
Mr. Copper


Apr 2nd 2013, 2:46:31

Ben I think we all find it much more interesting that you let PP into PDM...

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2013, 6:51:53

Originally posted by tellarion:
Whether it's right or wrong, Evo doesn't do most of that fluff :)
There's also scale to consider. RD's defense of this stuff every reset is that someone else did something, but the kind of things you see from LaF/PDM/Evo are usually isolated incidents involving a few countries in their tag.

In this case, RD detagged almost 20% of their peak countries (9/50). Neither Evo nor LaF are anywhere close to this. When it came to farming their own countries/detagees, the practice was a lot more common in RD, with Mr Titanium finding free land from his own clanmates almost every single set (when he was putting up t10s). The worst kind of landtrading was mostly done by RD...
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2013, 6:58:41

PP, so it's confirmed that you play for PDM, eh? LOL

Points and laughs at PDM. LOL

That's just rich, I can't count the number of times I wanted to grab some FAT PDM country in my scores list and didn't because it would upset my alliances leadership people.

I think that this might give me more influential arguments in the future. LOL Thanks, PP.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

locket Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 7:13:58

PP I have spoken to you elsewhere in the past in friendly terms and such but I can assure you most had not been active at all and the rest didnt want to finish a set. Don't ask me why because I dont get it. Never saw it elsewhere. A large group of people who like to war perhaps.

Edited By: locket on Apr 2nd 2013, 7:46:21
See Original Post

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2013, 8:12:50

Originally posted by locket:
PP I have spoken to you elsewhere in the past in friendly terms and such but I can assure you most had not been active at all and the rest didnt want to finish a set. Don't ask me why because I dont get it. Never saw it elsewhere. A large group of people who like to war perhaps.
Well upon further looking at the RD countries, Silver is correct in that most of them stopped playing halfway through the set so in that sense it's not as bad as it initially looked. Though I still disagree with detagging (and then farming) that many members that late in the reset, it's more understandable now that the guy who played yesterday tagged back into RD.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF



Apr 2nd 2013, 8:25:54

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by locket:
PP I have spoken to you elsewhere in the past in friendly terms and such but I can assure you most had not been active at all and the rest didnt want to finish a set. Don't ask me why because I dont get it. Never saw it elsewhere. A large group of people who like to war perhaps.
Well upon further looking at the RD countries, Silver is correct in that most of them stopped playing halfway through the set so in that sense it's not as bad as it initially looked. Though I still disagree with detagging (and then farming) that many members that late in the reset, it's more understandable now that the guy who played yesterday tagged back into RD.

I keep the ideals that as long as someone has an interest to play the game even just socially for a little while they're welcome. I don't delete inactives at the start or mid reset for that reason.

but come late game I don't feel like punishing the rest of our players who work hard for the avg. networth because some are just playing for leisure and have no intention of playing out the reset.

next I see no reason why we should detag 10,000-20,000 acre countries for other alliances to farm. Acres = a commodity.

why should we pass out a commodity earned for RD to others? I harbour no ill will to other alliances that due the same.

The alliance you're currently in has done buyouts a few times, and I'm fine with that too... they made it and because this is a team server they can use it however they want.

THe only time I get pissy is when someone that does something with thier left hand decides to put it behind thier back and point out something someone else is doing.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2013, 8:44:06

You think I'm ok with wari's "buyout?" If there was an organised effort, I'd probably have made the same post. But as far as I know, and as far as Big Ben posted, all that happened was that wari made a post on the forums that seemed very lighthearted saying something along the lines of "could someone please buy mil strat tech?" to which no one responded positively so I assumed no one was actually doing it. Apparently there is one guy doing it , but given how much land Wari was getting through other alliances' mistakes this set I wasn't going to take his finish very seriously anyway.

As for punishing your other members - like I said before: your competitors for average networth don't do the same thing. Neither Evo nor LaF wait until the last week of the reset to detag countries and neither has detagged nearly as many countries as you have. It's a pretty meaningless title if you've dropped your dead weight but they haven't, I don't know how it can mean something to your members that you've beat them without them having to drop members.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

locket Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 8:45:03

Originally posted by tellarion:
Whether it's right or wrong, Evo doesn't do most of that fluff :)

You guys FA, you detag, you land trade, you farm former Evo, you have tech allies for non techers, and even do D allies for fricking land traders(what a waste that is) so I am not sure what you don't do on that list that he wrote that your competition does do :P

locket Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 9:00:53

PP Evo and Laf have detagged in the last week. RD just seems to have an inordinate amount of people who had to disappear this set or only enjoy war to the point they disappear for large amounts of time when there isnt a kill target to hit. I laughed today when I realized RD has more below 20 or 30mill than Laf at half the members. ANW would be a lot easier without them... or perhaps with them caring :P

zygotic Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 9:25:45

Has anyone ever cared about anything pp has ever said?

BigBen Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 9:33:54

Yes, I will confirm PP is currently in PDM. I have no personal issues with him and have gotten to know him via playing mafia. I don't believe I was around in his suiciding days and if I was then I wasn't aware.

I will also confirm that PP has expressed similar opinions on any discussion of "grey area" things like tech leeching, buyouts, etc. His and others' similar opinions are the reason we aren't making any organized efforts at any of these things.

I'll side with Silver with the idea that if you detag a member (for whatever reason) you probably should farm them to avoid other alliances taking the land. Personally I am in favor of killing any member that leaves the tag after mid-reset without joining another simply to avoid suiciders because of our situation last reset (which I paid compensation for personally). We haven't had the issue pop up since last reset but if one of our members (including PP) decided to detag and there was the risk they would suicide we would definitely kill them ourselves to avoid that risk.

tellarion Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 14:16:01

Originally posted by locket:
PP Evo and Laf have detagged in the last week. RD just seems to have an inordinate amount of people who had to disappear this set or only enjoy war to the point they disappear for large amounts of time when there isnt a kill target to hit. I laughed today when I realized RD has more below 20 or 30mill than Laf at half the members. ANW would be a lot easier without them... or perhaps with them caring :P

Our policy is to detag by 2 weeks left or they stay in. We have 2-3 people I'd like to detag, but we won't.

As far as FA, we don't FA people into the top 10 or top 1 spot. I'd like to see evidence of that. For tech leeches, we rarely have that. We almost always have a single tech ring of 4 people, but sometimes people like to play techer without a ring. This set we had a 6 person ring, and it didn't work out so well. 2 people switched, 1 person quit. I ended up leeching from 1 person who had been my tech ally. Doesn't happen in any coordinated fashion whatsoever(ie trying to boost someone into top positions).

wari Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 14:31:07

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:

I keep the ideals that as long as someone has an interest to play the game even just socially for a little while they're welcome. I don't delete inactives at the start or mid reset for that reason.

but come late game I don't feel like punishing the rest of our players who work hard for the avg. networth because some are just playing for leisure and have no intention of playing out the reset.

next I see no reason why we should detag 10,000-20,000 acre countries for other alliances to farm. Acres = a commodity.

why should we pass out a commodity earned for RD to others? I harbour no ill will to other alliances that due the same.

The alliance you're currently in has done buyouts a few times, and I'm fine with that too... they made it and because this is a team server they can use it however they want.

THe only time I get pissy is when someone that does something with thier left hand decides to put it behind thier back and point out something someone else is doing.

100% co-sign.

Which is why I disagree with the premise of this thread, which is why I said something in the first place.

PP, I suppose, is in Paradigm. Again, I've never heard of the "PP" handle within Paradigm, so I don't recognize him. Usually when somebody's using a "secondary handle" on AT I equate them to being a "troll", and disregard what they say.

As most people do.

You guys seem more familiar with "PP" than I ever will be, and he's entitled to his opinion.

I just haven't seen an opinion of his I agree with, yet.

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
...given how much land Wari was getting through other alliances' mistakes this set I wasn't going to take his finish very seriously anyway.

See, misinformed bullfluff like this.

I was over-retaled by an idiot in Rival, retaled his RoR, so he grabbed me for 30k acres -- to 60k -- down from (90k - stockpiling acreage) and immediately self deleted.

Rival was quite willing to work with me and I have no complaints about the outcome of the situation, but I was given 150% L:L for that -- no reps. And given a list of 3 targets, two of which were too small to hit due to humanitarians, the last of which was a landthin indy.

So the bottom line is it took me 12 days to take back my 40k acres, and I gained 13k+ghosts in the exchange. I do believe I could have traded for more than that over the course of 12 days, thanks though.

I mean, really. If you're not going to take my finish seriously, at least do it for the right reasons :)

If you associate the troll-like ramblings of a character you all clearly recognize as a troll as somehow endorsed by PDM, you're ignorant.

Nobody should be that ignorant.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2013, 15:01:54

yeah, "13k+ghosts"

cute when you put it that way without mentioning that the "ghosts" part of it was about 23k and you grabbed about 18k acres internally for reasons that aren't quite clear to me. so yeah, "13k+ghosts" my ass.

but sure, if you want me to disregard your finish on other grounds: the post from the beginning of the set asking for tech allies and your "buy my mil strat tech" post
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Vic Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 15:18:26

i am not posting here as an RDer, but rather someone from LaF.
and man i have to say thank you to PDM for buying my $5000 SDI!!! :p
i still have the other blocks up in other techs so just let me know when you guys get to that.


locket Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 19:47:29

I am fairly certain Ossevo has gotten some this set but since I can't confirm that I will make sure to say that I may be wrong there.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 2nd 2013, 19:53:15

how are you posting as someone from laf when you are tagged RD and do FR work for them?



Apr 2nd 2013, 20:09:59

cause he is in both alliances. :P
galleri: fluff off marshal

archaic: FFS when Marshal has stood out as maybe the brightest person on the whole thread . . . fluff me, I'm going to go smoke a joint and reevaluate some fluff

sinistril: Oh snap, Marshal destroyed galleri. Thought I'd

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 20:22:55

No, RD is LaF's training tag.

True story.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Trife Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 20:54:03

Originally posted by Trife:
This thread is stupid

This thread is still stupid

Vic Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 22:15:56

h4 it wasn't meant with much seriousness, but rather in response to silver's suggestion that RD'ers stay away from the thread.

my hate for PDM is about the same whether i'm tagged LaF or RD :p

Vic Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 22:16:28

and while i do not do FR work for RD, i am still "Vic(aFR)" on laf's site.

regardless, was just poking some fun at an attempted buyout that ended up padding my pockets a bit more :)

Vic Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 22:17:40

Originally posted by NukEvil:
No, RD is LaF's training tag.

True story.

the truth was once the inverse of this :p

BILL_DANGER Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 3:33:53



braden Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 3:40:10

um, bill above used only capital letters. i would like to agree with him, entirely, but with a caveat, an asterisk if you may, and use only lower case letters to represent my opinion.


Osso Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 8:56:09

Originally posted by locket:
I am fairly certain Ossevo has gotten some this set but since I can't confirm that I will make sure to say that I may be wrong there.

Damn locket, is my country really so good that you can't believe I could have achieved it without FA, or is it just that lurking trade pact in my spy op that makes you suspicious? ;)

Anyhow, I keep my status public, so at the end of the set you will be able to see exactly how much FA I have received in my countries market status for the set. None, so far at least... <_< >_>

Evo FA
icq: 635091356
skype: crgilkison

locket Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 9:02:34

Fair enough. I havn't exactly been paying attention to anyones country in particular so it was rather uninformed. I don't overly care if you did get it anyways since the set is a fluffshow obviously anyways for various reasons. Hell you are kind of owed one anyways :P

bertz Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 9:46:31

Can I FA you some boobies Osso?

Osso Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 9:57:06

Now that's the kind of FA I can approve of!
Evo FA
icq: 635091356
skype: crgilkison

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2013, 10:16:37

Another three "inactives" dropped

2013-04-03 09:05 412 Virulent Executioner (#138) 20,447 9,043,782 F Alive [ResDogs] =>
2013-04-03 07:25 384 Sir Undertaker (#437) 18,785 12,343,870 C Alive [ResDogs] =>
2013-04-03 07:20 451 Deadly (#737) 16,782 6,207,416 T Alive [ResDogs] =>

First guy participated in a kill run 1 week ago
Second guy played 3 days ago
Third guy last played 10 days ago
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2013, 10:17:19

Current total: 11/50 members dropped, still just about tied with LaF for average net

Come on Silver, you can do it! If you can't outnet LaF, you can outdrop them!
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Chump Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 10:44:15

[quote poster=Pontius Pirate; 23847; 442249]Another three "inactives" dropped

2013-04-03 09:05 412 Virulent Executioner (#138) 20,447 9,043,782 F Alive [ResDogs] =>
2013-04-03 07:25 384 Sir Undertaker (#437) 18,785 12,343,870 C Alive [ResDogs] =>
2013-04-03 07:20 451 Deadly (#737) 16,782 6,207,416 T Alive [ResDogs] =>

First guy participated in a kill run 1 week ago
Second guy played 3 days ago
Third guy last played 10 days ago

you proved my point, thanks :)

3rd guy hasn't played in 10 days.
Other 7 days
final one 3 days ago and stopped playing :P

6mil networth means they aren't playing. I know you might not really know what you're doing in this game but I'm pretty sure even you can pass 6mil networth after 2 weeks let alone 2 months.

I'm quite confident in our "average member" being pretty equal to an "average LaF member" I wish we had more activity though, that's one thing they destroy us at.

Their "semi active player" is DD. he's going to pull between 15-20mil networth.
if you view that as the benchmark for "semi active players" then we have in our tag still a number who aren't even "semi active"

If I started dropping 30mil net+ players that would be us trying to jump ahead of laf. then there might be some laf complaints... but we're not ;) so instead just you complaining

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2013, 11:00:45

are 323 hits on kill targets a sign of a player who is not playing as well? (#737) that guy sure did suck and was an inactive piece of crap, only 323 kill target hits? glad you got rid of him.

437 also has 60 kill target hits and looked to be playing the whole reset until he conveniently quit just a few days ago. And without dumping his stockpile! I'm sure it didn't get FAed away or anything like that. Almost the same story for #138

Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

braden Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 11:02:48

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by locket:
PP I have spoken to you elsewhere in the past in friendly terms and such but I can assure you most had not been active at all and the rest didnt want to finish a set. Don't ask me why because I dont get it. Never saw it elsewhere. A large group of people who like to war perhaps.
Well upon further looking at the RD countries, Silver is correct in that most of them stopped playing halfway through the set so in that sense it's not as bad as it initially looked. Though I still disagree with detagging (and then farming) that many members that late in the reset, it's more understandable now that the guy who played yesterday tagged back into RD.

i believe you mean "sorry"?



Apr 3rd 2013, 11:33:04

I never said "not playing well" but I am saying semi active.

one even has 2 bil cash onhand ;) go grab it if you feel so inclined.

others are on vacation

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2013, 11:41:27

your first batch of detags, I can clearly see why they might actually have been inactive members

these guys on the other hand were active until very recently, probably stockpiled (but for some mysterious reason didn't jump :O) and participated in kill runs
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

locket Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 18:52:27

They didnt stockpile ;) And despite people trying to get them to stock/destock they didnt

Scorba Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 3:11:37

One of those detagged had 1.9bil + 250mil food on it and wasn't farmed by RD instantly. So thanks for the food RD.

Mr Azure


Apr 4th 2013, 3:18:03

we aim to please. :P

braden Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 4:08:00

azure is always a let down, never pleases.



Apr 4th 2013, 4:55:46

Originally posted by Scorba:
One of those detagged had 1.9bil + 250mil food on it and wasn't farmed by RD instantly. So thanks for the food RD.

I'm sure pp will explain to us how that was a secret rd plot to benefit ourselves lol

highrock Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 5:09:57

as somebody who hasn't played for real in a while but can go toe to toe with any top Laf netter, i'll say that if Laf now landtrades, this game is over and netting is pointless.

and PDM has some good netters, but i don't know if they're in the same tier as the top Laf ones.

back to retirement now.
formerly Viola MD

locket Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 5:38:18

Highrock go toe to toe with Xin? Doubt it.

Vic Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 5:38:58

in all honesty and i don't want to start any sort of drama here, but to be truthful - pdm's top netters might be on the same tier as the middle tier at laf. which is an amazing group, don't get me wrong.

but i mean when you talk about the top top tier at laf we are talking about the best of the best of the best EVER.

hao2 (oldman)
h2o (has earned his spot here)
h4 (don't know the last time he really tried)

and there are others too with multiple t10s not even named above. a lot of those guys have multiple WINS.
tough to fit into that crew.

i'm back of the pack in laf

Vic Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 5:39:23

LMAO i knew i forgot someone. and uh ya, xin.
such an l33t group it isn't even funny.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Apr 4th 2013, 8:35:47

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
Originally posted by Scorba:
One of those detagged had 1.9bil + 250mil food on it and wasn't farmed by RD instantly. So thanks for the food RD.

I'm sure pp will explain to us how that was a secret rd plot to benefit ourselves lol

ok two ways we can go with this
1) he had stockpile and could have jumped, therefore you detagged an active country that was around the 30m networth barrier that you consider so sacred
2) (which has now been shown to be wrong by Dragon) he didn't have stockpile because he'd been FAing other RD countries all set

;) I can always spin things against RD
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

locket Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 9:55:47

I got a better one. He has orders to suicide Laf and Evo with that stockpile and is making missiles as we speak!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 4th 2013, 21:00:26

PP, why don't you let me know which country is your's in PDM? I can really use the land, I'm so starved for it. Your alliance mates will retal for you, so no worries about warring. :)

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Scorba Game profile


Apr 5th 2013, 1:35:16

Of course if RD is going to detag active members then they really need to just sit there and be hit, not to hit back at things besides RD that hit them.

SolidSnake Game profile


Apr 5th 2013, 2:19:19

Originally posted by highrock:
as somebody who hasn't played for real in a while but can go toe to toe with any top Laf netter, i'll say that if Laf now landtrades, this game is over and netting is pointless.

and PDM has some good netters, but i don't know if they're in the same tier as the top Laf ones.

back to retirement now.

Sorry but I couldn't stop laughing after the first sentence, I just stopped reading.