
Xintros Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 23:02:21

I think your video was done very well, especially as a first time vid. Although too logical and statistical people will zone out and tune out IMHO. I liked it (*thumbs up on YouTube) and will share on twitter and other places I think I can. I cannot and refuse to post any political, religious opinions or memes of any kind on Facebook. People just go stupid.

Upon the attack on 9/11, I wrote my opinion on the subject in my alliance forum. (forget what alliance, right before making EEVIL in 1A I think?). In a nutshell I wrote that a sleeping lion had been awoken, free rein had been given to the United States and that we WOULD require revenge by attacking a country or contries (had no idea whom but it would be in the Middle East) and have no qualms bombing the fluff out of anyone and the mindset of the US that we would blow up the world if need be.
I did not foresee the loss of liberties and privacy that our government is taking away from us in the name of fighting terrorism. It's such a sham and scam, I do not understand how people don't see through it. War is the way the united states sustains itself. We love war. War makes rich people richer. We are a war driven economy. If we are not fighting in wars, we are starting or pushing other countries into war so we can sell them weapons. We are brainwashed to fear anything with an "ism" in it. No more Communism, so terrorism takes its place. Although I think the government is realizing terrorism is getting old and trying to make us fear Russia again.
Its so simple to see, but most people in the United States have a roof, food and luxuries, they are willing to give up their freedoms, liberty and privacy.

Again, good job, but people get emotional about this subject. The government and media attempt to cause as much fear as possible in hopes that you will believe they will coddle you with protection, when in fact they are not obligated in any form or fashion to do so.
I think Obama has started dozens of speeches with "As President of the United States, my number one duty is to protect the citizens of this country from terrorists". When in fact it is, "..... will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." he signs the NDAA on New Years Eve night in 2011.

Edited By: Xintros on Sep 5th 2016, 23:04:42
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"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros