
locket Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:13:54

If so then congrats to Ershow.



Oct 6th 2013, 0:16:59

Actually without aid coming into it wouldn't it be Candy ???

(Btw I have no idea if Vic got any aid, I have not been following)

Kalick Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:18:21

Congrats ChiRod!

Loc Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:19:27

Can we undo damages due to suiciders then as well? I mean if we are embarking on this legit win crap anyway.

smlandau84 Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:21:07

Oh, if that's the case then I win easy

locket Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:21:51

We had one who got suicided too :P Im ignoring his country for this... and there he is ^ :P

ChiRod Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:26:06

#11 rules!

was hoping for back to back #10s though =(

locket Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:27:58

You were the guy right behind me? I thought the set ended 2 days from now for some reason so I lost a bit of nw and cut it closer than it shoulda been :P



Oct 6th 2013, 0:29:37

10th is tough to get.. I'd venture to say it's the hardest rank heh..

I tried for it a bunch when I wanted my set. Usually it would get me 9th or 11th with last minute moves

ChiRod Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:32:50

were you yoshi?

yeah i was #368 and the #10 MDer from the set before this past one

locket Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:37:40

Yah that was me :P I shoulda finished around 6th I think though if I knew how to read my numbers

Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:41:05

yeah.. I was the winner too!
Do as I say, not as I do.

Pain Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 1:09:03

Originally posted by En4cer85:
Actually without aid coming into it wouldn't it be Candy ???

(Btw I have no idea if Vic got any aid, I have not been following)

why would it be candy without aid? lol he got plenty. ershow had the highest non FA country.
Your mother is a nice woman

SakitSaPuwit Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 1:29:59

Ya'all play this game wierd.
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

Ershow Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 1:31:16

Let the conjecture begin! Thanks Locket, I appreciate the appreciation.

Unfortunately we'll never know what the outcome would have been without the aid, over retalling, internal farming (stock and land) and suiciders. Frustrating really, but nothing new.

Loc, your country was looking pretty sweet. You probably would have been up there too. Kudos to you for the way you handled yourself in a fluff situation. I doubt I would have been able to restrain myself from going bat fluff crazy.

Edited By: Ershow on Oct 6th 2013, 1:36:12
See Original Post

Tingly Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 1:36:56

Hi Ersh

Ershow Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 1:48:30

Hi Tingly....I have no idea who you are though. ;)



Oct 6th 2013, 2:43:14

Candy without the last minute aid was finishing just over 250m i believe....

Ershow which one was you ???

Like i said i didn't watch very closely this set.

And decent work from you too this set Locket ;)

and which one was Silver :P

Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 3:03:19

ershow was in second place
Do as I say, not as I do.

locket Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 5:00:41

En4cer I'd count farming stock off someone who drops defense as a form of aid too.

Also thanks but it was kind of a fluff set. I sucked in the beginning, did good in the middle and sucked again at the end :P Hope your set went well :D

Also on a matter of principal... how much does 1st place need to be FAd before people will realize how stupid it is and stop doing it? People make jokes about NA and Sky doing FA chains but no one is any different now.



Oct 6th 2013, 5:03:11

My set was kinda sucky :P If i could have found a few trade partners later on I would have been in the t10 myself but (u guys knew that so wouldn't trade with me :P)

I was all set for a set long war so didn't realise till it was too late that i could actually have a good crack at netting :P

Yeah i count that as aid too mate... Still Candy was headed for 250 without it.

locket Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 5:14:01

I wouldnt trade with you only because Laf is trying to stop people from trading.. and also when you formally asked us I had actually just switched Govs I think :P



Oct 6th 2013, 5:22:08

I would have still made it work for u :P

I might have to invest more time into the game again so i know whats going on behind the scenes more in future :P

CandyMan Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 5:41:41

With respect to the detagged farming, I want to specifically clear something up. So the events occurred as follows:

1. inactive country is detagged not by me and is broadcasted out to laf members that he is untagged.
2. I find out about a half hour later that he is untagged as I had just woken up and did not know it happened. 30 min by any means is plenty of time for others to act on the detagger, laf or not. If detaggers were intentionally detagged for farming, they wouldve been immediately farmed. In addition, at the time, i was on hour 24 of my 40 hr logout. After doing the calculations, I opted to hit the country, giving up my 16 hr worth of additional stocking turns.

If you look at my country news you'll see that it checks out. So from my perspective, I made an ingame decision based on something out of my control. the said detagger could've been from any alliance and I would've made the same move. For sure, had the detagger been intended for me only, I would definitely have waited for my 40 hr and then detagged him myself to maximize stocking turns and maximize land instead of making this suboptimal move.

removing the eos FA and removing the detagger farming, I calculated myself to finish 230-240m nw by my math. Probably closer to 230 given that I had eaten a nuke. regardless, even after eating the nuke, my finish wouldn't have been altered by that much. You would have to subtract the pm regen from that farming but also would have to add back 16 hr worth of stocking turns to get my pure clean finish.

Clean adjusted I would have beaten ershow by 10-20m. Vic's second place finish would also need to be adjusted. He would've legitly finished probably somewhere in 5-10 rank, somewhere close to Herbs's country.

Edited By: CandyMan on Oct 6th 2013, 6:29:47
See Original Post

Ershow Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 6:09:57

Would you still have farmed him if he didn't sell off his defensive units a few seconds before you hit? 1 jet PS's on a country holding stock and cash ftw.

The excessive retalling of that DK country was a nice push for you to. Who handled the FA for that case. LOL.

That being said, we'll never know if you were capable of winning on your own or not. But a win is a win, and this is an alliance server.

Edited By: Ershow on Oct 6th 2013, 6:18:17
See Original Post

CandyMan Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 6:44:13

first, i had no idea when he detagged nor when he dropped d. i wouldve probably waited for my full 40 hr before hitting him but yes i would still have farmed him later on had he not dropped d. keep in mind i sacrificed 16 hr worth of stocking turns to grab him. at my production, that was 48 turns x 1m bushels a turn = 48m bushels of stock which is worth over a billion dollars. From the hitting i gained pm regen at the expense of additional stocking turns so the final nw gain isnt as much as you estimate.

regarding the topfeed, it's not my problem if someone chooses to topfeed and pumps d to try to outrun retals. if you were me, what would you do? let him off with land:land given how costly it would've been to retal? you'd be getting as much as you can, especially given that youre going for the win which is what i did.

ershow, if i had it my way we'd all be playing solo. i still think i wouldve edged you out though so i dont feel too bad about accepting aid to get the win. the rightful finish shoulda be me at 1 with 240m finish and you at 2 at your current 230m finish.

Edited By: CandyMan on Oct 6th 2013, 6:50:07
See Original Post

ITM Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 6:51:45

I don't understand netters. If you want to play solo why don't you play on Primary?

PaleMoon Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 6:54:43

Originally posted by ITM:
I don't understand netters. If you want to play solo why don't you play on Primary?

We do; netting on Alliance server is retarded.
"imo the true issue over there is and always has been palemoon." - Vic (Mr. Clear)

La Famiglia

Ershow Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 7:56:15

Fair points Candy. I certainly don't begrudge you your win given the circumstances, and I don't begrudge the assistance Vic received in his bid to win for LC.

I agree you 'probably' had the edge, but I also think it would have been closer than you make out.

Bring on the new reset! :)