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Well there are several versions of the bible:
King james, new international version, new revised standard version. Catholics have an extra six chapters. Mormons have the bible, book of mormon, doctorine and covenants, and the pearl of great price. Some believe jesus to be god himself, some the son of god. They all believe different fluff.
I mentioned Mormon in my response to you already. As for the others, those are really quite minor in terms of variations. Not what I would call "different scriptures". The tenets are not that different.
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It is also proven that muslims in the usa give shelter and support to terrorists. In their mosques and with their money. If they know it or not. Most send their cash to the head of their family. That head takes care of the family and makes all the decisions. Most of the time that money is going overseas to a hostile country to people that hate the usa. If you actually knew any arabs around 9-11 they were all fluffing about not being able to send money back home when bush made that illegal. Claiming that was interferes with their religious rights.
Look up "Venn Diagram" and it might explain a lot of the world to you. It also explains what people mean when they say something is "too broad" or "overreaching" or has "unintended consequences". I especially love your use of "if they know it or not". That's hilarious. You could say that anyone putting their spare room on AirBNB is sheltering terrorists under that definition. Your repeated uses of the word "most" also appears to be loaded with prejudice and unsubstantiated. Whether or not "Most Iranians" "hate the USA" is actually not well understood at all, for example. There certainly isn't any definitive research or stats that I have ever seen on it.
Mostly what I have seen is that individuals like the USA as a country/culture but dislike some specific actions of our government. That doesn't translate to "hate" or wanting to destroy the USA.
Back to that Venn Diagram thing, in case you are still confused. Just because you see lots of USA-hate or even terrorists coming from majority-muslim countries doesn't mean that they majority of muslims hate the USA.