
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 26th 2018, 13:00:08

This is the end of this game, 191 hours between log ins now. Too long, see ya round folks. I will stop by here from time to time to say hi, but the game is dead for me now.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Marshal Game profile


Jun 26th 2018, 13:51:42

you'll be back
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Ratski Game profile


Jun 27th 2018, 17:55:14

Good whats your # ? I need more land

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 29th 2018, 16:02:17

You don't need more land now, you need to learn to specialize and to stock and destock. Even if you get the land record you would not be able to get top 10 in game A.