
yylim80sss Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 14:52:35

Message from Guardiana (#20) sent on Sep 20, 14:44
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So I hit you one time today. You thought it was necessary? Reply

DeleteMessage from Guardiana (#20) sent on Sep 20, 14:50
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Only try to farm those I don't think have the stopping power to hit back. It's express, one hit a day doesn't apply IMHO. I hit you two days ago. No worries, play the game as you see fit.

Could be a veteran player returning back to the game....has a good build as a tyranny techer.........the way he plays is similar to earth2025 farming method....

Edited By: yylim80sss on Sep 20th 2014, 14:57:10
See Original Post

SkyKing Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 14:55:22

Props wOOt. Haven't played in a decade. I guess the rules of engagement have changed. At least I was partially ready for it.

yylim80sss Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 14:59:39

Good that you know that because u seems to understand the game play.....

1. Join GDI (if you wanna net)
2. Don't double tap (will break the GDI)
3. Enjoy the game


EE Patron

Sep 20th 2014, 15:06:05

You can get away with multitapping here and there, but you'll always get burned if you do it too much.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

SkyKing Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 15:10:00

Well in Earth2025 you never had to join GDI to net if you were ready for it (at least I don't remember ever having to). At least in Primary, I can't remember if old express allowed allies or not. For sure, this is the first dust-up I've had since I was back. I was partially ready and it was a nice cat/mouse trying to block as much of that dmg as I could.

Now here is the key question. Do I have to go at you to neutralize a future threat or has justice been served? In this instance, I find almost no reason to not farm the crap out of you to keep myself from getting gutted as I try to climb; or, I let it slide and figure he's gotten it out of his system which would mean I "might" be left in peace as I continue to push up.

Either way, I came back for fun. Sometimes you have good runs where you don't get nuked down, sometimes you don't. That's part of any wartype game. Good luck to your future countries.

SkyKing Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 15:11:42

Originally posted by blid:
You can get away with multitapping here and there, but you'll always get burned if you do it too much.

I multi-tapped on the 18th when he was much weaker. Single tapped him today. Any etiquette advice is appreciated. I just figured in express that the retal timer has to adjust to the faster pace of action. I totally get retal on retal. Or sending a missle or two back to let the person know hey, cut that fluff out or I'ma nosedive ya.

Frybert Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 15:20:53

Originally posted by SkyKing:
Originally posted by blid:
You can get away with multitapping here and there, but you'll always get burned if you do it too much.

I multi-tapped on the 18th when he was much weaker. Single tapped him today. Any etiquette advice is appreciated. I just figured in express that the retal timer has to adjust to the faster pace of action. I totally get retal on retal. Or sending a missle or two back to let the person know hey, cut that fluff out or I'ma nosedive ya.

1. Join GDI if you want to net.
2. One hit, and one Retal doesn't break GDI.
3. Breaking GDI leaves you open to becoming a parking lot.

SkyKing Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 15:23:33

So the consensus is GDI is a must. Will remember that going forward. Would you take the GDI bonus in express or still pickup turns? (I'm assuming no) I'm a techer since that probably has relevance on the answer.

Edited By: SkyKing on Sep 20th 2014, 15:29:48
See Original Post


EE Patron

Sep 20th 2014, 15:36:52

Id take the free GDI bonus. The cost of all the bonuses is so steep that your choice is pretty meaningless though. You have to join GDI if you don't want some slapfluff to nuke you 50 times or AB you down for absolutely no reason.
Originally posted by SkyKing:
Originally posted by blid:
You can get away with multitapping here and there, but you'll always get burned if you do it too much.

I multi-tapped on the 18th when he was much weaker. Single tapped him today. Any etiquette advice is appreciated. I just figured in express that the retal timer has to adjust to the faster pace of action. I totally get retal on retal. Or sending a missle or two back to let the person know hey, cut that fluff out or I'ma nosedive ya.
Multi-tapping at all is enough reason for many people to try to wreck you. Not all will try to, and some maybe won't be good enough, but generally if you keep doing it you'll sooner or later be toast. If you do multi-tap you have to be judicious about the targets you choose
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

SkyKing Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 15:49:06

Well when considering "multi-tapping" would it be better to spread the hits out a day and that be fine for most people? Or is that still considered a multi-hit? The target pool is a lot more limited than it was back then and as a tyranny we need to take adv of our single turn striking abilities, especially early, if we want a good finish.


EE Patron

Sep 20th 2014, 16:09:44

If you spread them out you can hope some people don't notice or care, but I think most will see it the same as anything else. Some might be even more angry that you "came back for more." I don't know though, because double tapping with a day in between isn't very common.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

SkyKing Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 18:19:20

I decided I let it ride. Won't be coming at ya. Hopefully "prays" that you won't come at me anymore bro.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 19:22:07

Unless I missed it, nobody explained the difference in gdi rules. When you're in gdi, people can't hit you wih missiles, abs, etc unless you hit them more than once. That is "breaking gdi'" and seems to result in war the vast majority of the time, with the guy who got grabbed more than once guaranteed the first strike.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 19:22:49

You probably still have internalized that gdi means you can't hit or get hit 2x or 1/2 net worth right?

SkyKing Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 19:32:52

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
You probably still have internalized that gdi means you can't hit or get hit 2x or 1/2 net worth right?
Yeah that is correct which would make bottom feeding harder if I was in GDI. Have the GDI ranges been adjusted at all?

SkyKing Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 20:01:08

I calculated it up and you were able to inflict about 2.2M worth of networth damage on me in the form of lost turns and resources. OUCHIES.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 20:05:28

Gdi just doesn't work that way at all anymore. Read the gdi rules, all it does is prevent purely destructive attacks/ops unkess a country does two or mor ss/ps on you.

SkyKing Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 20:13:00

Dang, so what your telling me is. I can bottom feed targets lower than 50% of my NW and still be in GDI. Also, this means I can only hit them once in the entire set? Otherwise I risk a major retal?

VicRattlehead Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 20:29:32

Correct. I didn't understand what the fluff people were talking about with this "breaking gdi" hooey at first either. I was merrily grabbing the crap out of everyone and got abd and missiked all to hell.

Is your country name a shining force reference?

Riddler Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 20:30:27

Originally posted by SkyKing:
Dang, so what your telling me is. I can bottom feed targets lower than 50% of my NW and still be in GDI. Also, this means I can only hit them once in the entire set? Otherwise I risk a major retal?

no you risk getting AB'ed into the dirt

SkyKing Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 20:32:23

Originally posted by Riddler:
no you risk getting AB'ed into the dirt
That is clearly good information to know. Not sure if he was planning on hitting me anyways for the double tap on the 18th. He did have a failed spy attempt. Probably should have left well enough alone but I wanted to be sure I got out in front of it just in case. Plus not gonna lie, it was a greedy grab today.
Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Is your country name a shining force reference?
Shining what?

Edited By: SkyKing on Sep 20th 2014, 20:40:53
See Original Post

Netsquash Game profile


Sep 21st 2014, 2:01:02

The best players only multi tap players they KNOW will not be able to retal in any form.

I've seen some top 10 that 1 tap 95% of targets and multi grab 2 countries and have no issues... granted they have to load up on tanks and troops and defunk missles to protect from nasty hits. Or if a player has given up on the set and is inactive... then that works too

Long term its just pointless... stick to 1 hits and accept the retals you take.. otherwise you will get parking lotted

yylim80sss Game profile


Sep 21st 2014, 2:19:00 sounded so like Celphi......


Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2014, 2:33:57

I can assure you, he is NOT.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Frybert Game profile


Sep 21st 2014, 3:01:09

Hmm, seems like once a set, Celphi has to deny being someone.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Sep 21st 2014, 3:16:33

Next set we will switch it up, and I will deny being Celphi.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2014, 3:34:06

Originally posted by Frybert:
Hmm, seems like once a set, Celphi has to deny being someone.

It's only been twice.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Frybert Game profile


Sep 21st 2014, 3:42:29

Originally posted by Celphi:
Originally posted by Frybert:
Hmm, seems like once a set, Celphi has to deny being someone.

It's only been twice.

You've only been 'gone' 2 rounds.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Sep 21st 2014, 3:45:28

And there were two "seven of nines" the last time he was "here."

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2014, 4:35:32

So why say "once a set", when it has only happened twice?

That would be like me saying "Hmm, seems like once a set Frybert has to inform everyone of Celphi denying to be someone."
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2014, 4:36:28

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
And there were two "seven of nines" the last time he was "here."

Those are my fans...
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Frybert Game profile


Sep 21st 2014, 5:36:49

Originally posted by Celphi:
So why say "once a set", when it has only happened twice?

That would be like me saying "Hmm, seems like once a set Frybert has to inform everyone of Celphi denying to be someone."

Because perhaps some of us want to engage our fellow earthicans.

flgatorboy89 Game profile


Sep 21st 2014, 5:53:33

Hahaha. ....Sorry, but i was one of the two sevenofnines that set .... check my profile. ..

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

yylim80sss Game profile


Sep 21st 2014, 9:39:15

Originally posted by Celphi:
I can assure you, he is NOT.

OK mate

Fatty Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 0:12:42

It's refreshing to see another double tapper.

There's hope!



Farming alliances since 2002.