to act. Personally, I want to hear more about Mini's insights into SoF's foreign relations and Sov's witty remarks than to hear more fluffing and complaining about SoF calling in LaF.

True - but is that fair ? Is this the what you/me or others want to play? I am not interested in what Sof/Laf leaderboard has to say - they fluffed this game in their own benefit so for me they are ( almost ) all scums.

I am always looking for competition when playing a simple game.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:10:04

All I have to say is at least half of SoF had been prepping to net.. U couldnt wait until the next set? You just had to ruin one of the few times some SoFers wanted to have a net set the rest were planning on having a friendly war with whomever wanted it and the rest of you netters could have netted in peace, but it seems you wanted some payback after losing last sets war. But instead you will lose this one as well and some more to come. I will enjoy it though because wars are fun: )
Do as I say, not as I do.

Murf Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:10:23

Nice FS MD, props for standing up for yourselves.

Good luck

Fuji Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:16:55

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
All I have to say is at least half of SoF had been prepping to net.. U couldnt wait until the next set? You just had to ruin one of the few times some SoFers wanted to have a net set the rest were planning on having a friendly war with whomever wanted it and the rest of you netters could have netted in peace, but it seems you wanted some payback after losing last sets war. But instead you will lose this one as well and some more to come. I will enjoy it though because wars are fun: )

1. We offered your leaders pacts on multiple occasions for peace.
2. We also offered your allies pacts including RD.
3. How many sets has SoF ruined for other people?
4. We were willing to friendly. You didn't want to.

I'm willing to shoot down all these lies all night long.

Thanks Murf, you've always been cordial :)

Edited By: Fuji on Dec 21st 2012, 7:21:14
See Original Post

Pride Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:18:28

Thanks Murf. Now if you could provide me with you country # :p

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:21:32

Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
All I have to say is at least half of SoF had been prepping to net.. U couldnt wait until the next set? You just had to ruin one of the few times some SoFers wanted to have a net set the rest were planning on having a friendly war with whomever wanted it and the rest of you netters could have netted in peace, but it seems you wanted some payback after losing last sets war. But instead you will lose this one as well and some more to come. I will enjoy it though because wars are fun: )

I wouldnt call them lies.. Only the leaders know the politics so i'm just stating what I know. I don't discuss Pact matters so I didnt know anything about it thank you very much
1. We offered your leaders pacts on multiple occasions for peace.
2. We also offered your allies pacts including RD.
3. How many sets has SoF ruined for other people?
4. We where willing to friendly. You didn't want to.

I'm willing to shoot down all these lies all night long.

Thanks Murf, you've always been cordial :)
Do as I say, not as I do.

Hakker Game profile

New Member

Dec 21st 2012, 7:30:56

OMG I come back after a few years and SoF still can't fight. Some things never change.

locket Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:35:06

Nice FS indeed by MD.

It is pretty fluffing stupid how much Sof trash talk is going down here. MD, who are getting the raw end of this deal have been far less antagonistic. If you know you are going to win a war you can let the stats speak for themselves. Especially when your opponent has at least been polite here.

hawkeyee Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:41:32

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by hawkeyee:
Alin - SoF and LaF are doing what they're supposed to do - protecting themselves. There was a time in this game where nobody would think to call in allies to help against an alliance smaller than you. But that's not necessarily because it's the wrong thing to do. It's because the rest of the server would destroy you. Now with the numbers being how they are LaF and SoF are using their advantage in numbers to achieve their goals. Basically, they're playing the game. All anyone else can do is complain about it because the numbers simply aren't there to act. Personally, I want to hear more about Mini's insights into SoF's foreign relations and Sov's witty remarks than to hear more fluffing and complaining about SoF calling in LaF.

True - but is that fair ? Is this the what you/me or others want to play? I am not interested in what Sof/Laf leaderboard has to say - they fluffed this game in their own benefit so for me they are ( almost ) all scums.

I am always looking for competition when playing a simple game.

Good point. Some might say it's not their job to care for the game, but if their actions contribute to the increased deterioration of this game and that in turn renders their existence meaningless then they're not fulfilling their commitment to their membership. I guess they have to figure out how big of an impact they can have on this game and the rate at which players quit.
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

bertz Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 7:59:21

Originally posted by Sov:
It proves nothing bertz. We know you like MD, we know you dislike SoF. Your leaders knew well beforehand that SoF/LAF would respond to MD like this. This was pre-determined.

Yeah I dislike SOF because of the way you play the game.

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
lol @ bertz. you should join SoF and tell people about us from there. ;)

If I lose my job and have lots of time for this game, then why not?
But you guys love to war and I don't.

Alin Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:17:50

Originally posted by hawkeyee:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by hawkeyee:
Alin - SoF and LaF are doing what they're supposed to do - protecting themselves. There was a time in this game where nobody would think to call in allies to help against an alliance smaller than you. But that's not necessarily because it's the wrong thing to do. It's because the rest of the server would destroy you. Now with the numbers being how they are LaF and SoF are using their advantage in numbers to achieve their goals. Basically, they're playing the game. All anyone else can do is complain about it because the numbers simply aren't there to act. Personally, I want to hear more about Mini's insights into SoF's foreign relations and Sov's witty remarks than to hear more fluffing and complaining about SoF calling in LaF.

True - but is that fair ? Is this the what you/me or others want to play? I am not interested in what Sof/Laf leaderboard has to say - they fluffed this game in their own benefit so for me they are ( almost ) all scums.

I am always looking for competition when playing a simple game.

Good point. Some might say it's not their job to care for the game, but if their actions contribute to the increased deterioration of this game and that in turn renders their existence meaningless then they're not fulfilling their commitment to their membership. I guess they have to figure out how big of an impact they can have on this game and the rate at which players quit.

They careless - the only thing they probably ever leaded is an alliance in an "on-line" game. That is the only thing that gives them satisfaction - other people are listening to their orders for their first time in their life.

I know how thees geeks think. For them there could be only 2 alliances made of 500 members as long as they are going to exercise their so called " leadership " skills.

voltron Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:29:58

Wishing MD good luck.

And as outsider not in the war but long time player this is the sad state of alliance server.

SoF had advantage on MD in Numbers but still wanted more. Pact or no pact LaF should have said fight it out you have the advantage. That is the honorable thing. But then again we are talking about SOF.

Murf Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:31:15

Lol Pride I'm sticking to my plan to net, so I'd stay away country. If I get hit, then I'll start fighting.

locket Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:33:20

One more country wont make a big difference at this point :P

Pride Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:35:22

Ok murf give me lockets country number and ill make sure you go untouched :p

Taveren Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:37:16

Murf? Could it be? SoF's mythical netting tag?!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

locket Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:38:26

Pride is an arse! I'm number 375 maybe!

Murf Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:40:09

Not mythical at all was 46 sofers looking to net this set, I'm just the most vocal since I've not netting in 13 + years, don't know lockets number

Pride Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:44:56

Lol I'm just kidding, I'm not looking to hit either one of you.

If murf gets hit it's by pure luck.

Murf Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:46:18


locket Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:46:43

Apparently I am a big untagged commie indy Pride. Go get me.

Murf Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:48:49

I've m0m0 in my name

mrford Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:50:56

m0m0 Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Murf Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 8:52:28

If Jones had been in my stripper name you'd of been spot on lol

Bikerman Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 9:05:41

Sof was split internaly, about 45 was in the netting tag and about 1/3 of the kills in the FS was from the netting tag

but what we are REALLY upset about is THAT YOU DEFUSED MY MISSILS !!!!!!


Very good FS, think the fastest kill was 7sec.

Edited By: Bikerman on Dec 21st 2012, 9:11:43
See Original Post

mrford Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 9:06:49

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Bambam24 Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 9:09:48


Zahc Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 9:12:29

poor murf never gets to net. id say good luck to both sides but md will need alot more than luck to make up for their number disadvantage. looks like their will never be a fair war in this game. Sof/rd/laf are the tso of alliance server. its a dam shame what this game has become.

*off to kill stuff*
llort orp s`fos