
braden Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 12:14:55

i am so very pleased that you realize there is the difference, iccyh. very few people seem to.

alin, i'm guessing the post was deleted because i can't find it and i have no recollection of it. it likely did involve romani and deplorable culture, though, so fair point.

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 12:19:09

Originally posted by braden:
i am so very pleased that you realize there is the difference, iccyh. very few people seem to.

alin, i'm guessing the post was deleted because i can't find it and i have no recollection of it. it likely did involve romani and deplorable culture, though, so fair point.

But Alin making illiterate post now and then doesn't help change your mind either does it?

archaic Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 12:37:05

Originally posted by Alin:

8.PDM pacting (TAN)
Run!!! Is a trap. PDM will pact you than you get FSed with ABs.
chances are if you open that thread to find naked men pictures.

fluff, he's on to us. Whats plan B???

(I found this thread to be faintly amusing with hints of wittyness and clover. It had a slightly stale aftertaste with a cat-porn meme finish. 83/100)
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

archaic Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 12:39:29

Originally posted by Zorp:
Unfortunately I have to agree. The mods have been deleting posts for niggling reasons lately.

and this,
the new mods have been rather heavy handed, its not as if they are new to the community
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 12:40:48

@ Souly

1. you could have started you fluff with the above post, but you didn't. Your first comments don`t look like a joke. I am able to detect a joke even if it`s made in a disturbing offensive manner. Your initial comments were not.

2. I care less about my spelling. I am not going to put more work, into a forum, just to satisfy a person like yourself.

3. Ca sa ti-o spun asa mai pe romaneste, ma cac in complexul tau de superioritate si ideea preconceputa: "Alin ma face pe mine sa arat rau, ca roman". Ma dezgusta persoanele asemeni tie care isi privesc semenii cu o superioritate ce-mi aduce aminte de arieni. Ma judeci dupa cum scriu? Am dreptul sa scriu cum vreau. Nu ma intereseaza conceptul de "diplomatie" in acest joc invechit si de aceea voi spune ceea ce gandesc, pe moment, fara menajamente. Hai sictir!!!

braden Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 12:43:25

Originally posted by Souly:
Originally posted by braden:
i am so very pleased that you realize there is the difference, iccyh. very few people seem to.

alin, i'm guessing the post was deleted because i can't find it and i have no recollection of it. it likely did involve romani and deplorable culture, though, so fair point.

But Alin making illiterate post now and then doesn't help change your mind either does it?

now and then? i think you mean new and than ? i live in toronto, i spend enough of my life considering what i think people mean to say and what they actually say.. english has articles for a reason.. for the reason, i mean.. heh

acceptable english doesn't mean it isn't jibberish, i am proof of this ;p

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 12:48:47

1 it was ment as a sarcasti joke.

2 Ca sa ti-o spun eu mai pe romaneste nu e vorba de-un complex de superioritate sau idei preconcepute e vorba ca tu ca om nu poti sa ceri celorlalti sa nu ma faca remarci rasiste care pe tine te deranjeaza atat timp cat tu scrii ca un analfabet, indiferent in ce limba scrii, si le dai dreptate, vrei sa nu se mai intample asta invata sa scrii si sa vorbesti corect indiferent unde si in ce limba scrii, schimbarea trebuie sa vina de la noi nu de la ei daca o vrem. Vezi tu asta e problema cu romanii ca intotdeauna avem argumente contradictorii si spunem ce avem in cap dar daca o facem o facem in modul gresit si analfabet si nu ne pasa de ce cred ceilalti, vrei sa schimbi o idee preconceputa incepe prin a te schimba pe tine in primul rand si prin a nu da ocazii sa le adeveresti parerea ca mudl asta de a gandi al tau n-o sa ne duca nicaieri.

P.S: iarsi argumentele tale sunt depreciative si au o mare tenta de agresivitate in ele doar pentru ca nu pot fi civilizate si aduse corect.

Sorry about the Romanian everyone but i'm trying to explain to him where change should start and what is wrong with his way of thinking.

Edited By: Souly on Dec 15th 2014, 12:51:52
See Original Post

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 12:55:03

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by Souly:
Originally posted by braden:
i am so very pleased that you realize there is the difference, iccyh. very few people seem to.

alin, i'm guessing the post was deleted because i can't find it and i have no recollection of it. it likely did involve romani and deplorable culture, though, so fair point.

But Alin making illiterate post now and then doesn't help change your mind either does it?

now and then? i think you mean new and than ? i live in toronto, i spend enough of my life considering what i think people mean to say and what they actually say.. english has articles for a reason.. for the reason, i mean.. heh

acceptable english doesn't mean it isn't jibberish, i am proof of this ;p

no Braden i mean now and then as in Alind doesn't always make illiterate post he just makes them randomly, especially when he gets an aggresive attitude about someone or something

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 12:56:27

Originally posted by braden:
i am so very pleased that you realize there is the difference, iccyh. very few people seem to.

alin, i'm guessing the post was deleted because i can't find it and i have no recollection of it. it likely did involve romani and deplorable culture, though, so fair point.

1.romani - Romani are also known by a variety of other names, in English as Gypsies
2.Romanians - derives from the Latin romanus, meaning "citizen of Rome".

1. comes from Asia
2. comes after a mixture of roman citizens with local inhabitants (Dacians)

2 different and distinct nations. When you call me "gipsy" or "thief" you make reference to 1.
I am 2.

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 13:09:40

Originally posted by Souly:
1 it was ment as a sarcasti joke.

2 Ca sa ti-o spun eu mai pe romaneste nu e vorba de-un complex de superioritate sau idei preconcepute e vorba ca tu ca om nu poti sa ceri celorlalti sa nu ma faca remarci rasiste care pe tine te deranjeaza atat timp cat tu scrii ca un analfabet, indiferent in ce limba scrii, si le dai dreptate, vrei sa nu se mai intample asta invata sa scrii si sa vorbesti corect indiferent unde si in ce limba scrii, schimbarea trebuie sa vina de la noi nu de la ei daca o vrem. Vezi tu asta e problema cu romanii ca intotdeauna avem argumente contradictorii si spunem ce avem in cap dar daca o facem o facem in modul gresit si analfabet si nu ne pasa de ce cred ceilalti, vrei sa schimbi o idee preconceputa incepe prin a te schimba pe tine in primul rand si prin a nu da ocazii sa le adeveresti parerea ca mudl asta de a gandi al tau n-o sa ne duca nicaieri.

P.S: iarsi argumentele tale sunt depreciative si au o mare tenta de agresivitate in ele doar pentru ca nu pot fi civilizate si aduse corect.

Sorry about the Romanian everyone but i'm trying to explain to him where change should start and what is wrong with his way of thinking.

Prietene hai sa-ti spun ceva. Macar eu sunt analfabet in engleza. Tu este unul in propria-i limba. Habar n-ai sa pui o virgula sau un semn de punctuatie, pentru a da o coerenta si o logica unei fraze.

Hai sa-ti mai spun ceva. Eu am invatat engleza aici, in acest joc. Nu accept sa vina un terchea-berchea sa-mi dea mie lectii de conduita. Si unde? Pe forumul AT, unde se aduna toti frustratii din aceasta comunitate ca sa-si dea cu parerea.

In alta ordine de idei; nu va schimba nimeni ideea preconceputa, "esti roman, esti rau". Aceasta nu se datoreaza postarilor mele, de pe un forum anonim, dintr-un joc din negura timpului.

Imaginea noastra este creata de cei ca tine. Da!!! - de cei care pleaca in strainatate, se "civilizeaza" si dupa aceea improasca cu noroi in stanga si-n dreapta. De tiganii care au speriat Europa, pe care eu nu-i consider asemeni mie. De leprele ordinare care fura, mint, viloeaza, fac trafic de prostituate s.a.m.d, pe mapamond.

Schimbati-va voi, cei 3.000.000 care nu sunteti in Romania si ne reprezentati in exterior

Hai sictir, again.

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 13:13:08

On the above i was just explaining to Souly that, while i am bad at wording and spelling in english he is actually worse in his native ( his spelling and wording sucks in his native - respectively romanian).

+ a couple of extra stuff. Which is not suggestive for our discussion.

archaic Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 13:40:25

Did you know that using babelfish to pretend to be literate in another language on a game forum is actually a capital offense in many countries?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 13:42:50

Sincer eu unul nu vad unde am gresit cu semnele de punctuatie prietene.

De asemenea uite cum si tu generalizezi, de unde stii tu ca eu sunt plecat sau ca am ideea preconceputa ca "esti roman, esti rau" sau ca te reprezint pe tine din exterior. Stai linistit si eu traiesc in Romania doar ca m-am saturat sa ma confrumt zilnic cu oamnei pe care nu-i intereseaza sa se schimbe ca sa schimbe cum suntem vazuti, in tara sau inafara tarii.

De altfel, poate nu stiai:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by braden:
i am so very pleased that you realize there is the difference, iccyh. very few people seem to.

alin, i'm guessing the post was deleted because i can't find it and i have no recollection of it. it likely did involve romani and deplorable culture, though, so fair point.

1.romani - Romani are also known by a variety of other names, in English as Gypsies
2.Romanians - derives from the Latin romanus, meaning "citizen of Rome".

1. comes from Asia
2. comes after a mixture of roman citizens with local inhabitants (Dacians)

2 different and distinct nations. When you call me "gipsy" or "thief" you make reference to 1.
I am 2.

rommani porneste tot de la noi, mai exact Petre Roman a fost cel care lea schimbat denumirea din tigani, asta sunt si asa se numesc ei intre ei, in romi iar ei au adoptat denumirea pe plan international creeandu-se confuzia. Deci tot de la noi au pornit lucrurile.

Dar tu aflate in treaba si mai incearca sa-mi aduci mie argumente despre cum ai tu dreptate si esti nedreptati de oamenii care te judeca :) (zambet ironic)

TeckMing Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 13:44:36


mrford Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 13:59:47

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Did I mention fair? I said it was stupid to use 'lrn2spell' as a catchall argument when you don't like someone's points. Nothing about fair in that statement.

didnt pick you to resort to semantics but then again im not surprised. carry on. you are proving my misunderstanding point and we both are english first posters.

you 2 have english as primary and are still arguing. I am no english teacher but i can bet a huge amount that 90% of this forum posts contain spelling or wording mistakes. Because that`s what happens on internet.

Judging me based on spelling and wording is something people resort when they run out of valid arguments with me.
In all the fights we had ( as example ) i am sure i made a cristal clear point to you.
The fact that you try to throw (my opinion about "things") into a delusional he can not understand me very well, he has a language barier is not working here, nor is valid.

I understand you very well and in some discussion i could say "way,way,way" more about anything. I don`t do it, because i find it useless, to spend maybe 10-20 minutes of my life to translate a lot of ideas from a language to another ( and type it here ).

I have the ability to understand very well the system where you live in. That`s why you see me going into threads that are about Murica. I have real life friends that live in Murica, at a point i even had a job offer from Murica. I know a lot about it, about how people perceive the laws, the system and everything else. Throwing me under the "he`s primitive he does not understand our freedom" bus, is something lame to do, also ...

one day i hope you have mastered english enough to understand how hard that hurts my eyes to read

spelling and grammar arnt the point that is being raised here, by me atleast. i never proof my posts, people generally understand me just fine. there are simply things you misunderstand constantly about the english language. it is a hindrance to your ability to effectively and intelligently debate something. then you claim others are stupid for not understanding you or critiquing the fluidity of your posts.

not to mention you generally are one of the first to resort to personal attacks. usually stemming from one of these misunderstandings.

it is a valid point being made. but you are dismissing it because you speak 3 languages and understand america because you have friends that live here? come on dude.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 15th 2014, 14:04:41
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

braden Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 14:06:33

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by braden:
i am so very pleased that you realize there is the difference, iccyh. very few people seem to.

alin, i'm guessing the post was deleted because i can't find it and i have no recollection of it. it likely did involve romani and deplorable culture, though, so fair point.

1.romani - Romani are also known by a variety of other names, in English as Gypsies
2.Romanians - derives from the Latin romanus, meaning "citizen of Rome".

1. comes from Asia
2. comes after a mixture of roman citizens with local inhabitants (Dacians)

2 different and distinct nations. When you call me "gipsy" or "thief" you make reference to 1.
I am 2.

and therein lies the joke, alin. whether you find it funny or not is a different conversation entirely. it isnt meant with hatred. maybe a little disrespect to third world countries, but what can i say? my family was smart enough to leave bulgaria for a first world albeit socialist fluffhole country.

the problem with canada is all those fluffing canadians.

mrford Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 14:08:46

Originally posted by Alin:
On the above i was just explaining to Souly that, while i am bad at wording and spelling in english he is actually worse in his native ( his spelling and wording sucks in his native - respectively romanian).

+ a couple of extra stuff. Which is not suggestive for our discussion.

the difference here is he doesnt engage in debates constantly on these forums with that bad wording and spelling. it is commendable to speak 3 languages. it is not to try to display intelligence and look down on those who dont agree when you talk down on someone with broken languages.

i could be the smartest dude on the planet, but if i got into a political debate with someone in spanish, im going to look like a 4th grader. that is what people are saying in a nutshell imo. it is a valid point. stop discounting it because you dont like it. make some changes or acept that the ridicule will continue and ignore it.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 14:09:26

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by braden:
i am so very pleased that you realize there is the difference, iccyh. very few people seem to.

alin, i'm guessing the post was deleted because i can't find it and i have no recollection of it. it likely did involve romani and deplorable culture, though, so fair point.

1.romani - Romani are also known by a variety of other names, in English as Gypsies
2.Romanians - derives from the Latin romanus, meaning "citizen of Rome".

1. comes from Asia
2. comes after a mixture of roman citizens with local inhabitants (Dacians)

2 different and distinct nations. When you call me "gipsy" or "thief" you make reference to 1.
I am 2.

and therein lies the joke, alin. whether you find it funny or not is a different conversation entirely. it isnt meant with hatred. maybe a little disrespect to third world countries, but what can i say? my family was smart enough to leave bulgaria for a first world albeit socialist fluffhole country.

the problem with canada is all those fluffing canadians.

fluff please. you are canadian as fluff
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

braden Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 14:17:04

fluff is fine, but slow down with that canadian fluff. lets keep it civil, now

mrford Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 14:19:00

ill bet you are even french canadian!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

braden Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 14:46:35

i dont even step foot on french canadian soil.

although full honesty? my great grandfather was a colonel during the second world war at a training base or barracks or something in montreal and my grandmother went to mcgill (wherr she met and dated william shatner) and spoke nearly perfect french.

when i learned of this i lost much respect for myself :(

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 14:59:14

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:
On the above i was just explaining to Souly that, while i am bad at wording and spelling in english he is actually worse in his native ( his spelling and wording sucks in his native - respectively romanian).

+ a couple of extra stuff. Which is not suggestive for our discussion.

the difference here is he doesnt engage in debates constantly on these forums with that bad wording and spelling. it is commendable to speak 3 languages. it is not to try to display intelligence and look down on those who dont agree when you talk down on someone with broken languages.

i could be the smartest dude on the planet, but if i got into a political debate with someone in spanish, im going to look like a 4th grader. that is what people are saying in a nutshell imo. it is a valid point. stop discounting it because you dont like it. make some changes or acept that the ridicule will continue and ignore it.

Thank you very much. I will embrance my statusque, accept the ridicule and continue posting.
I improved my english in this game ( if i would have done what you suggested - and not be interactive, my english would have been worse)

Anyway - i think a certain person would need a philosopher, an exper lawyer + someone who studied logic to subdue you when arguing. | - * |

mrford Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:28:36

Once again, where did I tell you to stop interacting with the community? I told you to stop complaining about people holding your English against you. They are not the same thing, in any language.

You constantly prove my point here.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:33:13

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by braden:
i am so very pleased that you realize there is the difference, iccyh. very few people seem to.

alin, i'm guessing the post was deleted because i can't find it and i have no recollection of it. it likely did involve romani and deplorable culture, though, so fair point.

1.romani - Romani are also known by a variety of other names, in English as Gypsies
2.Romanians - derives from the Latin romanus, meaning "citizen of Rome".

1. comes from Asia
2. comes after a mixture of roman citizens with local inhabitants (Dacians)

2 different and distinct nations. When you call me "gipsy" or "thief" you make reference to 1.
I am 2.

and therein lies the joke, alin. whether you find it funny or not is a different conversation entirely. it isnt meant with hatred. maybe a little disrespect to third world countries, but what can i say? my family was smart enough to leave bulgaria for a first world albeit socialist fluffhole country.

the problem with canada is all those fluffing canadians.

also Braden and here is the irony which the dumb ass that got upset didn't know until i enlightened him the name that the gipsy's now have (romani) was given to them by an elected member of the Romanian state, Petre Roman is his name, right after the revolution in 89 untill them the were called Tzigani in Romania which is what they still call themselves in private :) but call us rasist if we call them that, the name of romani or rom was then quickly used by gipsy's worldwide hence the confusion

Also i now know that Alin argues just for winning an argument not necessarily because he's right so there is no point in trying to beat stupid! :)))

Also mrford is quite right about what he's saying about you Alin! :D

Edited By: Souly on Dec 15th 2014, 18:39:28
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:39:52

welcome to the AT forum. Being a retard won`t help you.

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:56:20

Originally posted by Alin:
welcome to the AT forum. Being a retard won`t help you.

Cos' we all know it sure as hell won't help you Alin! :))

See i can smack talk you all day and you still can't make a viable argument against anything i say :) (this was not a joke, the sentence above was, just so you do get it this time)

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 19:03:07

Originally posted by mrford:
Once again, where did I tell you to stop interacting with the community? I told you to stop complaining about people holding your English against you. They are not the same thing, in any language.

You constantly prove my point here.

I don`t complain i am being combative with the weapons i have. Tellarion complains about that, not me...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 16th 2014, 0:50:24

Originally posted by Alin:
welcome to the AT forum. Being a retard won`t help you.

I beg to differ, you can create some serious entertainment 😁
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Souly Game profile


Dec 16th 2014, 1:03:05

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Alin:
welcome to the AT forum. Being a retard won`t help you.

I beg to differ, you can create some serious entertainment 😁

this just made my night :))))))))