
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 16:22:01

We have heard that many of you just want to net. We support this but it will not happen if you are in a clan that is caught cheating and purples. It will not happen with demands of 200%.

Your leadership has put you in this position. Monsters have coexisted with us. RAGE has coexisted with us. Omega has coexisted with us. Rag has coexisted with us. Evo has coexisted with us.

There are plenty of safe havens for netters that we respect and do good business with. In talking to many of LaF's members I find they want the exact opposite of their leadership. LaF leadership has said repeatedly that they will push us around and kill us. They said this war was on. They brought 200% to us. And now, you are playing with deplorable people that cheat.

Take a look around you. LaF hasn't netted in a year. They've FS'd us. They've made unrealistic demands. And now you are dying again for their actions. When will you tell them enough is enough and you just want to net.

The time has come for you to join tags that will do good business with us, as relaxlah knows from his retals, that we are capable of.

Tell your leaders enough is enough or join a tag that isn't pushing us into wars we dont want with you.

Suicidal Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 16:32:51

I LG's Evo once

ingle Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 16:47:30

You have too much time on your hands if you need 5 different posts directed to or about LaF.

Last I checked, it was Elders who harbored suiciders and had ex-members join a farce RD tag to suicide on LaF. Then it was Elders who claimed zero tag responsibility for their ex-members...yet at the same time still sent aid to the suiciders in RD.

And then it was ALSO Elders who declared war and FS'd LaF despite the "Wont First Strike pact" aka "WFS pact". Vic/Tob saying LaF is going to war is one thing, breaking the pact is another.

And then to no surprise, we see all the "RD suiciers" re-tag to Elders.

If anything is to be learned, I'd say Elders pacts can't be trusted and they can't control their own members actions leading to zero tag responsibility.

AtomicHellFire Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 16:57:47

RED are recruiting now that we've kicked out those naughty Tanzanian migrants ;)

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:06:15

If LaF wasn't here, Elders would be FSing small netting tags like Evo, Monsters or Omega just like they always do.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Dissident Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 17:21:51

"Always" do?
Naw. Weve fought stones a lot. We even had a war against sof and a war against sol. We fought oma a couple times too. Early in elders history we fought rival/rage also... i think thats it for the clans we have fought with. Oh and laf a few times.

Feel free to make assertions about elders IF you can back it up with evidence, otherwise i ignore you.

Suicidal Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 17:21:52

Originally posted by ingle:
You have too much time on your hands if you need 5 different posts directed to or about LaF.

Last I checked, it was Elders who harbored suiciders and had ex-members join a farce RD tag to suicide on LaF. Then it was Elders who claimed zero tag responsibility for their ex-members...yet at the same time still sent aid to the suiciders in RD.

And then it was ALSO Elders who declared war and FS'd LaF despite the "Wont First Strike pact" aka "WFS pact". Vic/Tob saying LaF is going to war is one thing, breaking the pact is another.

And then to no surprise, we see all the "RD suiciers" re-tag to Elders

If anything is to be learned, I'd say Elders pacts can't be trusted and they can't control their own members actions leading to zero tag responsibility.

True, totally out of control

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:23:40

Hahaha. Nice AHF. Good luck to you. I have respect for your tag. Hope all goes well.

Ingle heyyyyy. Its one of the guys in LaF I dont like. Finally pried one free. Lol

Elders did harbor suicider. As in one. We had one member detag and suicide you. He's former MD, as were the suiciders from SOL, Omega and so on that you had against you. It's a pity that our guy didn't give 72 hours. To that I'll agree with you. But demanding $280b in reps was never going to happen. That would take the whole clan faing you daily for sets. Its an unrealistic total. Your unwillingness to budge on that got you nothing. I do claim responsibility for stuff like that and had you been realistic with your approach, agreements could have been reached. Its as simple as that. This isn't the only situation elders has encountered this set. Ask relaxlah, ask omega, ask Rag. Its as simple as coming to an agreement we can all live with.

And we do FA our friends in outside tags. We've even had FA exchanges with laf in the last 4 sets ironically. Lots of friends in this game. And we did FA our suicider due to a breakdown in communication with you all.

And again, I can't help that people don't like you and choose to join our cause. As I've said before, perhaps try being nicer, being clean and being respectful. You'll get nothing but the same in return. We can all understand each other.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:25:30

Originally posted by Dissident:
"Always" do?
Naw. Weve fought stones a lot. We even had a war against sof and a war against sol. We fought oma a couple times too. Early in elders history we fought rival/rage also... i think thats it for the clans we have fought with. Oh and laf a few times.

Feel free to make assertions about elders IF you can back it up with evidence, otherwise i ignore you.
great, you just listed half the tags on the server on your list where you omitted some tags.

So Elders has only fought over half of the small netting tags on this server for no reason. So I guess Monsters is completely safe then.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:30:32

The above post by ingle only furthers the point of why LaF's peaceful netters should join a peaceful tag. It illustrates the lack of respect not only for other tags and the greed of LaF, but it also shows a complete lack of respect for the words of Vic and Tob, leaders of said clan.

Don't associate with the cheaters. Don't associate with the leader's decisions. Peace is waiting for you in peaceful tags.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:37:10

PP, you lack any understanding of whats going on. If you want to PM me I would be happy to give some truth to your diatribe.

Current small (less than say 20 members) tags over 4 members:

Omega, evo, rag, imag, rage and LCN.

We've never warred any of them and don't want to. We even have auto renew pacts with 2 or 3 of them. No desire to beat up small netting tags. Though I would happily kill LUST cheaters if they hadn't been purpled

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:39:50

Looking at us like we should be responsible for the actions of our members while taking zero responsibility for the actions of your leaders is laughable.

Hell its even Lafable. Truth is, history repeats itself.

zygotic Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 17:43:15

You hit RED last reset for no reason or had you forgotten?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:44:15

^thats a fact. We did think you were the old spam tag. You all fought well and gained a lot of respect that set. Thats about the only one I can think of though. For what its worth, I hope LaF taught you some tricks and you all benefited from the experience.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 15th 2017, 17:47:35
See Original Post

AtomicHellFire Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 17:51:38

Yeah, it's all a bit of fun in the end

ingle Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 18:02:59

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Ingle heyyyyy. Its one of the guys in LaF I dont like. Finally pried one free. Lol

I don't even know who you are DerrickICN so the fact that I'm one of the guys you don't like is actually quite hiliarious - especially since we don't ever talk and I'm not in leadership. The only person I know that really hates me is Vamps (and probably slandering me everywhere still) but thats because he is emo and has a hate grudge against me from over 2 years ago.

And it's also incredibly ironic you even bring up relaxlah as an example of negotiating FA.

Let's see now...Relax is in LaF and yes, you negotiated retals with him...and then your suicider friends killed his country. Great business. *slow clap*

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 18:22:23

You just dont remember me cuz. Think harder. I took some years off.

Again, I am not responsible for the actions of fmr MD members and would have been open to reasonable negotiations.

Rasp Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 19:36:29

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
If LaF wasn't here, Elders would be FSing small netting tags like Evo, Monsters or Omega just like they always do.

lol elders fsing evo.

That's funny. You know Elders contains Evo's wolf pack?
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

Suicidal Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 19:50:42

FYI, DerrickICN is no longer in Elders nor was he ever a leader in Elders. He went rogue, started a war just to ruin my netting set.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 19:53:55

Flake news

Dissident Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 20:30:17

See... Elders isnt a bunch of new players who came out of a vacuum. Were almost all vets. We have players from a wide variety of clans so attacking the clans they came from would be a good way for elders to alienate its members... not smart.

Hell, we will even pact stones next set.

archaic Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 20:59:25


Edited By: archaic on Sep 16th 2017, 21:57:26
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Dissident Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 21:01:25

Lol archaic is funny... with a name like archaic you should definitely be in Elders

Dissident Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 21:11:33

Lafs war der on elders. Legit

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 21:27:47

Lol. I was largely responsible for ICN's demise? Didnt realize it was so important to them for me to play earth. I didnt play the last 5 or 6 years of their existence. Maybe you right archaic. They just needed me lol.



Sep 15th 2017, 21:30:37

Originally posted by Dissident:

Lafs war der on elders. Legit

Photo shopped we would never claim to be the biggest or best.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 22:12:47

Hahaha. Vic also said we and md were respectable clans this set according to gains. He hasn't a clue.

If ingle actually needs a refresher. Let's just say I was in BSS and after I was told by ingle that he would find me and kill me wherever I played, I joined rage. But thats old history. Just remember the douche and remember I dont like him.

Also, I play earth 100% on mobile. I dont have access to photoshop. Scribbled those markings on the left with photo editor but yeah. I couldnt fake that if I tried.

Laf declared war on us and broke pact. We just happened to hit first. What constitutes a broken pact? An announcement of it being voided or the actual hits. Chicken and egg type discussion. IMO laf broke our pact by their president openly declaring war on us. Can't help that we can kill on a moments notice and laf members didnt even hear their president declared war on us before we hit.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 15th 2017, 22:16:53
See Original Post

Buch Game profile


Sep 15th 2017, 23:01:12

Are you guys sick?..... Your alliance list is awfully colorful these days.

ingle Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 0:01:23

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

If ingle actually needs a refresher. Let's just say I was in BSS and after I was told by ingle that he would find me and kill me wherever I played, I joined rage. But thats old history. Just remember the douche and remember I dont like him.

Laf declared war on us and broke pact. We just happened to hit first. What constitutes a broken pact? An announcement of it being voided or the actual hits. Chicken and egg type discussion. IMO laf broke our pact by their president openly declaring war on us. Can't help that we can kill on a moments notice and laf members didnt even hear their president declared war on us before we hit.

I think you've got the wrong guy. lol. I don't even know who or what BSS is. 5-6 years ago I JUST starting playing Alliance again after a long hiatus. And I have only ever taken 2 sets in "leadership" as Don and that was when Vamps left 2.5 years ago.

Last I checked, a declaration of war usually involves some sort of hits and not a screenshot of "war". And most of the time, hits come first and then a war dec on AT otherwise it's just fluff. I'm still not quite sure how LaF broke a pact by NOT doing a FS.

Vic Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 0:01:32

So much drama from an alliance that didn't exist in earth 2025 lol

iScode Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 0:06:10

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Tell your leaders enough is enough or join a tag that isn't pushing us into wars we dont want with you.

If you dont want the wars, why all the topfeeds? That was the only reason I topfeed when in imag, to start wars. You sir are a liar...
God of War


WArriOR Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 0:32:13

Originally posted by Vic:
So much drama from an alliance that didn't exist in earth 2025 lol

Ninja Kicked the Dam Rabbit

Dissident Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 4:04:20

fun... innit?

we're having fun at least. =)

Link Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 5:08:35

I used to like archaic... I have absolutely no idea why LOL

I Am a meat popsicle.


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 16th 2017, 5:11:38

Scode. Did you miss the post where sui said I can't control him. Well. I can't control him. Thats just true. He may have been trying to goat you into war. He and buch and others. However they're uncontrollable members that do not represent the opinion of leadership. But I love those dudes. And this is very fun.

Ingle I dont have the wrong guy. You and I took a hiatus at the same time bro. You were just a member. I remember it distinctly.

Link Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 5:35:49

I always encourage their shenanigans to keep things interesting. We want to fight.. All roads lead to war.. Some wars are more appealing than others. Ya know... fluff happens 🤣🤣

I Am a meat popsicle.


Link Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 5:36:19

Also.. Derricks memory is like a god damn computer LOL

I Am a meat popsicle.


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 16th 2017, 6:10:26

Haha. I might have already left BSS tag and been an "untagged suicider" at the point I talked to him. I remember stuff because I write it down. Always have lol. Funny how that works. But yeah. Sometimes you have one conversation with someone and realize its probably in your best interest not to have others so you don't slam your head into a wall. Lol

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Sep 16th 2017, 9:30:18

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
PP, you lack any understanding of whats going on. If you want to PM me I would be happy to give some truth to your diatribe.

Current small (less than say 20 members) tags over 4 members:

Omega, evo, rag, imag, rage and LCN.

We've never warred any of them and don't want to. We even have auto renew pacts with 2 or 3 of them. No desire to beat up small netting tags. Though I would happily kill LUST cheaters if they hadn't been purpled

Rag is new, RAGE you've warred, iMag too I think, and then there are OMA, RED and Stones who you warred, meaning that you've warred half the small clans on the server (OMA and RED both went to LaF for protection) while never having a reason to do it.

If anything, small clans should join up with LaF and get rid of Elders because Elders will never be happy fighting fair wars*, so the small clans are up next after LaF/SOL.

* even the FS on LaF seems to have been an excuse for when Elders loses to SOL
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Suicidal Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 10:38:14

You FaGxGerd's think the only land grabs allowed are those taken on bots. We should have the bots removed. Learn to build a defense when building your countries. If you get LG'd, take your hit:hit retal.
If someone top feeds you, in my opinion, it's because you do not have proper defense. That is a risk taken as part of the game. Even if you are top fed, take your hit:hit retal, learn from it, and move on.

Sure, every clan develops their own retal policy and that leads to dictating what other clans do.
If every clan agreed to hit:hit retal policy, that would lead to a level playing field.

If any clan dictates that a 200% land retal policy will scare off attackers, well, there are some clans that will prove that they cannot scare easily.

Elders was really looking forward to a fun war with SOL and I was looking forward to netting, fishing, and hugging it out with my BFF WeeZy and buch, but I will be damned if I will let folks like Vic dictate threats and let him think he can dictate to all clans in 1A.

If one of our members gets kicked and goes rogue, it will be our job to pay reps and kill the dude/dudette. But, we are not slave owners and thus if a member leaves in good standing and goes rogue, well we wish them luck.
Vic's post, dictating a 200% land retal policy, was the straw that broke the camels back. Nothing else!!

As our ex-member Derrick stated, if there are LaFers that wish to net in peace, Monsters, Omega, and my friends in Rage would be more than happy to take you in.

If any single clan attempts to dictate to the entire server, then I assure you, you will have no peace!

Now, let me get back to netting and enjoy the rest of the set.



Sep 16th 2017, 12:49:57

Originally posted by Vic:
So much drama from an alliance that didn't exist in earth 2025 lol

What has that got to do with anything?

Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady

BladeEWG Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 14:41:25

Oh quit the whiny posts already
Directing to LAF members ,as I am now also,is beneath even you
Quit the yammerin and let's start hammering!

Pretty much euxed you killed me while I was at the hospital
BUT !!
I have my first grand daughter now
That's a trade I don't mind
P@ss on ya Elders well cept for my buds there ;)



Sep 16th 2017, 14:54:57

Congrats Blade. You definitely won with that trade :)
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Link Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 15:16:02

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Oh quit the whiny posts already
Directing to LAF members ,as I am now also,is beneath even you
Quit the yammerin and let's start hammering!

Pretty much euxed you killed me while I was at the hospital
BUT !!
I have my first grand daughter now
That's a trade I don't mind
P@ss on ya Elders well cept for my buds there ;)

Awesome blade! Congrats on the new family member. Miss ya man.

I Am a meat popsicle.


Suicidal Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 16:30:43

Blade, congrats!!! Please tell me the baby does not look like me! I have been on the move over the past year. You know me, sooo many women sooo little time ~WOOF~

archaic Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 17:26:11


Edited By: archaic on Sep 16th 2017, 19:23:01. Reason: Oops, typo
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Suicidal Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 17:35:40

Originally posted by archaic:
You know, my feelings about Laf are pretty well documented. H4xor had UCN botted off of the server and then Eug and co ran PDM off of the server, with a long list of other casualties in between. Laf's answer to any sort of non-sycophant competitor has always been all out hate filled rage war from the inside and out. They were infested with cheats and spies and really never considered any limit to be too far when it came to an all out desire to eliminate competition.

They were even proud of their ability to farm small tags out of existence in order to maintain their vision of netting purity on the server. Most of the absolutely worst offenders who have ever played and destroyed this game were acting on Laf's behalf whether they knew it or not.

So its with this background of hating Laf for almost 20 years that I speak: Elders is 100% pure cancer. Literally a bunch of suiciding griefing children that only know how to break the things that others build. They are backstabbing bullies with no impulse control who are led by incompetent clowns. Their members have a well documented history of bullying netters into unwanted wars because nobody in Elders could have ever won a war against a real war tag back when it counted. They are just vultures who are picking the last shreds of dried flesh from this game and crowing about the bounty of their feast.

Next set, when Laf is stomping you pact breaking fluffters in the dirt, I'm going to be forced to cheer for them. Thanks assholes.

Elders takes great pride in the fact that you would dedicate so much to an issue that is none of your bees wax.



Sep 16th 2017, 18:25:43

How someone can not like Ingle is beyond me.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 16th 2017, 21:24:57

I guess the thing that struck me as funny was that stones was said to be a small tag. If they are a small tag then so is elders, sol and for that matter, laf. They truly arent even small... Like at all.

Imag is our friends. Galleri is in elderswar as we speak. Shes been there since I've been there.

Oma did not go to laf for protection at all. They went there because of inactive leadership.

Red went there to learn the game.

We have no intention of losing to sol.

Why I even respond to people talking out their ass is beyond me. *gives up*

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 16th 2017, 21:31:05

Seriously would be offended as oma. They did a damn fine job protecting themselves.