
farmer Game profile


Feb 19th 2014, 2:42:09

have not played express in a long time i will not be playing now either after looking it over these changes suck. always looked forward to playing it only a few days long and was fun to grab and get grabbed and kill someone for no reason. It is a war game treat it as one. changes i would like to see at least 500\500 turns. spy turns based on your size and amount of spies,l wold also like to see spies able to take more and destroy less.. no restrictions on attack type. No gdi in express. have to declare war if country is 3 times your size or 3 times smaller.Bring the fun back!

tellarion Game profile


Feb 24th 2014, 12:19:38

These changes were written 3.5 years ago...

bstrong86 Game profile


May 18th 2014, 21:49:07

Originally posted by farmer:
have not played express in a long time i will not be playing now either after looking it over these changes suck. always looked forward to playing it only a few days long and was fun to grab and get grabbed and kill someone for no reason. It is a war game treat it as one. changes i would like to see at least 500\500 turns. spy turns based on your size and amount of spies,l wold also like to see spies able to take more and destroy less.. no restrictions on attack type. No gdi in express. have to declare war if country is 3 times your size or 3 times smaller.Bring the fun back!

Pssst, stupid...go play tourney then
The Death Knights


Collzaboration Game profile


Jul 2nd 2014, 4:40:44

Others need to know GDI does not help when getting hit. A 5m nw can hit 1m nw.

Campos Game profile


Aug 6th 2014, 19:55:48

Originally posted by dantzig:
-If countries make a SS or PS their DR immediately falls to 0.

The more I think about this, the more I think it could be horribly abused. Two countries could start with zero/little defense and land trade indefinitely. Someone could also have a land farm that they hit multiple times then have the farm do a single attack to reset the DR whenever they want. They could claim the farm with 5+ attacks without resetting DR then reset the DR the next day when they're ready to play turns. If the admins are going to watch for and address that type of abuse, I guess the change is fine but it seems like it would be easier to just reduce the DR period to 4-6 hours.
why is that?

ArsenalMD Game profile


Mar 2nd 2015, 15:44:12


thoma51987 Game profile


Mar 23rd 2015, 6:29:31


thoma51987 Game profile


Mar 30th 2015, 7:04:48
